Urban Eerie Adventure/C14 Beauty
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C14 Beauty
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C14 Beauty

This was Wu Zhongyuan's first time going to the provincial capital, and it was also his first time taking a train.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't excited. After all, once he got into a university, he would have to go to a bigger city. It would be a lie to say that he was excited. If he did not have family to share, it would be meaningless no matter how great his achievements were.

At this time, many of the young people who took the train to the provincial capital were going to university. Most of the senior students were in groups of two or three, and the freshmen had their parents to accompany them. There were very few people like him who went on the road alone, even if they went to the province to work. Most of them also had a companion.

No one talked to him, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to others either. Along the way, he had been listening to other people talk, and those who went to work were talking about what they were going to do in the provincial capital. How much money could they make in a month? The ones who went to school were talking about what school they were going to enroll in. Which school would be easier to find a job after they graduated?

After a night of banging, they arrived in the provincial capital. They were worried that they would be killed, so they did not dare to eat at the train station, nor did they dare to take taxis. They were hungry, so they took the bus and followed the map to find a school.

At nine o'clock in the morning, they found the school's entrance. The school's east and west main road was filled with all kinds of cars. It was very congested. Even the police officers were there. They were commanding the traffic at the scene to maintain order.

The school's entrance was full of people. This was the time when one had a long face. The various departments sent out their most beautiful seniors and the most handsome seniors to welcome the new students. They held up the sign with the name of their department. They shouted loudly, Here, here. Mathematics students, come here. " Literature, literature, come here. Computer, computer!

The huge and solemn academy was like a model show and a market. However, it was quite interesting to look at it carefully. Nine out of ten people who studied computer science were Dai Glasses. Most of the people who studied mathematics were separated. There were many beautiful girls who studied literature. Those who studied dancing were tall, and those who studied history were mostly cultured. Most of the people who studied administration and management talked about archaeology...

Unlike the other faculties who seized the 'advantageous terrain', the archaeologists hid in the east corner. The signboards in their hands were very small, and there were also very few people in charge of receiving them. There were a total of three of them, and they were all men. They were unkempt, and they were frowning.

If they were slovenly, then so be it. If they were even crying, then so be it. Their appearances were not good, and the handsome and beautiful men and women of the other faculties stood ramrod straight. Afraid that they wouldn't show their faces, the three of them squatted in a corner with their arms hanging down. Holding the cigarette, from time to time, they would secretly glance at the handsome and beautiful men and women from other departments with envious and jealous eyes. Those eyes were like three thieves.

"I might have chosen the wrong specialization." This was Wu Zhongyuan's first thought.

"I don't know if I can come in time to change my profession." This was his second thought.

"I don't think I'll be able to make it in time." His third thought.

After dragging the box that he bought with eighty yuan, Wu Zhongyuan walked in front of the three of them and tried his best to force a smile. "Greetings, seniors."

The three of them looked up at the same time. One of the tall and thin men asked, "Archeology?"

"Yes, that's right." Wu Zhongyuan handed over the acceptance letter.

The tall and thin man took the acceptance letter, and the two people on his left and right came over to read it. After reading it, they smiled together.

Seeing the three of them laughing, Wu Zhongyuan also laughed, but after laughing a few times, he realized that something was wrong. The laughter of these three people was filled with schadenfreude and malicious intentions.

"Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?" The tall and thin man laughed crazily.

"Hahahaha, you've read too many tomb robbing novels, right?" The short fatty also laughed.

"Be serious, don't scare your junior." The senior on the left with the cigarette in his mouth criticized the two very seriously, but his seriousness did not persist to the end. In the end, he still laughed, "Haha, congratulations. You're like a carp leaping over the dragon gate."

"Haha, congratulations. This dragon gate of yours has also been crooked." The tall and thin man laughed again.

"Stop messing around, Little Fatty. You stay here and watch." The smoking man looked at the short fatty and said, "The two of us will go and deliver it."

The tall and thin man helped Wu Zhongyuan drag his luggage. He walked to a place with a lot of people and couldn't drag it. He directly carried it and squeezed in. The one with the cigarette in his mouth wore better clothes. It seemed like his family background was pretty good. He walked in front of ___ arrogantly, introducing the school situation as he walked.

This was probably not the first time that this fellow was doing such a business. He introduced the school's situation as if he was very familiar with it. After saying the scene, he began to tell the truth again, "One, the archaeology department can't transfer majors. Don't even think about leaving when you come."

"Second, archaeology isn't tomb raiding. There are very few chances to dig graves after graduation. Even if there are, it is still a resuscitation excavation after being robbed. There is nothing good. Besides, even if there were one or two pieces left, you still couldn't take them. If you take it, you steal it."

"Three, there aren't many girls in the archaeology department. Although the seniors are ugly, they all have boyfriends and will get beaten up"

"No, there are only three of them. You won't be able to remember even if there are more." The smoking man threw the cigarette butt away.

"What's your names, two brothers?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Compared to his senior, this guy seemed to prefer the way he addressed him. He replied with a smile, "My name is Li Jianjun, his name is Zhong Jiang, and the fat guy at the door is called Wang Yingjun."

"Isn't his name Xiao Fei?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"What Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei! Where can he fly with his size? " Li Jianjun smiled.

As they were talking, a few senior students from the outer faculty walked past the three of them. Li Jian Jun and Zhong Jiang stared at them arrogantly.

The two of them looked, and Wu Zhongyuan also looked. There was a huge difference between university and high school. Other things aside, this short skirt was not allowed to be worn in high school.

"What are you looking at?" Li Jian Jun looked at Wu Zhongyuan.

"Look at those senior sisters." Wu Zhongyuan bravely admitted it.

"Senior sisters all have boyfriends. Don't look around, you'll get beaten up." Li Jian Jun casually said, "Besides, these few aren't good either, their skin isn't good."

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head in puzzlement.

"They are indeed new students. They are just a mortal, a piece of earth. ” Li Jianjun had a look of disdain and contempt, "Let me tell you, the most important thing for an archaeologist is to be careful. The previous three were all wearing stockings. Who would wear those with good skin?"

Wu Zhongyuan could not refute Li Jian Jun's words. He could only smile politely.

Their task was to receive them from outside the school gate. The work of sending them to the new students reception office was considered completed. Next was the audit of the new students' qualifications, checking their ID cards, acceptance letters, admission tickets, and files.

After finishing all this, they took the dormitory registration certificate and went to look for the dormitory. They took the key to choose a bed, put down their luggage, and even had to go to the Finance Department to pay the tuition fees. The university tuition was actually not very high. It was only five or six thousand dollars. The main reason why he spent most of his money was because of some expenses other than studying, such as dating.

After paying the school fees, it was not over yet. Moving accounts, insurance, a cartoon, and a letter of introduction were done. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Zhongyuan was starving, but the dining hall was already closed, so he could only go outside to find food to eat.

The university was many times bigger than high school. It took him more than ten minutes to walk out from inside. When he was about to walk to the door, he saw Li Jianjun carrying his luggage on his shoulder. He walked beside a young girl with a fawning look on his face. He called her junior sister in a very friendly manner.

This girl should be around 18 or 19 years old. She had a round face, short hair, and was very beautiful. She was no less than 1.7 meters tall, and she wore a black suit. She was concise, experienced, and had a very good temperament.

"Senior, may I ask where there is a place to eat outside?" Wu Zhongyuan stopped Li Jianjun.

"There's a supermarket in the east. You don't have to run out." Li Jianjun handed a suitcase to Wu Zhongyuan. "Come, help me get one."

Wu Zhongyuan took the suitcase and walked behind Li Jianjun. He asked in a low voice, "She also studied archaeology?"

"Nonsense," Li Jianjun said. After he finished speaking, he tilted his head vigilantly. "What do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

"The second element of archaeology. Don't fight with your seniors over junior sisters. You will get beaten up." Li Jianjun threatened.

Wu Zhongyuan was about to retort when the round-faced girl turned around and looked at him from head to toe. Then, a smile appeared on her face. "You're also a freshman of archeology?"

The girl's voice was very pleasant to the ears, and she had a southern accent.

"Ah." Wu Zhongyuan nodded in surprise.

"What a coincidence. Me too." The girl turned around and walked back. "My name is Zhao Ying. How about you?"

"My name is Wu Zhongyuan." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"How many marks did you get in the college entrance exam?" Zhao Ying's question was something every new student would ask when they met.

Before Wu Zhongyuan could reply, Li Jianjun went to take the suitcase in his hand, "Alright. Alright, give it to me. Go and eat."

At this moment, Zhao Ying spoke, "Senior, thank you. Go ahead and do your work. Let Wu Zhongyuan take me there." After saying that, without waiting for Li Jianjun to react, she took her backpack and walked forward.

Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly carried his suitcase and followed.

It was not until the two of them walked far away that Li Jianjun reacted. "Hey, hey, hey. He just came too. I don't know him."

Although he shouted, he could not chase after them. In the end, he could only sigh and return unhappily.

Whether one person spoke a lot or not depended on who he competed with. Compared to Lin Qingming, Wu Zhongyuan was a man of many words, but compared to others... He did not speak much, and furthermore, the other party was a beautiful woman of the same age. He was more or less a little nervous. He just carried the suitcase and walked beside Zhao Ying. He did not speak to her.

Zhao Ying seemed to be more cheerful. She always took the initiative to talk to Wu Zhongyuan. The so-called topic was nothing more than college entrance examination results. Where did this person come from? Why did he choose archeology?

It was rude to always answer passively, so Wu Zhongyuan would also ask Zhao Ying the same question. Between the questions and answers, he found out that Zhao Ying was from Hunan and was the only daughter of the family. Her father was in the mining business and her mother was at home teaching her son.

Those who reported to the new students would die. Having experienced it twice a day was simply a nightmare.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when he helped Zhao Ying complete the procedures.

"You can rest. I'm leaving." Wu Zhongyuan was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back. He had not eaten on the train yesterday, and he had been hungry for the whole day today.

"The restaurant should not be providing dinner at this time," Zhao Ying invited him warmly. "I have troubled you for the whole afternoon. Shall I treat you to dinner?"

"No need. I will go to the supermarket and buy some myself." Wu Zhongyuan turned around and left.

He did not expect Zhao Ying to follow him. "You are welcome. Anyway, I want to eat too. Let's go together."

Wu Zhongyuan still wanted to refuse, but Zhao Ying had already taken out her phone. As she walked, she called her family to tell them that she was safe. She even said that she had made a new friend and was preparing to go out to eat together.

The phone Zhao Ying used was very expensive. The quality of her voice was very good and the sound transmission was also good. When she walked by the side, she could clearly hear the voice of the woman on the phone. She said that it was her first time leaving home and that she had to take good care of herself, Yunyun.

When Zhao Ying hung up the phone, Wu Zhongyuan wanted to refuse again, but he held back his words when it was about to come out of his mouth. There was a saying that said, it was impolite to decline. Always refusing seemed like looking down on others. Anyway, he still had quite a bit of money left after paying the tuition, so he would eat a good meal. He could pay the bill himself, but he could not let girls spend money.

It was a big deal for new students to register. The school was reasonable and reasonable. Many new students came from other places. Until now, they were still going through the admission procedures. Not far away, Wu Zhongyuan saw Li Jianjun again.

There was another girl next to this guy. She was also 18 or 19 years old. She was also very beautiful and tall. However, this girl had an oval face and long hair. She was wearing jeans and jeans.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan, Li Jianjun seemed to have seen a ghost. He hurriedly tilted his head to the side and did not speak to him.

Seeing him like this, Wu Zhongyuan was very playful. "Senior, do you need help?"

"Get lost." Li Jian Jun angrily glared at him.

"What's wrong?" The girl in jeans looked at Li Jianjun.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's go." Li Jianjun sped up and left quickly.

The girl did not immediately follow Li Jianjun. Instead, she tilted her head and looked at Wu Zhongyuan. She then looked at the round-faced girl beside him. Then, she turned around and followed him.

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