Urban Eerie Adventure/C17 Expose
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C17 Expose
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C17 Expose

"What's wrong?" Wu Zhongyuan turned to look at Zhao Ying, who was still smiling at him.

"Nothing. I just feel that her eyes are different from those female students who went in and out of the school." Lin Qingming waved at Wu Zhongyuan. "Ok, I have to go. You can go back."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded and the car drove away.

Wu Zhongyuan watched Lin Qingming leave and then walked to the school with the pancakes.

Zhao Ying came up to him and said, "Your brother is quite handsome."

"Why didn't you go to eat?" Wu Zhongyuan stared into Zhao Ying's eyes.

"I was waiting for you." Zhao Ying smiled naturally.

"Why are you waiting for me?" Wu Zhongyuan retracted his gaze. From Zhao Ying's eyes, he could see that she liked and was close.

Zhao Ying smiled and pointed at the bag in Wu Zhongyuan's hand. "What is it?"

Wu Zhongyuan opened the bag and showed Zhao Ying, "Pancake, do you want to eat it?"

"No." Zhao Ying looked disgusted.

Wu Zhongyuan was not surprised by Zhao Ying's reaction. Zhao Ying was the daughter of a rich family. Naturally, she would not like this kind of coarse food.

The two of them went to the dining hall together. The university dining hall was different from the high school dining hall. High school had the same standard of food, but not university. There were many dishes to choose from, and the price difference was huge. Those who had money to eat good food, those who had no money to eat cheap food.

Wu Zhongyuan chose stir-fried chili and persimmon soup. He did not want the main dish, because he had pancakes.

At this time, there were already a lot of people sitting in the restaurant. Wu Zhongyuan was holding a plate to find a seat. He glanced and saw that someone was waving at him. He fixed his eyes and saw that it was Wang Xinran.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan look over, Wang Xinran pointed to the empty seat beside her and indicated for him to go and sit.

If Wang Xinran was a man, he would definitely go over. But Wang Xinran was a woman, and she was a very beautiful girl. If he went over and sat down, he was afraid that he would receive even more intense jealousy and ostracization from his classmates and seniors.

But rejecting a girl's invitation didn't seem too good. After all, she had good intentions and directly rejecting it would hurt her self-esteem.

Just as he was hesitating, a senior not far away gave him a fierce look.

This hostile look made Wu Zhongyuan feel extremely disgusted. He was originally hesitating, but now he didn't hesitate anymore and walked towards Wang Xinran with a plate.

"Thank you." Wu Zhongyuan sat down beside Wang Xinran.

"You are welcome." Wang Xinran chewed on the mantou in her hand. "When did you know her?"

Although Wang Xinran did not say her name, Wu Zhongyuan knew that she was talking about Zhao Ying. "When you reported yesterday, what happened?"

Wang Xinran did not answer. She shook her head and continued to eat. The food she made was also cheaper. It was cabbage and tofu.

At this time, Zhao Ying also brought out the food. In the blink of an eye, she could not find Wu Zhongyuan and was looking around.

Wang Xinran had been eating with her head down and did not say anything else.

Very quickly, Zhao Ying found Wu Zhongyuan in the crowd. Seeing him and Wang Xinran sitting together, she hurriedly walked over with a plate.

There was still an empty seat opposite Wu Zhongyuan. After Zhao Ying sat down, she smiled and nodded at Wang Xinran. Then she picked up the chopsticks and sat opposite Wu Zhongyuan to eat.

"Where are you from?" Wang Xinran asked.

Wu Zhongyuan was about to answer when he realized Wang Xinran was looking at Zhao Ying.

"What about you?" Zhao Ying replied.

"Why don't you eat spicy food?" Wang Xinran looked at Zhao Ying's plate. There was chicken, potatoes, and shrimp inside.

"Not everyone likes spicy food." Zhao Ying said.

"Look at the food you ordered. Maybe Western food suits your taste better," ___ said. Wang Xinran put down her chopsticks and stood up. She smiled at Zhao Ying and turned around to leave.

Zhao Ying's expression was a little unnatural. She looked up at Wu Zhongyuan. "What did you say to her?"

"I didn't say anything." Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly shook his head. From the beginning to the end, he did not say anything to Wang Xinran, much less mention about yesterday's western meal.

Zhao Ying did not ask any more questions. She turned her head to look at Wang Xinran who had already walked to the entrance of the restaurant. There was a hidden hostility in her eyes.

"She seems to not like you." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Hehe, I don't like her either." Zhao Ying sneered.

Wu Zhongyuan did not respond.

Zhao Ying retracted her gaze and saw Wu Zhongyuan looking at her in puzzlement. She asked, "Why are you looking at me? Should I like her?"

"No, no." Wu Zhongyuan lowered his head to eat. The reason he kept staring at Zhao Ying earlier was because Zhao Ying's expression when she sneered was too cold. It was so cold that she did not look like a freshman.

Wu Zhongyuan ate very quickly, but Zhao Ying did not seem to have any appetite. She kept using her chopsticks to pull the food on the plate.

"You eat slowly. I will be leaving first." Wu Zhongyuan stood up.

Zhao Ying nodded and did not say anything.

Wu Zhongyuan carried the bag out of the restaurant and on the way outside. He found Wang Xinran sitting on a long chair under a big tree with a cigarette in her mouth. She held the phone in her hand and seemed to be sending a message to someone.

After walking dozens of meters, Wu Zhongyuan wanted to turn to the dormitory. He turned his head and saw Zhao Ying leaving the restaurant and walking towards Wang Xinran.

Seeing this situation, Wu Zhongyuan stopped and walked a few steps to the side of the road. Standing behind a bulletin board, there was a saying that if something unusual happened, there must be a demon. Whether it was Zhao Ying or Wang Xinran, they were both not right. He could not tell exactly what was wrong. He just felt that the two of them were one of a hundred beauties and should not be so close to a very ordinary boy like him.

When they were about ten meters away from the big tree, Wang Xinran noticed Zhao Ying. But she only tilted her head to look at Zhao Ying and did not do anything else.

Zhao Ying also did not sit together with Wang Xinran and stopped about three meters away from the chair. She stood and spoke to Wang Xinran.

At this time, there were a lot of students on the road, chatting and laughing. The noise was very loud and Wu Zhongyuan could not hear the details of the conversation between the two and could only see their expressions and body movements.

At first, Zhao Ying was talking to Wang Xinran with a smile. Wang Xinran fiddled with her phone and replied.

After a while, Zhao Ying crossed her arms and there was no longer a smile on her face. Wang Xinran was still looking at her phone with the same indifferent expression.

After a while, a smile appeared on Zhao Ying's face again but this time it was different from the previous smile. It was a cold smile. Wang Xinran put away her phone and stood up, looking at her with hostility.

In the end, Zhao Ying said something very seriously. Wang Xinran stared at Zhao Ying for a long time and finally nodded.

The conversation between the two did not last more than five minutes. After the conversation ended, Zhao Ying left first. Wang Xinran sat on the chair with a solemn expression and thought about it. After a few dozen seconds, she also stood up and left.

At this time there was still time for afternoon nap. Wu Zhongyuan returned to the dormitory and laid on the bed without any sleepiness. According to what he saw earlier, Wang Xinran and Zhao Ying should not know each other. But there was obviously a strong hostility between the two of them. If one were to say that this hostility originated from jealousy. Beat him to death. He... He didn't believe it, because he knew that he wasn't so handsome that two beautiful women were jealous of him.

According to Zhao Ying and Wang Xinran's final actions, the two seemed to have reached an agreement on something. As for the exact problem, he could not think of it. The only thing he could be sure of was that this problem was related to him. Because the two of them did not know each other before, the only problem that could arise was him.

When he returned to the classroom in the afternoon, Wu Zhongyuan changed his seat. After Zhao Ying came, she took the initiative to sit beside him and warmly greeted him.

Wang Xinran also changed her seat and sat in the last row of the classroom.

In the afternoon, they talked about the general theory of archeology. The so-called archeology was simply based on ancient relics and literature. Studying ancient things. Its meaning was to collect information about the lives of the ancestors, enrich the historical memories of the people, a race without a complete history has no sense of national pride, its continuation and inheritance will also have problems, we were the last of the four ancient civilizations. But after thousands of years, all the other ancient countries have disappeared, and only we have survived until now... The responsibility of archaeologists is to further investigate and develop the history of their race. Only a race with a complete and real history can have a glorious and eternal future.

After the old professor passionately finished his speech, it was time to group up and discuss. This group was not fixed, nor was it hard to divide them.

There were only two people in Wu Zhongyuan's group, him and Zhao Ying.

In fact, when the professor started his lecture, Wu Zhongyuan had already been planning. He said that the plan was a little derogative and should be called a plan. As soon as the discussion started, he immediately put it into practice.

The archaeology department of this university was passed to the high school humanities exam candidates. The humanities exam candidates must take the history exam. He would use this as a pretext to start the discussion. From the stone device to the ancient minorities... From ancient minorities to the official selection system, and then to the change in currency.

Most of the time, it was Wu Zhongyuan himself who was bragging, and Zhao Ying rarely interrupted. But sometimes, it was not that one did not speak without revealing the truth. During this period, Wu Zhongyuan deliberately misspoke about a historical general knowledge. However, Zhao Ying did not correct him. A mistake in common knowledge was not enough to prove anything. Next, Wu Zhongyuan made more than ten mistakes in a row, from the third year to the first year of high school. The more he said, the more obvious the mistakes were, but Zhao Ying did not notice. Not only did she not discover it, she even expressed her approval and approval for his mistake description.

Half an hour later, Wu Zhongyuan stopped the discussion. He had already gotten the answer: Zhao Ying's identity had a problem.

The current college entrance examination was very strict. It was useless to have money. One could only rely on results to speak. Zhao Ying's historical knowledge was so scarce that it was impossible for her to pass the college entrance examination. This person was not a university student.

How could a person who was not a university student pass the school examination and enter the university openly? Why would she choose the unpopular field of archaeology?

At this point, the matter was already very obvious. Zhao Ying had a mysterious backup behind her. This backup was very powerful. It was so powerful that it could allow a person who did not take the college entrance exam to sneak into the university. And the reason why she wanted to enter the university was only one reason. To get close to him.

He was a poor student, what was there for him to mobilize so many people? It could be imagined with one's feet that he was aiming for genes that were different from ordinary people. In other words, his identity had already been exposed.

The thing that scared him the most was a series of events. He broke out in a cold sweat when he connected the dots. No wonder the three little gangsters had called him by his nose when they attacked last night. It turned out that they were trying to break his nose and collect his blood samples.

This was a conspiracy, and it was all planned beforehand. The route, time, and location were all planned in advance. However, the other party did not know that he knew the kung fu, which caused the blood sample collection to fail.

No, the other party did not fail. Although he did not get his blood, he still got his DNA. Last night, Zhao Ying touched his hair. She said that there was a leaf on his head, but in fact, she took the opportunity to pull his hair out.

"Why are you sweating so much again?" Zhao Ying asked.

"Huh?" Wu Zhongyuan came back to his senses and raised his hand to touch his face. His face was full of sweat, but he naturally could not tell Zhao Ying that it was cold sweat from fright.

Zhao Ying took out a tissue and handed it over.

Wu Zhongyuan reached out to take it and forced a smile at Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying only thought that he was shy and did not think too much about it.

While wiping his sweat, Wu Zhongyuan turned his head and looked back. Now that Zhao Ying's identity had been exposed, there was still Wang Xinran behind her. What kind of background did this fellow have?

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