Urban Eerie Adventure/C19 Emotions and Desires
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C19 Emotions and Desires
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C19 Emotions and Desires

It's not unreasonable to say men get married when women get married when they're old enough.

This was a feeling that was difficult to describe. It was a bit like a balloon that had swelled to its limit, eager to release its air pressure and reduce its pressure. It was also a little like a seriously overloaded car that was in a hurry to unload and reduce its load. It was also like a person who was dying of thirst who was in a hurry to drink water to quench his thirst. All in all, it was an uncomfortable feeling.

The most uncomfortable thing was not that they were thirsty, but that they were clearly dying of thirst. The water was right beside them, but they could not drink it.

The reason why he didn't drink it was also very simple. This water was poisonous.

"Don't go back." Zhao Ying whispered.

Wu Zhongyuan had been restraining himself and it was very hard for him to control himself. Zhao Ying murmured and suddenly laughed. To be precise, he suddenly lost control. He laughed loudly and strangely.

Zhao Ying did not understand why Wu Zhongyuan would suddenly do such a thing and asked softly without any doubt, "What is it?"

Wu Zhongyuan did not reply and only smiled. After laughing for a long time, he tilted his head and looked into Zhao Ying's eyes. "Do you really like me?"

Wu Zhongyuan's behavior was very strange. Zhao Ying did not understand and did not reply.

"Are you tired of the past few months?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again. He asked with a smile, not with a mocking smile. It was a sad laugh. How could a young man not fall in love with him? How could there be a young girl who did not love spring? Zhao Ying was very beautiful and also very gentle. She was also very good to him. He really hoped that he would have such a girlfriend. Unfortunately, all of this was fake. It was all an act from Zhao Ying.

"Zhongyuan, what's wrong?" Zhao Ying still did not understand the reason why Wu Zhongyuan's mood changed.

"What should come will come sooner or later." Wu Zhongyuan looked up at the starry sky. "I cannot run away anymore. I have to face it bravely."

"Zhongyuan, what happened to you? Why did you suddenly say something strange?" Zhao Ying asked curiously.

Wu Zhongyuan did not look at her. "These few days, I have been thinking about a question. The reason why I did not expose you was because I was afraid of the powerful force behind you, or because I was unwilling to let you go."

Zhao Ying instantly understood and didn't continue. Wu Zhongyuan had already made it very clear that she had already been exposed to him.

"If all of this is true, how good would it be?" Wu Zhongyuan raised his hand to cover his face.

Zhao Ying did not respond.

Silence. After a long period of silence, Wu Zhongyuan finally broke the deadlock, "What do you want?"

Zhao Ying still did not respond. She just tilted her head and looked at Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan turned his head and looked at Zhao Ying. Zhao Ying had seen him many times before, but only this time was she really looking at him. She used her real eyes to look serious and calm.

"I don't ask who sent you, because it is not important." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. "I also don't ask why you came, because I know."

Zhao Ying finally opened her mouth. "When did you find out?"

"Do you really think I am afraid of those gangsters?" Wu Zhongyuan shook his head with a bitter smile. "If they didn't give me a reason to distance myself from you, they would have pointed at me and scolded me. I would have beaten them until they looked for their teeth all over the floor."

Zhao Ying smiled and also smiled bitterly. What Wu Zhongyuan said happened not long after school started. It had been almost three months since then.

"You pulled out my hair to do a DNA test. What's the result?" Wu Zhongyuan asked calmly.

Zhao Ying was shocked. "You know?"

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

"Your abnormal body is an extremely rare atavism mutation." Zhao Ying said and then asked, "All of these things were discovered by you?"

"Yes," Wu Zhongyuan nodded. He said, "Wang Xinran didn't remind me."

Zhao Ying became more and more shocked. Wu Zhongyuan's words indicated that not only her identity had been seen through, even Wang Xinran had been seen through by Wu Zhongyuan.

Wu Zhongyuan took out his wallet from his pocket and took out the patch from the inside. "My abnormal body is not an atavism mutation, but I do not belong to the modern world. This is a part of my swaddling clothes when I was a child. It was brought about by my era. This is for you. "

"You?!" Zhao Ying was very surprised, "Why did you do that?"

"You've worked hard for three months. I can't let you return empty-handed." Wu Zhongyuan stood up and walked out of the park. "Some things have happened before. Whether it's real or fake, it has happened before."

Zhao Ying was stunned.

It was not until Wu Zhongyuan walked far away that Zhao Ying came back to her senses and stood up. "The extra two colors you have do not belong to humans. One of them is similar to the eighth one of the bears. The other one is similar to the fifth one of the peacocks."

Wu Zhongyuan stopped when he heard this, but he did not turn around.

Zhao Ying continued, "The eighth color of the bear determines the size of their strength after they reach adulthood, and the fifth color of the peacock determines the number of wings they have after they reach adulthood. At present, these two colors are dormant and have yet to be activated."

"Thank you." Wu Zhongyuan took another step forward.

"I'm sorry." Zhao Ying's voice came from behind.

Wu Zhongyuan did not respond. He was feeling very uncomfortable right now. He had reached the age where he had just had his first love affair. Desires and feelings appeared at the same time. These two things could cause one to lose objective and reason. Even if everything was fake, at least the feeling of touching was real.

Wu Zhongyuan walked forward. Zhao Ying stayed where she was and did not follow him.

Before he walked onto the main road, Wu Zhongyuan stopped again. "What's your name?"

His voice was not loud and he did not know if Zhao Ying could hear him. The reason why his voice was not loud was that he did not know if he should ask.

Zhao Ying still heard him and answered, "This is my real Chinese name."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded and walked on the main road.

He did not sleep for the whole night. According to Zhao Ying, it was not hard to find him. The problem was that Dean Wang had sent the blood sample overseas for testing. That blood sample attracted the attention of a powerful force overseas. That was why she had sent Zhao Ying over. The purpose of getting close to him was naturally to transfer him overseas. If he was asked to go overseas directly, he would definitely be suspicious. That was why Zhao Ying went around in a circle, wanting to trick him into leaving first.

Also, although this foreign power knew that his DNA was abnormal, they did not know the real reason. They only thought that he had undergone atavism and that he gave the swaddling swaddling piece to Zhao Ying. Moreover, if he took the initiative to tell her that he did not belong to this era, this action would undoubtedly cause the other party to be even more interested in him. If the beauty trap did not work, they would definitely think of other ways.

As for the reason why he did this, there were two reasons... The first was because of his emotional actions. He did not want Zhao Ying to return empty-handed and be reprimanded or punished. Second, he wanted to make use of the advanced technology overseas to figure out the sequence of events, even if he could not return. At least she had to know how she came back in the past.

The next day, he went to the classroom. Zhao Ying was not there.

Even though he had already expected Zhao Ying to not appear again, Wu Zhongyuan was still very disappointed. Other than disappointment, there might be other emotions, but he could not tell.

In the afternoon, he received news that Zhao Ying had dropped out of school because of her health.

Even though Wu Zhongyuan tried very hard to pretend to be calm, his classmates still saw his depressed mood. He could not avoid gloating and mocking. This was also human nature. It did not matter if he could not get it, as long as others did not get it.

Just as everyone was gloating over her misfortune, Wang Xinran took the initiative to sit beside Wu Zhongyuan. This action almost made a group of students vomit blood. There were only two beauties in total. One had left, and the remaining one was left to Wu Zhongyuan.

This lesson was an ancient history in the world. Wu Zhongyuan did not listen to a single word of what the professor said. The entire class was thinking about a problem. There must be a reason why Wang Xinran took the initiative to sit over. When the group discussion later, Wang Xinran would definitely say something to him and Wang Xinran would say something to him. It was because he was thinking and guessing.

The purpose of the group discussion was to speak freely and expand the content of the professor's speech. However, most people took the opportunity to talk nonsense, and not many were really discussing it.

"Why did she quit school?" This was Wang Xinran's first sentence.

"You know." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"You know too?" Wang Xinran asked.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

"When did you know? "Wang Xinran asked again.

"The day you two talked under the tree." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Hehe." Wang Xinran's smile was a little unnatural. The meaning behind Wu Zhongyuan's words was very obvious. Not only did he discover that Zhao Ying had a problem, he also discovered that there was a problem with her.

"I don't like others to laugh at me. If you don't want to continue, you can leave." Wu Zhongyuan's mood was not good, and his attitude was also not good.

Wang Xinran frowned and looked at Wu Zhongyuan with dissatisfaction.

Wu Zhongyuan tilted his head and looked at her. He turned around and took the textbook and changed seats.

Before class, you could sit anywhere, but after class, you were not allowed to change seats. This was the university's rule. Wu Zhongyuan's actions made all the students turn their heads and look at him.

Wang Xinran followed the students without a care in the world and sat next to Wu Zhongyuan.

"Don't throw a tantrum with me. I'm protecting you." Wang Xinran said.

"I don't need your protection." Wu Zhongyuan was not in a good mood.

Wang Xinran felt very unhappy after being choked repeatedly. She subconsciously took out a cigarette from her pocket.

"That female classmate, please pay attention to the rules of the class." The professor had a dark expression on his face.

Wang Xinran heard the sound and could only put away the cigarette. She took a deep breath to control her emotions, "Okay, okay, okay. It's my fault. Let's talk properly, okay?"

Apologizing required courage. As long as the other party did not commit a heinous crime, even if they did not understand, there was no need to continue being hostile, "Okay."

"When did she leave? "Wang Xinran asked.

"Who are you?" Wu Zhongyuan did not answer.

"Someone who will protect you." Wang Xinran said.

Wu Zhongyuan did not respond, nor did he nod his head.

"Why did she leave? What did you say to her? Tell me what happened." Wang Xinran asked again.

Wu Zhongyuan did not say anything.

Wang Xinran asked again and again but Wu Zhongyuan did not answer. Finally, Wang Xinran realized that Wu Zhongyuan was not satisfied with her previous answer. After hesitating for a while, she raised her hand and pointed.

"Actually, I have already guessed it, but I am not sure." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"How did you guess it?" Wang Xinran was a little curious.

"You withdraw money from the bank opposite the school at the beginning of every month and then buy a bunch of cigarettes. " Wu Zhongyuan said, "This is not the money your family gave you. This is your salary. Other than civil servants, no one else can receive their salary at the beginning of the month."

These words made Wang Xinran very surprised, "You are actually spying on me?"

" Only you can spy on me? " Wu Zhongyuan asked back.

"Tell me the details of her departure." Wang Xinran said.

Wu Zhongyuan said it was very simple and the reason was very simple. He did not want to tolerate it anymore, so he exposed Zhao Ying. As for what exactly he and Zhao Ying said, he would not tell Wang Xinran.

"I thought you would go overseas with her during the winter vacation." Wang Xinran smiled.

Wu Zhongyuan frowned slightly. The reason Wang Xinran chose to sit in the last row was to observe their every move. She had heard part of what they had said before.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan's attitude had always been very bad, Wang Xinran said discontentedly, "Can you not be so hostile towards me? I am here to protect you."

"Are you sure you are protecting and not spying?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Yes." Wang Xinran said.

"I don't need your protection. Besides, you are a woman. How can you protect me?" Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Don't look down on women. I am the champion of the Freelance Combat Group." Wang Xinran said seriously.

Wu Zhongyuan curled his lips in disdain, "Really?"

"You can try." Wang Xinran choked and choked. She really wanted to beat him up.

"If you want to try then try. If you lose, it means that you don't have the ability to protect me. Leave immediately. I don't like being monitored." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Sure," Wang Xinran said with disdain. "When?"

"Now, let's go..."

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