Urban Eerie Adventure/C2 Big Golden Chain
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C2 Big Golden Chain
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C2 Big Golden Chain

There's dew on the grass, so he can't stay here. Wu Zhongyuan could only jump onto the tree and look down from above. He could clearly see the situation at the foot of the mountain.

It was not the season yet, and the apricots had not fully matured yet. However, the taste of the apricot was still very familiar to him. This apricot-tree was planted by his master when he was still alive. This was an old tree that had been there for more than 20 years. When he was young, he would eat this apricot every year.

When he saw this tree, he thought of his master and couldn't help but feel sad. The apricot tree was still there, but the master who planted the apricot tree had already passed away many years ago.

Actually, he didn't believe that after a person died, there would be a soul left behind. Because he had followed his master for more than ten years and had never seen a ghost. His master probably didn't know about what was happening right now. Because his master was already dead. No matter what he did, his master wouldn't be able to see him anymore.

But even if his master couldn't see, he was determined to protect his master's corpse. The only reason he did this was to not let his master down.

Although his master wasn't willing to teach Wu Zhongyuan how to draw talismans and Feng Shui, he had taught Wu Zhongyuan some basic living techniques. Determining time based on the sun and the stars was one of them. The error did not exceed ten minutes.

Around half past six, someone arrived at the foot of the mountain. To be precise, a car had arrived. There were a total of three cars. At the front was a white Toyota jeep. In the north region, this kind of car was the standard of the contractor and the village chief. Behind it were two vans.

After the three vans stopped, a group of people came down. They weren't workers, but bad people. Early in the morning, they were bare-chested. There were many tattoos on their bodies, and they wore large gold chains around their necks.

The excavator driver was in the car. When he got out of the car, he went to start the excavator and drove the excavator up the mountain. Behind the excavator were 20 arrogant men wearing large gold chains.

Seeing such a group of people, Wu Zhongyuan felt a little depressed. This matter of violating the burial regulations should be managed by the town and civil affairs departments. Why would a group of local ruffians and hooligans come?

It was not even 8: 30 yet. The civil servants were not at work at the moment. This group of people was definitely not sent by the government. Besides, the government should have sent people from the law enforcement department. They would not have sent gangster over. This group of people should have been invited by the developers.

This old house was located at a hill, not a mountain peak. The terrain wasn't very high, at most two miles away from the foot of the mountain. The excavator kept moving upwards, and it did not stop even after ten minutes.

Seeing that the excavator was getting closer and closer, Wu Zhongyuan was a little anxious. The quality of the excavator was really good. He put a lot of sand in its oil pipe, but it was not broken yet.

It's finally broken. When it was about thirty meters away from the house, the excavator finally stopped.

The driver came down to check, and soon found that the oil tank lid had been twisted, and the oil meter showed that there was quite a bit of oil. Someone had deliberately destroyed it.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his forties. He wore a flowery shirt and was very fat. Seeing that the excavator could no longer move, he did not curse like those people wearing large gold chains. He took out his phone and slowly made a phone call. He asked someone to send another excavator over.

"Director Qian in the village is our man. With him around, no one in the village would dare to cause trouble." One of the people wearing a large gold chain pointed at the old house in the north. "It must be those two little bastards from this family who did it."

Floral Shirt frowned unhappily when he heard that. He tilted his head and looked at the person who had spoken." I've told you many times. You have to pay attention to your words and actions. Two little bastards? They are orphans adopted by that old man."

After Floral Shirt finished speaking, the man with the big golden chain smiled charmingly and nodded repeatedly. "Yes! Boss Sun, you are right. This must have been done by those two orphans."

Floral Shirt shook his head. "It shouldn't have been them. I asked Director Qian. The older one was called Lin Qingming. The younger one is called Wu Zhongyuan. For the past few years, Lin Qingming had been mining coal in the neighboring county to earn money for Wu Zhongyuan to go to high school. The coal in the neighboring county was more than 200 miles away from here. The county was more than 100 miles away from here. We only dragged the machine here last night. Even if someone reported to them, they wouldn't be able to rush back so quickly."

" Right! Boss Sun, you're really smart."

"Alright, stop talking nonsense." Floral Shirt pointed to the broken house in the north. "This house is already so broken. Even if the excavator is broken, we can still tear it down. You guys go and push the wall first. When the new excavator comes, we'll dig the grave."

After Floral Shirt finished speaking, the man wearing the large golden chain shouted and led the group towards the broken house.

Seeing that the ruffians were going to tear down the house, Wu Zhongyuan could only get down from the tree and run out of the woods. "What are you doing?"

Seeing that someone had appeared to stop them, the group of ruffians all turned around and waited for Floral Shirt's instructions.

Floral Shirt had never seen Wu Zhongyuan before, so he did not know him. Seeing him appear, the flowery shirt was a little surprised, "Who are you?"

"I am Wu Zhongyuan. I am studying in a high school in the county. I heard that some hoodlums are going to dig up my master's grave and tear down my master's house. I came back to see if it's true." Wu Zhongyuan looked at Floral Shirt.

"Who are you scolding?" The man with the big golden chain scolded.

"Are you admitting it yourself?" Floral Shirt slapped the man with the big golden chain on the head and said, "Get lost."

The man with the big golden chain rolled away awkwardly. Floral Shirt took a string of Buddha beads from his wrist and held them in his hand. He stepped forward and asked, "Are you the child of this family?"

"Yes." Wu Zhongyuan nodded. He asked, "Are you gangsters?"

Floral Shirt smiled awkwardly and said, "Of course we are not gangsters."

"Then are you law enforcers sent by the Civil Affairs Bureau and the town?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

Floral Shirt could only continue to smile awkwardly.

"Answer me," Wu Zhongyuan asked. "Since you are not law enforcement officers, you have no right to tear down the house and dig my master's grave."

"An educated child is indeed very good. You speak with reason, "Floral Shirt laughed dryly." But we have nothing to do with the town officials. This is our personal behavior. "

"If no one supports you, how dare you do such a thing?" Wu Zhongyuan asked loudly.

Floral Shirt didn't know how to answer.

"Big brother, stop talking nonsense with him. Let's attack him." Someone beside him urged him.

Floral Shirt didn't respond immediately. Instead, he looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, he raised his hand and said, "Drag him away and tear down the house."

This group of people might do similar things often. Once Floral Shirt spoke, the group of ruffians immediately split up. A few of them rushed towards Wu Zhongyuan, while the rest ran towards the house.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't think that these ruffians would really dare to mess around. Seeing that someone was rushing towards him, he hurriedly ran and dodged. At the same time, he shouted loudly, "You guys are breaking the law. You have no right to tear down my house."

"Don't worry. We will compensate you after we demolish your house" Floral Shirt smiled contemptuously.

Wu Zhongyuan was a child and had never experienced such a thing. Seeing Floral Shirt being so shameless, he couldn't think of a way to deal with him. He could only continue to dodge and not let those ruffians catch him.

At this time, the remaining ruffians had already rushed to the front of the house and started to smash the door and window.

Seeing that the ruffians could not catch Wu Zhongyuan, Floral Shirt was furious. "You guys, go and help them catch him."

Floral Shirt calmly commanded them, "Skinny, send a few people to watch the crowd. Don't let others record our actions."

"Are you crazy? I asked you to catch him, not to beat him. If you hurt him, we'll be in big trouble. "

" Stop him! This kid is very cunning. Don't follow him! Block him at both ends of the alley."

" Work harder! Hurry up."

The number of people surrounding Wu Zhongyuan increased from three to six. His master had warned him not to reveal his martial arts in places with more people. This was the main reason why Wu Zhongyuan did not fight with these ruffians. Moreover, what he cared about was not these old houses, but his master's grave. As long as these people didn't dig his master's grave, he wouldn't risk his life against them. Moreover, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Wu Zhongyuan couldn't use the Qing Kung, so he was quickly cornered by the crowd. Helpless, he could only climb up a big tree to the east of the house.

"Alright. It seemed like he didn't have a phone. You guys don't have to chase him anymore. Let him stay in the tree." Floral Shirt shouted.

Two people wearing big golden chains looked at Wu Zhongyuan under the tree. The rest of them went over to help tear down the house.

This was a house built by the previous generation. Although it was very tattered, it was very sturdy. The stones used to build these houses were very large. After these ruffians smashed the windows and windows on the roof, they no longer had the strength to tear down the houses. Although this group of people were very fat, they actually didn't have much strength.

When Wu Zhongyuan was trapped in the tree, he had been thinking about how to protect his master's corpse. He suddenly thought of an idea. "Can we discuss it?"

"What's wrong?" Floral Shirt tilted his head and looked at him.

"I can agree for you to demolish the house, but can you not dig that grave?" Wu Zhongyuan said.

"It's too late. If you had just signed and accepted the money, we wouldn't have done this. Now that the higher-ups know about this matter, it's impossible to resolve it so easily. " Floral Shirt said.

"Then tell them that my master only has bones left. There's no need to burn his corpse." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"That's not called burning corpses. That's called cremation, "Floral Shirt said with a smile." Besides, we're just following the leader's orders. We need the leader to appraise whether his corpse needs to be burned. "

Wu Zhongyuan was very anxious when he heard that. "You guys better not do things so excessively."

Floral Shirt did not respond to him. He tilted his head and looked at the ruins of the house. He continued to instruct the people to demolish the house.

"If you dare to touch my master's corpse, I will let you die here," Wu Zhongyuan shouted angrily. "I am only seventeen years old."

"Alright, stop bragging. If you really had the ability, you wouldn't have stayed in the tree." Floral Shirt revealed a look of disdain.

Seeing that the progress of the project was slow, the excavator driver who had not put in much effort controlled a large hammer. This hammer was originally used to hammer the tracks. It was very heavy. With the hammer, a group of ruffians quickly smashed open the corner of the room. They pushed the wall down.

After this group of ruffians finished their job, they didn't leave. They ran to the back of the house to pick apricots to eat. Seeing that the branches had been broken, Wu Zhongyuan's heart ached greatly. While he was cursing, he kept looking to the east. If Huang Ping had contacted her senior brother last night, his senior brother should have arrived by now.

After half an hour, another excavator was driven up the mountain.

"Why aren't you coming down yet? If the tree falls and you fall to your death later, it's none of our business." Floral Shirt raised his head and looked at Wu Zhongyuan who was standing on the tree.

Wu Zhongyuan frowned when he heard this. Hearing Floral Shirt's words, he wanted to dig under the tree where Wu Zhongyuan was. But this was not the place where his master's grave was. His master was buried under the tree in the north.

The reason Floral Shirt was mistaken was because his master's grave did not have a tombstone. Perhaps the person who provided them the clues did not explain it clearly to them.

His senior brother was still on the way back, so Wu Zhongyuan planned to buy some time.

After making up his mind, he said loudly, "Don't act recklessly, or else I will really fight you to the death."

What he said was from the bottom of his heart, and also a warning to Floral Shirt. Unfortunately, Floral Shirt ignored his warning and snorted. He waved at the excavator driver and said, "Dig."

The excavator drove over and Wu Zhongyuan jumped down.

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