Urban Eerie Adventure/C3 Brother
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C3 Brother
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C3 Brother

Before Wu Zhongyuan jumped down, he had already made up his mind. After landing on the ground, he immediately rushed towards Floral Shirt, who was standing not far away from him.

Seeing this situation, the gangsters all thought that he was going to fight Floral Shirt to the death, so they went forward to stop him.

This time, Wu Zhongyuan used the Qing Kung. The Qing Kung could not only make him jump easily, it could also make him move quickly on the ground. He dodged a few people and caught a glimpse of a short neck gangster with a knife in its waist. He immediately rushed to the side of the gangster and took advantage of the moment when he was not paying attention. He waved his fist and charged at Floral Shirt.

These hooligans often scared people, but in reality, they didn't have much courage. When Floral Shirt saw Wu Zhongyuan rushing over, he was frightened. So he turned around and ran. In his nervousness, he threw away the giant Buddha bead that he was holding in his hand. He only cared about running for his life.

Floral Shirt was running in front while Wu Zhongyuan was chasing after him. Wu Zhongyuan was chasing after him while scolding him. He looked very aggressive.

Hearing Wu Zhongyuan's shout, Floral Shirt was so scared that he ran down the mountain.

In fact, Wu Zhongyuan did not want to chase him. His real purpose was to lure Floral Shirt and the others away and then go back to stop the excavator.

Wu Zhongyuan ran dozens of meters and suddenly stopped. He turned around and started to run back.

Floral Shirt panicked. He did not know that Wu Zhongyuan was not chasing him anymore. He was still running forward with all his might. When the group of gangsters saw Floral Shirt run away, they could only follow him.

When Wu Zhongyuan returned to the tree, the excavator had already started digging. The driver might have encountered such a scene of fighting often, so he did not stop working.

The door of the excavator was usually open. Wu Zhongyuan jumped up and looked at the control panel to find the start key.

The driver saw Wu Zhongyuan jump into the car, so he used his shoulder to hit him. He wanted to push him down.

While they were pushing and shoving, Wu Zhongyuan still found the position of the car key. He reached out to pull out the car key, but he did not know how to use machinery. He directly twisted the key, but the engine did not turn off.

The driver came to push him again. Wu Zhongyuan was anxious. Without thinking, he threw a backhanded punch.

Wu Zhongyuan's punch hit the driver's left eye. The driver raised his hand to cover his eyes.

The driver's action reminded Wu Zhongyuan. He threw another left punch. This time, it was the driver's right eye.

"If you dare to drive this car again, I will kill you with one punch." Wu Zhongyuan threatened the driver.

"I dare not." The driver shook his head in fear and jumped out of the car.

After Wu Zhongyuan drove away the driver, the group of ruffians had not returned yet. There was another person standing not far away. He looked carefully and found that the person was the driver of the first excavator.

Seeing that there was another person who knew how to drive an excavator, Wu Zhongyuan rushed towards him again. When the driver saw that the situation was not good, he hurriedly ran away.

At this time, the group of ruffians had already begun to head towards the mountaintop.

The ruffians ran up the mountain while the driver ran down the mountain. Wu Zhongyuan chased after the driver from behind. After chasing for about ten meters, he finally caught up to the driver. He directly kicked the driver down, then turned around and ran back.

The situation now was that Wu Zhongyuan was running in front, while the ruffians were chasing him from behind.

Wu Zhongyuan originally wanted to run back to the tree, but after thinking for a while, he gave up the idea. This time, he had already made the ruffians anxious. If he climbed up the tree again, these guys would definitely throw stones at him.

Helpless, he could only lead the ruffians around in the forest. A group of ruffians wearing large gold chains chased after him from behind. He had caused Floral Shirt to lose face just now, so these ruffians all wanted to help Floral Shirt take revenge.

After a while, these ruffians stopped chasing Wu Zhongyuan. It wasn't that they didn't want to chase after Wu Zhongyuan, but Wu Zhongyuan ran too fast. They really couldn't catch up to him.

Floral Shirt called everyone back and called the driver to get on the car and continue digging.

The driver was punched twice by Wu Zhongyuan, and he was threatened by Wu Zhongyuan. He didn't dare to continue driving the excavator. He said that his eyes could not see, so he could not drive.

The other driver also used the excuse of falling to the ground as an excuse to not start working.

Just when Wu Zhongyuan thought that digging could not be carried out, Floral Shirt shouted at the short neck gangster, "Do you know how to drive an excavator? Then you go and drive."

The gangster scratched its head awkwardly, "I don't know how to operate an excavator."

" I know how to operate an excavator. " Someone took the initiative to speak.

"Okay" After Floral Shirt finished speaking, he shouted at the remaining people, "Surround this place. If that person dares to come back, you all will hit him."

The excavator moved again. A group of local ruffians surrounded a large tree, vigilantly staring at Wu Zhongyuan in the distance.

Although his master was not buried under the tree, he was still very anxious. There were only two big oak trees outside the forest. If they did not find anything under the tree, they would definitely dig up another tree.

In a moment of desperation, Wu Zhongyuan could only take the risk and rush up. When the group of gangsters saw him return, they waved their fists and planned to hit him.

This time, the hooligans learned their lesson. After forcing Wu Zhongyuan back, they did not chase after him, but retreated and continued to surround the big tree.

There were too many of these gangsters. Even if Wu Zhongyuan used the Qing Kung, and there's no way to deal with them. Wu Zhongyuan could only use stones to smash the excavator, but the gangster that opened the excavator closed the door. Wu Zhongyuan was too far away from here, so the stones he threw out were not strong enough. There was also no accuracy.

The excavator dug more than a dozen shovels in front and back, and a huge pit was dug out under the tree. If they continued digging downwards, they would soon discover that there was nothing down there. At that time, they would move to another place.

They would soon be exposed, and Wu Zhongyuan was anxious. He couldn't disturb the driver, so he rushed over and caught the man in the shirt. He wanted to force the driver to stop the excavator by threatening the man.

For someone who was good at kung fu, killing a person was easier than subduing a person. The hardest part was to control the enemy without hurting the enemy. Wu Zhongyuan wasn't sure if he could control the man in the shirt. However, the situation was dire. He had no other choice.

When the ruffians saw him charge at them again, they waved their weapons in an attempt to chase him away. This time, he did not retreat. When he got close to them, he used the Qing Kung and passed through the gap between them.

The man in the shirt didn't expect Wu Zhongyuan to be able to get close to him. Before he could react, Wu Zhongyuan had already put the short knife on his neck.

Before Wu Zhongyuan could threaten the man in the shirt, a ruffian who was close to him punched him in the head. Blood immediately came out of his head.

Before this, the man in the shirt had fled in a sorry state because of Wu Zhongyuan's chase. He had lost all his face in front of his subordinates and had always been annoyed by this. This time, he was in danger again. Although he was very afraid, he could only muster up his courage and shout, "If you have the guts, hit me!"

Wu Zhongyuan really did not dare hit him. This was illegal. If he did this, even if he wasn't sentenced to death, he would still have to go to jail for a few decades. He knew that it wasn't worth ruining his life for such a scum of society.

The man in the shirt saw Wu Zhongyuan hesitate and became even bolder. He reached out and snatched the knife from Wu Zhongyuan's hand. He pretended to be kind and said, "My name is Sun Jingyang. I am a man of character, so I won't argue with you about this. You should leave quickly, don't get in the way. You'll get a lot of compensation."

At this moment, Wu Zhongyuan's head was bleeding and he was feeling a little dizzy. He raised his hand and wiped the blood off his forehead, then turned around and walked north. "You are not far from death."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Someone kicked him.

Wu Zhongyuan didn't turn around. He walked to the tree in the north and sat down. His head was bleeding, and his face was full of tears. He didn't want to break the law, and he didn't want to die. But he really couldn't accept the scene of his master's grave being dug open. He was raised by his master. If that scene really happened, he would have to stop them even if he had to die.

At that moment, the sound of a motorcycle came from the foot of the mountain. Not long after, a motorcycle appeared in Wu Zhongyuan's blurry vision. He did not know this motorcycle, but he knew the person riding it. His senior brother finally came back.

Lin Qingming's figure was similar to Wu Zhongyuan's, they were both thin. However, Lin Qingming was older than Wu Zhongyuan by three years, and was slightly taller than him.

Lin Qingming was currently wearing a set of miner's clothes. His face was full of coal ash. It was as if he had rushed here immediately after hearing the news, and didn't even have time to wash his face.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he found that their house had been demolished. When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw the surrounding scenery and vaguely guessed what had happened. He was gloomy, and did not immediately get angry. He got off the motorcycle and quickly walked towards Wu Zhongyuan.

At this time, Wu Zhongyuan had already stood up. Lin Qingming walked up to him and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"They tore down our house and wanted to dig up our master's grave." Wu Zhongyuan tried his best not to cry.

"I'm not blind. I saw what they did. I'm asking why you didn't fight them." As Lin Qingming spoke, he lifted up his miner's uniform and looked at his vest. He realized that his vest was too dirty, so he stretched out his hand and tore Wu Zhongyuan's shirt to help bandage the wound on his head.

He saw that Wu Zhongyuan did not say anything, so he increased his tone. "Answer my question. Why don't you fight with them? You can't even beat them? "

"I can beat them." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Then why don't you fight them?" Lin Qingming asked coldly.

Wu Zhongyuan was scolded and felt wronged, "It's not time to fight them."

"They tore down our house and wanted to dig up our master's grave! Why didn't you fight with them? If they beat your wife, wouldn't you fight with them? "Lin Qingming bandaged Wu Zhongyuan's wound and turned around.

"Senior brother, don't fight with them. It's good that you're back. This matter might have a turn for the better. " Wu Zhongyuan pulled Lin Qingming back.

"Get lost." Lin Qingming shook Wu Zhongyuan off and strode towards the group of ruffians.

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