Urban Eerie Adventure/C4 Tomb
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C4 Tomb
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C4 Tomb

Before Lin Qingming could get close, a ruffian who was eager to show off waved his fist and rushed towards him.

Lin Qingming's face was expressionless. He raised his leg and kicked forward, then swung his leg backwards. It was done in one go.

The sound of bones breaking was the first to be heard, followed by a miserable scream.

Wu Zhongyuan was stunned. What he was most worried about had happened. Breaking a leg was different from breaking a nose. This was definitely against the law.

Before he could recover his senses, the sound of bones breaking was heard again. Lin Qingming had broken the law again.

Miserable screams came one after another. Every scream was accompanied by the sound of bones breaking. The injured ruffians fell to the ground and hugged their legs, screaming.

Obviously, Lin Qingming had done this on purpose. Because if he wanted to hit their legs, he needed to bend down. It was even harder than hitting the head. And the reason why he did it was also very obvious. He wanted to leave all of these ruffians here, and not let any of them escape.

By the time Wu Zhongyuan reacted, more than half of the twenty ruffians had already fallen to the ground. When the remaining people saw that the situation was not good, they did not care about their face anymore and left their boss behind to escape.

Lin Qingming did not stop because of their escape. He casted the Qing Kung and chased after them. Wails were heard all over the place.

When people were fleeing for their lives, their potential was huge. The lesson they had learned was right in front of their eyes. If they ran too slow, their legs would be broken, and they would not be able to run in the same direction. They had to run in different directions.

Even if Lin Qingming had the Qing Kung, he wouldn't be able to catch up to everyone. Seeing this, Wu Zhongyuan made his move and chased west. Since Lin Qingming had already broken the law, Wu Zhongyuan couldn't let him bear the responsibility alone.

Lin Qingming turned his head and looked back when he was chasing. When he saw Wu Zhongyuan chasing those people with an iron pipe, he hurriedly shouted to stop him, "Don't do it."

In fact, it was still not too late for Lin Qingming to stop him, but Wu Zhongyuan did not listen to him. He sped up and rushed forward eight meters, knocking down the two ruffians one after another.

Wu Zhongyuan's participation made Lin Qingming very angry. He shouted angrily, "Stand there and don't move."

Once a person's courage was ignited, it was very difficult to control oneself. Wu Zhongyuan ignored Lin Qingming's shout and went north again.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan had already hurt people, Lin Qingming could not care less. He turned around and stepped on the ground, jumped up, and chased after the three ruffians who ran to the mountainside.

The fight ended very quickly. In less than two minutes, there was no one standing on the hill, only terrifying screams of pain were left.

The two of them met up in the ruins of the house. Lin Qingming wanted to scold Wu Zhongyuan, but seeing that he could not stand steadily, he quickly helped him up. "Why don't you listen to me?"

"I don't fight with them, not because I'm afraid of them, but because I'm afraid of breaking the law." Wu Zhongyuan began to be afraid. These people who were lying on the ground had all been defeated by them. The two of them would definitely go to jail.

Hearing what Wu Zhongyuan said, Lin Qingming began to regret blaming Wu Zhongyuan earlier. The reason why Wu Zhongyuan attacked was to prove to him that he wasn't a coward.

"The college entrance exam is about to begin. You shouldn't have attacked." Lin Qingming blamed himself.

"Using the money you earned to study, I don't feel good about it. It's good that I don't study anymore. This way, you won't have to take risks and suffer. " Wu Zhongyuan comforted him.

Wu Zhongyuan's consolation obviously did not work. Lin Qingming's expression was still very ugly.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

Wu Zhongyuan's words pulled Lin Qingming back to reality. He looked to the east. The excavator was still ringing. The ruffian who was driving was still sitting in the car, shivering in fear.

"Where did the ruffian leader go?" Wu Zhongyuan suddenly realized that Floral Shirt had disappeared.

Lin Qingming headed east while Wu Zhongyuan followed behind him.

Wu Zhongyuan walked around the excavator when he got close. He did not see Floral Shirt. He tilted his head and looked at the driver's seat. The ruffian saw Wu Zhongyuan looking at him and his face turned pale. He quickly raised his right hand and pointed forward.

The shovel of the excavator was still in the pit. Floral Shirt, who was curled up in the pit, was betrayed just like that. Floral Shirt was the main culprit. Since the big mistake had been made, they did not care about beating him up.

"Come up." Wu Zhongyuan stood by the side of the pit, holding the iron pipe in his hand.

Floral Shirt was scared to death. His face was pale and his body was trembling. He kept bowing to Wu Zhongyuan and said, "Please let me go. I will give you the money."

Wu Zhongyuan was so angry that he laughed coldly, "I have reminded you, the bottom line of bullying is not to force people to the point of not being able to live. We will definitely go to jail this time. This is all your fault. Do you think we can let you go? Come up, I will break both of your legs, if I go down, all four of your legs will be gone."

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, Floral Shirt was so scared that his soul almost left his body. He waved his hand and said, "You guys don't need to go to jail. I can handle this matter."

"The matter has become so big. How are you going to settle it?" Wu Zhongyuan frowned and asked.

"I can handle it." Floral Shirt took out his phone and showed it to Wu Zhongyuan. "Look, I didn't call the police. You asked me to make a call and take these people away. If we don't call the police, no one will pursue this matter."

"Really?" Wu Zhongyuan was skeptical.

"Really. I have money, and I can take care of anything. Tell me to make a call and quickly find someone to take my brothers away." Floral Shirt was really scared, and even his voice was trembling.

Wu Zhongyuan could not make up his mind. He tilted his head and looked at Lin Qingming.

Lin Qingming's face was expressionless. He didn't say anything.

Due to losing too much blood, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly felt dizzy. He forced himself to wake up before stabilizing his body. "Are you guys not going to continue digging my master's grave?"

"Fill this hole up immediately." Floral Shirt said.

"Then how are you going to explain it to the higher-ups?" Wu Zhongyuan wasn't sure if Floral Shirt was telling the truth. But if Floral Shirt could really settle this matter, then he and his junior brother wouldn't have to go to jail.

"This is just a small matter. I just need to go somewhere else and take a few photos. I have a lot of money." Floral Shirt was so scared that he started to speak incoherently.

Wu Zhongyuan looked at Lin Qingming again, but Lin Qingming still did not say anything.

"Alright, you can make the call." Wu Zhongyuan finally agreed.

When Floral Shirt heard this, it was as if he had been granted amnesty. He started to make the call.

"Turn on the speaker." Lin Qingming said in a cold voice.

Floral Shirt quickly used the speaker to make a phone call. He really did call someone to clean up the mess.

Floral Shirt was very rich. It was really easy to do things with money. Not long after, a car arrived. A group of people got out of the car and took them away.

At this time, Floral Shirt also came back to his senses and said flatteringly, "I didn't expect you guys to be so good at fighting. Why don't you follow me in the future?"

"We don't do bad things." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head and refused Floral Shirt. At that moment, he was still worried that Floral Shirt would call the police.

Floral Shirt still did not give up. "You have practiced martial arts."

Before Floral Shirt could finish, Wu Zhongyuan interrupted him, "I have never practiced martial arts."

"What is this?" Floral Shirt pointed at the dragon-shaped tattoo on Wu Zhongyuan's chest.

When Wu Zhongyuan heard what Floral Shirt said, he remembered that Lin Qingming had torn his shirt. It was used to bandage the wound on his head. He quickly unzipped his coat and said, "Don't say useless things. Hurry up and fill up the soil. Take the excavator away."

Floral Shirt did not know that he had been sold by the gangster on the excavator. Hearing Wu Zhongyuan's words, he hurriedly shouted at the man, "Fill in quickly."

The excavator did not turn off its engine. That person climbed onto the car and started the machine. Maybe it was because he betrayed Floral Shirt and was nervous, or maybe it was because he was not familiar with operating the excavator, so he dug another shovel.

When the shovel went down, the sound of wood cracking came from the bottom of the pit.

Floral Shirt was so scared that his face turned pale. He pointed at the gangster and shouted, "Do you know how to drive or not?"

The gangster who was driving got scolded.

Floral Shirt was most afraid of digging a coffin. When the lid of the coffin was lifted up, Floral Shirt turned pale with fright, because the lid of the coffin was hanging from the lid of the coffin.

Floral Shirt looked at Wu Zhongyuan and Lin Qingming in fear.

Wu Zhongyuan and Lin Qingming didn't look at him, but looked at each other in dismay. They all knew that their master wasn't buried under this tree, so how could there be a coffin here?

Seeing the strange expressions on Wu Zhongyuan and Lin Qingming's faces, Floral Shirt became even more terrified. He was afraid that the two of them would vent their anger on him, so he could only point at the gangster and curse.

Then he turned around and bowed to Wu Zhongyuan and Lin Qingming, "I can compensate you."

At this time, they had already recovered from their shock. This coffin should have been buried here by someone else.

Lin Qingming did not like to talk much, so it was Wu Zhongyuan who spoke first. "Forget it. You did not do it on purpose. Fill it in."

"Since this pit has been dug out, can I take a picture?" Floral Shirt held his phone, meaning that he wanted to take a picture and report back.

"Sure." Wu Zhongyuan casually agreed.

Floral Shirt did not expect Wu Zhongyuan to agree so quickly. He was a little surprised, but he did not think too much about it. After thanking Wu Zhongyuan, he took his phone and walked to the side of the pit to take a picture.

"You shouldn't have let him take a picture. What if there is a woman's corpse inside?" Lin Qingming said in a low voice.

Before Wu Zhongyuan could respond, Floral Shirt, who was standing beside the pit, suddenly let out a terrified cry, "My god! What is this?"

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