Urban Eerie Adventure/C6 The Blood Was Abnormal
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C6 The Blood Was Abnormal
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C6 The Blood Was Abnormal

After old doctor finished speaking, Wu Zhongyuan hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Is there a problem with my blood?"

Old doctor frowned slightly and turned to look at his colleagues. Seeing that they did not have any reaction, he turned around and said to Wu Zhongyuan, "Don't worry. You are very healthy. You just lost too much blood, causing you to faint due to blood loss."

"Then why did you ask me if I tested your blood?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Tell me first, have you tested the blood before?" old doctor smiled unnaturally.

"A few years ago, during the village physical examination, I went to test my blood type. I have A blood type." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Old doctor nodded. "We know that. Other than this simple blood type examination, have you done a more detailed blood type routine examination?"

"No, I have never stayed in the hospital." Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. After shaking his head, he suddenly remembered something. "Did you guys give me the wrong blood?"

"No, no." old doctor waved his hand. "We did not dare to lose to you at all."

After old doctor said that, Wu Zhongyuan's heart tightened again. "Doctor, tell me the truth. What happened to me?"

Old doctor did not answer. A female doctor in her forties next to him took over the conversation. "I told you not to be nervous. Before the blood transfusion, we carefully examined your blood and found that your blood was different from a person's."

"Ah? What do you mean by different from a human's?" Wu Zhongyuan's soul almost left his body.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was scared, the female doctor quickly corrected him, "It is different from ordinary people."

"What do you mean different from ordinary people?" Wu Zhongyuan asked urgently.

Old doctor, who had spoken earlier, said, "This involves all kinds of indicators related to the blood test. It is very complicated to say."

Wu Zhongyuan had just woken up, and he was frightened again. His head was a little dizzy. "Don't tell me about the complexity. Just tell me what effect it has on me."

"Your blood is very special. Once you lose too much blood... There is no blood source to replenish it," old doctor said. When he saw that Wu Zhongyuan did not understand what he meant, he added another sentence. "Simply put, no one can give you a blood transfusion. At the moment, it seems that no one can give you a blood transfusion. This is the biggest impact to you."

"What about the small impact?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

"We are not sure yet, but we have sent someone to the provincial capital to deliver the blood sample. There will be results tonight." old doctor said.

Wu Zhongyuan did not ask any more questions. At this time, his mood had calmed down. A few years ago, he had indeed tested his blood type and knew that he was an A type. This meant that there was no major problem with his blood type. It was at least one of the common blood types. Even if there was a minor problem, it would not have much of an impact.

Old doctor waved to the doctors who were surrounding the bed. The husbands took their bags and left the ward. There were only three people left. One was old doctor himself. There was also the female doctor in her forties, and finally the old nurse with two stripes on her hat.

After everyone left, the three of them took the chairs and sat down by the bedside. old doctor said, "Young man, can you talk to us? "

"No, I don't have money on me. I can't afford to stay in the hospital. I have to go." Wu Zhongyuan wanted to go down.

"You are intravenous. Don't move." The old nurse went forward to stop him. "You still need to stay in the hospital for a few days to observe your condition."

"What exactly do you want to observe?" Wu Zhongyuan was a little annoyed.

Old doctor also went forward to help to dissuade them, "Don't worry, we need to observe whether your abnormal blood condition is caused by external injuries on your head."

There was still a needle in his hand, and Wu Zhongyuan would not remove it himself. He could only look at old doctor angrily, "What if I don't let you guys observe?"

Old doctor was very embarrassed, "Don't misunderstand. We are only responsible for your condition. If you insist on leaving, we will respect your opinion."

"I will leave now. Help me remove the hanging bottle," Wu Zhongyuan said.

Old doctor nodded helplessly and nodded at the old nurse beside him. The latter received instructions and helped Wu Zhongyuan remove the infusion needle on the back of his hand.

Wu Zhongyuan was still wearing his own clothes and did not need to change into a patient's uniform. When he put on his shoes, he looked at the clock on the wall. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon and he did not stay in the hospital for long.

"How much is this hanging bottle?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"No need. You can go now. Take care to rest when you go back." old doctor opened the cabinet at the side and took out a plastic bag from inside. "This is your stuff."

Wu Zhongyuan opened the bag and found that it contained his stack of old books. Maybe because there was too much dust, the hospital wrapped it up with a bag.

Wu Zhongyuan carried the bag and walked to the door of the ward. He stopped and turned around to ask, "You really want me to leave?"

Old doctor nodded. "You are a patient in the hospital, not a criminal from the public security bureau. We have no right to restrict your freedom."

After confirming that he was free, Wu Zhongyuan's intention to leave was not as strong as before. "You have to pay for the treatment. How much does this hanging bottle cost?"

"Eighty." old doctor said.

Wu Zhongyuan took out a handful of change from his pocket and counted. It was only sixty dollars, not enough.

"Young man, you don't have to pay for the infusion. Can you talk to us for a while? "Old doctor discussed with him.

Wu Zhongyuan hesitated for a moment and nodded. "But I have to make a call first. I am absent from class. I need to tell my teacher, or they will worry."

"You are still a student?" old doctor was a little surprised.

Wu Zhongyuan knew that old doctor was surprised because he saw the tattoo on his chest. Those with tattoos were not good people. This was what most people knew. Although it was unfair, it was a helpless reality.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan frown, old doctor hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

"I'll use the landline to call." Wu Zhongyuan did not pick up old doctor's phone.

The latter nodded in agreement and took him to the nurse station outside to make a call. Three minutes later, the two of them returned to the ward.

When they returned to the ward, Wu Zhongyuan was in a good mood. The form teacher did not criticize him. He did not mention that the security guard had been beaten, which meant that the security guard was guilty. He did not dare to call the police even after being beaten up. Also, Floral Shirt didn't call the police either. Otherwise, the police would have gone to school long ago.

"Dean Wang, thank you." Wu Zhongyuan thanked old doctor. When he went to the nurse station to make the call, the nurse called him that. Otherwise, he would not have known that old doctor was the director here.

"You are welcome." Dean Wang waved his hand and pointed to the other two people. He introduced them to Wu Zhongyuan. "This is Chief Lee from the Internal Medicine Department. This is Chief Nurse Zhang."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded politely at the two people. The two people nodded in response. Chief Nurse Zhang helped Wu Zhongyuan back to the hospital bed and gave him an intravenous drip.

Wu Zhongyuan did not lie down. Instead, he sat at the head of the bed and looked at Dean Wang, waiting for him to speak.

This time, Dean Wang did not use the tone of a doctor to talk to a patient, nor did he mention anything about Wu Zhongyuan's blood abnormalities. He was just gossiping.

It seemed like it was just gossiping, but Wu Zhongyuan knew that Dean Wang was not talking without reason. Dean Wang wanted to find out the reason for the abnormality of Wu Zhongyuan's blood through his background and experiences.

Even though he knew Dean Wang's intention, Wu Zhongyuan didn't hide it from him. He was adopted by his master when he was very young. His master didn't tell him exactly how old he was. His master only said that he hadn't weaned when he was adopted.

As for the details of the adoption, his master didn't mention it. He also didn't tell him why his surname was Wu.

Dean Wang asked about his master's condition. Wu Zhongyuan also briefly explained it to him. The reason why he didn't hide it was because Dean Wang asked 'whether your master is a Daoist priest', and not 'what does your master do'. The reason Dean Wang asked this question was undoubtedly because he saw the bundle of Daoist scriptures that he carried with him. Since he had already guessed it, there was no need for him to lie.

Then Dean Wang asked about his experience of growing up, and Wu Zhongyuan also said. His growing experience was similar to that of ordinary people. He went to elementary school, middle school, and high school. The only difference was that he had never been to kindergarten. It was his master who taught him how to read at home.

Wu Zhongyuan's answer clearly did not answer Dean Wang's question. After that, Dean Wang asked him if he had eaten any special food, went to any strange places, and had any special experiences.

After carefully recalling, Wu Zhongyuan shook his head.

Dean Wang was a little disappointed that he could not find the problem.

"I also know how to use kung fu." Wu Zhongyuan took the initiative to say. In fact, it was not only Dean Wang. He was also eager to find out the reason why his blood was different from ordinary people. After all, no one could guarantee that he would not be injured and bleed in the future. It was very dangerous to not accept blood transfusion.

Dean Wang shook his head. "Practicing martial arts to strengthen one's body will not cause any changes to the blood."

Wu Zhongyuan did not say anything. He had said everything that he could think of. He did not deliberately hide it, but there was nothing special about his growth experience.

In silence, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly remembered something. "Master once said that when he adopted me, I was almost dying. I kept coughing up blood. Master treated me for a few years before curing me."

"Did your master tell you what medicine he used back then?" Dean Wang asked.

"It's a medicine to cure cough. He gave the same formula to others." Wu Zhongyuan had said it before.

"Do you want to make a full body CT? "Dean Wang will discuss it.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded in agreement.

The director wanted to be the CT, so he didn't need to pay or line up. Soon, the results came out. No abnormalities. To put it bluntly, he was very healthy and had no problems.

After a few hours of hard work, the hospital was about to get off work. Wu Zhongyuan also wanted to leave.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan wanted to go back, Dean Wang immediately agreed. He immediately called the driver and asked the driver to drive the car downstairs.

After making the call, Dean Wang suddenly remembered something. "When did the tattoo on your body get tattooed?"

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. "I don't know. It was there when I was very young."

Dean Wang was very surprised. "When your master adopted you, this tattoo was already there?"

Wu Zhongyuan nodded.

"Can I take a closer look?" Dean Wang discussed.

Wu Zhongyuan did not want to, but seeing that Dean Wang insisted on sending him a car, he could not refuse. He unzipped his shirt and revealed the tattoo on his chest.

The dragon tattoo on Wu Zhongyuan's chest was not a complete dragon, but only a dragon head. It was located in the middle of his chest, and its shape was irregular. It was about 15 centimeters in diameter. Regardless of whether it was its facial features, appearance, or color, it was very different from the usual dragon-shaped tattoo.

"Can I take a picture?" Dean Wang asked for Wu Zhongyuan's opinion.

Wu Zhongyuan wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind. This tattoo might have something to do with his background. If Dean Wang could find clues, he might be able to find his biological parents.

After getting Wu Zhongyuan's approval, Dean Wang took out his phone. Just as he was about to take a picture, his phone rang.

Dean Wang pressed the answer button and walked towards the window. " Mm. En. En, what? 24 pairs..."

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