Urban Eerie Adventure/C7 An Unknown Creature
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C7 An Unknown Creature
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C7 An Unknown Creature

Dean Wang's voice was filled with shock. Wu Zhongyuan couldn't hear what the man on the phone said. He heard Dean Wang say again, "Is there an extra pair or one? Which two? Stop talking. Fax the test report to me immediately. By the way, bring back the test sample."

After saying this, Dean Wang hung up the phone.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan's puzzled expression, Dean Wang did not hide anything. "The results of your blood test are out."

"How is it?" Wu Zhongyuan asked nervously. Dean Wang had more than 60 blood test results this year. The result that could shock him was definitely not a good result.

Dean Wang picked up his phone and took a picture of the tattoo on Wu Zhongyuan's chest. He turned around and walked out. "I will go and get the report right away. Sit for a while. I will be back soon."

After Dean Wang left, Wu Zhongyuan looked at Chief Lee and Chief Nurse Zhang. Although the two of them tried to stay calm, they could still see that they were very nervous.

"Chief Lee." Wu Zhongyuan looked at Chief Physician Li.

Chief Lee panicked when he heard Wu Zhongyuan call her.

"Dean Wang is right. Is it a dye?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

Chief Lee did not answer, but also answered, because her surprised expression indicated that Wu Zhongyuan had guessed correctly.

After confirming that he had guessed correctly, Wu Zhongyuan calmed down instead. "It's not hard to guess. Other than the coloration, the other tests do not seem to be described as' right '. Besides, this is a county hospital. Other than DNA, you should be able to check everything else. "

After Wu Zhongyuan said that, Chief Physician Li said unnaturally, "The concept of DNA and DNA is not the same, but you don't have to be nervous. It's not rare to see abnormal cases of genome abnormalities."

"You seem to be more nervous than me." Wu Zhongyuan tried to cheer himself up and squeezed out a smile. "If it was a common occurrence, Dean Wang wouldn't be so surprised."

Chief Physician Li did not respond.

"I am not a child anymore." Wu Zhongyuan added another sentence. This sentence had two meanings. The meaning behind it was that they should not try to fool him.

Dean Wang left longer than Wu Zhongyuan had expected. He waited for more than 20 minutes before Dean Wang came back. He was holding a few pages of faxed paper in his hand.

Once Dean Wang entered, the three of them looked at him nervously. To be precise, they were looking at the test report in his hands.

Dean Wang did not show the test report to Director Lee and Nurse Zhang. Instead, he said to them, "You guys go away. I want to talk to him alone."

Dean Wang's words were very direct. Chief Lee and Chief Nurse Zhang could only leave. In fact, they did not want to leave. At least, they did not want to leave until they saw the test report.

After they left, Dean Wang walked to the door and was about to close it. He thought for a moment, then turned around and said to Wu Zhongyuan, "It's cold outside. Let's go out for a walk."

"Okay." Wu Zhongyuan nodded in agreement. The environment in the ward made him feel very depressed.

Dean Wang took off his white coat and went downstairs with Wu Zhongyuan. The driver was still waiting downstairs. Dean Wang waved his hand and let him go.

It was not dark yet, but the peak hours after work had passed. There were not many people on the street. There were a few hawkers selling cold drinks and fruits at the entrance of the hospital who had not yet closed their stalls. When they saw Dean Wang, they stood up and greeted him.

Dean Wang politely nodded at them. "Zhongyuan, you need to be mentally prepared."

"You want to lock me up?" In order to ease the nervousness in his heart, Wu Zhongyuan half-joked.

"Not really." Dean Wang shook his head. "But the test results of your blood sample are very strange. I have never seen a similar situation."

"Is there something wrong with my body?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. He was only a high school student. He knew that there was something like a dye, but it was only limited to knowing.

"Yes," Dean Wang nodded. There was a library next to the hospital. The library was closed. Dean Wang walked up the stairs and sat down. After Wu Zhongyuan sat down, he handed the test report to him.

Wu Zhongyuan took the test report. Since it was a faxed document, the numbers and words on the report were not particularly clear.

Wu Zhongyuan did not read the report in detail. After a few glances, he returned the test report to Dean Wang. "Tell me."

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan trust him so much, Dean Wang was very pleased. His sincerity had earned Wu Zhongyuan's trust.

"This is more complicated to say. I will try to make it simpler. " Dean Wang coughed and cleared his throat. "Chromosomes are a substance in the nucleus of the cell. Their main function is to carry genetic information. Through the examination of a person's dye, it can be used to determine the race of this person. Blood type, blood relationship, and other information are relatively accurate. Normal genotypes exist in pairs, while ordinary people are 23 pairs of genotypes. 22 pairs are male and female, while the remaining pair determines the gender."

Wu Zhongyuan did not interrupt.

Dean Wang said again, "The common dyeing abnormalities are usually another one besides 23 pairs. That is 47. There are also many reasons for it to trigger. Parents are suffering from diseases, drug abuse, and old fertility, which may cause dyeing abnormalities. Biological abnormalities are usually accompanied by intelligence and developmental disorders..."

Dean Wang stopped talking. Someone came from the sidewalk below. It was a hawker selling cold drinks. He attentively brought two bottles of mineral water. "Dean Wang, drink some water."

Dean Wang stood up and declined. The small hawker put down the mineral water and ran away like a wisp of smoke.

After the hawker left, Dean Wang continued, "Just now, we said that 47 colloids are the most common colloidal abnormalities. There are also 48 of them. However, they are no longer in pairs. Your condition is no longer the biggest difference from the previous cases. It is not that you have two more organisms. Instead, the two polymers outside of the 23 pairs are in pairs. "

"Why did they appear in pairs?" Wu Zhongyuan asked urgently.

"I'm not sure. There are no similar cases for reference in your case." Dean Wang shook his head slowly.

"You just said that you can determine what kind of race a person is through the test of the dye." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"Race and race are not the same concept," Dean Wang corrected him. "Through the DNA test for your normal 23 pairs of DNA test, it has been confirmed that you are a narrow Han."

"What is a narrow Han?" Wu Zhongyuan did not quite understand.

"They are the Han people whose ancestors did not marry a minority. There are not many of them, but they are not few either." Dean Wang patiently explained.

After listening to Dean Wang's explanation, Wu Zhongyuan felt slightly relieved. "Then what is the matter with the extra pair of coloring?"

Dean Wang unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Wu Zhongyuan. "You lost too much blood. We thought about giving you a blood transfusion at the beginning. The blood transfusion procedure in a regular hospital was very strict. Before blood transfusion, there needed to be a detailed blood test. The blood sample we tested was collected from your wound. The test results are very different from the normal ones. Due to the limitations of the testing equipment, we are unable to conduct further analysis. We can only send people to the provincial capital for testing in order to find out the exact reason why your blood is abnormal. "

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan wanted to interrupt, Dean Wang raised his hand and said, "Our hospital's testing equipment is not the best. We are unable to distinguish whether the abnormal constituents in your blood are intrinsic or external injuries mixed in. Let me give you an example. Patients bitten by mad dogs. The blood flowing out of the wound may be mixed with the genes of a dog. At this time, we need more precise testing equipment to distinguish the difference."

" My head was injured by an iron pipe. " Wu Zhongyuan said.

Dean Wang nodded. "This is no longer important. The test results are out now. The abnormalities in your body come from your genes, and it is not a disease."

"What do you mean?" Wu Zhongyuan was puzzled.

"You are healthy and normal, but this kind of healthy and normal is only relative." Dean Wang said.

"What do you mean by relative?" Wu Zhongyuan was confused.

Dean Wang did not answer immediately.

Wu Zhongyuan stared at Dean Wang, waiting for his answer.

After hesitating for a long time, Dean Wang finally said, "The so-called relative means that although you are developing normally, due to the special nature of your genes, if the XY in your body is combined with the female XX, there might be an unpredictable mutation in your offspring."

Wu Zhongyuan was stunned, "You mean that if I am married, the child I give birth to will be a monster?"

"No, no." Dean Wang waved his hand. "Mutations are not necessarily bad. They may also develop in a positive way. You should know that we humans have experienced many mutations in the long process of evolution."

Having suddenly accepted so many unacceptable things, Wu Zhongyuan was a little stunned. He did not know what to say for a moment.

Dean Wang patted him on the shoulder again. "Be strong."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded and drank some water.

"We also tested the extra pair of coloring you had." Dean Wang took the initiative to say.

"What's the result?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"The extra two colors you have are inherited from your father and mother. These two colors belong to two different unknown creatures. They are not completely compatible with the known species genetic map recorded in the province. The genetic breeding between different species is also not explained in genetics." Dean Wang's face was also filled with doubt.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded. He was exhausted after a whole day. "Dean Wang, can you make it simpler? I am a little confused."

"I also want to answer your question, but I can't figure it out myself. Today ends here. I will ask the driver to send you back." Dean Wang took out his phone and called the driver.

"Dean Wang, I have another question." Wu Zhongyuan said.

Dean Wang tilted his head and looked at him.

"Why are you so good to me? You can totally not tell me these things." Wu Zhongyuan said.

"I can indeed not tell you, but I hope to gain your trust and cooperation," Dean Wang was very honest. "Your situation is very rare. Be it medicine or genetics, you have a very high research value."

Although Dean Wang said it sincerely, Wu Zhongyuan still felt a knot in his heart. After all, it was not a pleasant thing to be studied by others.

Very soon, the driver drove the car over. Dean Wang stood up and accompanied Wu Zhongyuan down the stairs. "How are your grades? The college entrance exam is about to begin. Are you confident?"

"It's alright." Wu Zhongyuan casually replied.

"Have you thought about the major you want to apply for? "Dean Wang asked again.

Wu Zhongyuan shook his head. He wanted to apply to military schools and police schools the most. He did not need to pay tuition fees. After graduating, he would be a military officer and a police officer. Unfortunately, he could only think about it because both schools would not accept students with tattoos.

" Go back and rest well and study with peace of mind. If there is any new progress in the gene map comparison, I will try to inform you. " Dean Wang said.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded. After nodding, he suddenly remembered something. "You just said that the two additional genes I have are not completely compatible with the known species?"

"Yes." Dean Wang said.

"Are there any similarities?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"You lack an understanding of genes," Dean Wang shook his head and said. "The genes of many species are very similar. We are very similar to the genes of gorillas. Sometimes, just a tiny difference in genes can cause a huge difference in the individual and form."

"Oh." Wu Zhongyuan nodded blankly.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was very depressed, Dean Wang said again, "There is no concrete result from the comparison. It is very difficult to determine the exact origin of these two organisms now. We can only determine the type."

"What type?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"The extra two colors you have come from mammals and birds..."

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