Urban Eerie Adventure/C9 Sealed Clues
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Urban Eerie Adventure/C9 Sealed Clues
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C9 Sealed Clues

After picking out these two books from a pile of old books, Wu Zhongyuan did not immediately flip through them. He was hesitating whether he should read them or not.

If these two books were of any help to him and his senior brother, his master would have taught them a long time ago when he was still alive. The reason why his master did not teach them when he was alive was that learning the contents of these two books was harmful to the two of them. At least that was what his master thought.

But these two books should still be valuable. If they were all remnants of feudal superstitious poison... Then his master would definitely burn them before he died, but he didn't do so. Instead, he hid them in the ceiling, which showed that his master was also contradictory. He felt that he shouldn't have taught them, but he couldn't bear to burn them. He could only hide in a hidden place. Whether he could find them or not depended on heaven's will and their luck.

After hesitating for a while, Wu Zhongyuan casually picked up the 36 Techniques of palanquin.

Just as he was about to flip it open, he hesitated again. This was an era of science. These mysterious things were often associated with swindlers, so it was best not to look at it and say it out loud.

Although he hesitated, in the end, he still flipped it open. Was this thing the wisdom of the ancient people or was it a remnant of superstitious poison? He had to see it before he could make a judgment. The great man once said, without an investigation, there would be no right to speak. Investigate first, with a scientific eye... Objectively judge with a critical attitude.

The first page was a letter, which meant that the author might have copied the words that the author had said to his descendants. The mail language was written vertically, in complex words. The difference between complex words and simple words was not very big, and there were no obstacles in reading. It was written, 'Coming empty-handed and going alone, good and evil will eventually be rewarded.' If there was a loan, there would definitely be a return. ’

"That's quite fair, but a bit pessimistic." Wu Zhongyuan muttered to himself.

The classmate who had not slept in the same dormitory casually added, "Zhongyuan, what are you looking at?"

"The history of the development of ancient literature." Wu Zhongyuan replied perfunctorily.

"We are about to enter the battlefield. Are you sure you can do it?" The go to the battlefield referred to the college entrance exam that was about to arrive.

"I'm confident I can roast it." Wu Zhongyuan flipped to the second page.

Seeing that he was distracted, the classmate ignored him. He adjusted his glasses and continued reading.

The second page was the directory. It was divided into three parts: first, middle, and second. The name of the page surprised Wu Zhongyuan. The first part was to feed his family, the second part was to seek wealth, and the second part was to save his family.

This was the first time Wu Zhongyuan had seen such names. Logically speaking, mysterious things usually had very high names, but the names of these few pages were very common. They were neither pleasant nor extraordinary.

The books were not thick, and there were only a few dozen pages. They were all talking about content and methods related to palanquin. The so-called palanquin did not only refer to Feng Shui, but also to observing the stars. There was no time to look at the timing, the location, the residence, and so on. He skimmed through ten lines in a single glance, and it was as if he was lost in the clouds. He only knew that each page contained a lot of the same type of unfamiliar content.

In detail, there were a total of 36 pages in the book. The first page was 27, the middle page was 6, and the second page was 3.

After reading through the book, Wu Zhongyuan finally understood why the author or the transcriber would give such a name. Many of these methods related to palanquin were achieved at the cost of losing one's own lifespan. The method recorded in the first chapter was mostly about the daily use of some content, such as giving a child a name. Looking at the Feng Shui of the residence didn't have much of an impact on oneself, so he helped others. Earning some money to support a family's livelihood.

The content in the middle section was more dangerous. Once it was done, it was very likely to hurt oneself, but it was precisely because of the danger that... The effect was good. Helping a noble person greatly, he would naturally receive more money. Thus, it was called a dangerous pursuit of wealth.

The second page only had three pages, and it recorded the essence of the palanquin. There was a mysterious way to extend one's life and change one's fate energy. Correspondingly, the price he had to pay was also very high. He might even have to sacrifice himself. The reason why it was called kindness, kindness, and death was because doing this kind of thing was no longer for money. It was often to repay the great kindness of others.

After looking at the 36 Laws of the palanquin, Wu Zhongyuan did not remember the specific method of the palanquin. The thing that left the deepest impression on him was that he could not give random fortune-telling, because fortune-telling was just fortune-telling. Divination was the middle part of the 36 magic. It was a very serious and serious matter. If he made a mistake, it would not be a big deal. If he made a correct prediction, he would reveal the secrets of the heavens. At the very least, one's lifespan would be shortened by nine, and the lifespan loss recorded in the book would be calculated by nine. From one to nine, it would be at least one to nine days, and the most would be nine. Nine by nine, eighty-one, the most severe of them all died in an instant.

From this, it could be seen that those who set up stalls on the street to read fortunes were all scammers. If they really had the ability, who would use their nine days' lifespan to exchange for ten or twenty pieces? Even if it was a hundred or eighty pieces, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

After reading the entire book, one had to come up with a conclusion. One had to determine the character of this book. But after thinking about it for a long time, it was very difficult to determine whether this book was the wisdom of the ancient people or the remnant of superstitious poison. The reason was very simple. It was impossible to determine the authenticity of the contents of the book. Unless he personally tried it.

It was already midnight, and he was the only one left in the entire dormitory who had not slept yet. He had slept for a while earlier, and Wu Zhongyuan was not sleepy. He took the Ghost Character Talisman again.

The content of this book was even more ridiculous. It was all about catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits. Talisman drawing was only one of the more common methods, and there were also some strange methods. The reason why it was called Ghost Drawing Talismans was that most of the symbols and methods recorded on it came from the accumulation of the people, and were somewhat different from the traditional method of drawing talismans. Therefore, using Ghost Drawing Talismans to draw talismans came from modesty, so as to avoid encountering the orthodox Daoist priest. If he didn't like it, he would give it a good beating.

In addition, the person who copied this book was not the same person as the one who copied the 36 Laws of Canton Chart. Because the handwriting was different. Compared to the Karakorum 36 Laws, the credibility of this book was much lower. The 36 Laws of Candidates could be personally tested, but there was no way to even try it. Where would he find a ghost this year?

By the time he finished reading the Ghost Drawing Arts, it was already past one o'clock in the second half of the night. Wu Zhongyuan tied up the books again and placed them under the bed. He was about to take the college entrance exam, so he didn't have the time to read them. After the holidays, he would dig them out and study them carefully.

He woke up early the next day and everything was the same. The college entrance examination was near and he could not finish the mock exam papers.

Wu Zhongyuan was confident about the college entrance exam, but it was only limited to passing the admission score. The other subjects were all good, except mathematics. Everyone said that interested was the best teacher, but he was not interested in mathematics at all. However, mathematics was a compulsory subject for humanities and science.

Although he was poor, he did not have the subsidy from the school, nor did he have any charity to help him. It wasn't that the school didn't have a corresponding policy, nor was it that no one was willing to support him. It was because Lin Qingming did not want him to accept other people's help. Lin Qingming always said that favors were the hardest to repay. It was best not to ask for help when it came to matters that he could handle by himself.

On the night before the college entrance exam, Lin Qingming called and told Wu Zhongyuan that he didn't want to work in the mines in the neighboring county. He wanted to go back to Yellow County to work. Lin Qingming didn't say what exactly he wanted to do. He only said that he would come to the school to find him after the exam.

There had been no news from the hospital these few days. This made Wu Zhongyuan feel relieved. He was most afraid that his matter would be leaked and he would be arrested by the relevant departments for observation and research.

The arrival of the college entrance examination made all the examinees feel as if they were facing a great enemy. Wu Zhongyuan was not very nervous. He could not apply to military schools or police schools. He was not interested in other schools. Moreover, university spending money was more than high school. It cost tens of thousands a year. It would take four years to enroll in an undergraduate course, so it would be better to enroll in a specialization for three years. It would also slightly reduce the pressure on his senior brother.

After the exam, the students were both nervous and excited. They gathered together and discussed which university they should apply to in advance. Looking forward to a beautiful university life. Regarding this, Wu Zhongyuan was not very enthusiastic. The reason was very simple. Everyone knew that everything would be fine once they got into university. The majority of people who went to university were in love. In a relationship, money was needed. He did not have the spare money. Also, his genes were abnormal. Wouldn't finding a girlfriend bring harm to him?

However, although he didn't have the heart to fall in love, there were female classmates who liked him. It wasn't because he was handsome, but because he wasn't a very handsome boy either. His academic performance could only be considered passable, but there were still female students who liked him. As for the reason, he couldn't figure it out. Perhaps it was because there weren't many male students in the humanities class.

He was about to leave school soon, and the youths had reached the peak of their youth. The feeling of parting had evolved into a feeling blind blind. It was very common for graduating from the school to be fantasized as a life and death farewell by the boys and girls who had just had their first love affair. Outside the school, under the big tree, in the dormitory, in the classroom... Blind, superficial, and cheap oaths were everywhere.

Within a day, Wu Zhongyuan received two love letters and a new phone. The love letters were filled with emotions and touched people deeply, but after Wu Zhongyuan read them, he realized that the two girls did not like him. He was not like the love letters described. He was just a medium for their emotional fantasies.

The one who gave him the phone was from the same town as him. He was also very beautiful. The phone was in a big envelope, except for the phone. There was only one sentence on the note, 'I don't want to lose contact with you.' ’

This confession was deep and direct, but Wu Zhongyuan still returned the phone to him. The reason is very simple, this is not the first time this female classmate has given a male cell phone to him. Furthermore, he had previously seen this female classmate driving a different man's car in front of the school gate.

Not every beautiful face had a beautiful soul behind it, and not every beautiful sentence had a beautiful truth behind it.

Lin Qingming had come in a Mercedes-Benz car. He was dressed very decently, and Wu Zhongyuan almost did not recognize him.

Lin Qingming came and went in a hurry, briefly said a few words, and left behind a mobile phone and two thousand dollars before leaving.

The Mercedes-Benz naturally did not belong to Lin Qingming. The reason Lin Qingming could sit in it... This Zhao Dazhong was a famous person. He was the richest man in Yellow County and was famous throughout the country. He had several companies under him. The company that owned the resort in Huang Village was one of his subsidiaries.

It was not hard to guess why Zhao Dazhong hired Lin Qingming as his bodyguard. The thugs that Floral Shirt brought with him had their legs broken and their medical expenses were not small. This matter had to be reported to Zhao Dazhong.

It was not hard to guess why Lin Qingming was willing to be Zhao Dazhong's bodyguard. For money, he would soon go to college. Lin Qingming did not make enough money from the mines to pay for his tuition and living expenses.

Watching the car disappear, Wu Zhongyuan returned to the dormitory with worry. When his master was still alive, he had always warned them not to reveal their martial arts in front of others. Lin Qingming did so. It went against his master's warning. The reason why Lin Qingming did that was... It was all because of him.

After the college entrance examination ended, his classmates left the school one after another. Soon, the dormitory was empty, and he had nowhere to go. The school knew about his situation, so they let him stay in the dormitory for the time being.

Previously, the old house was still there. Every holiday, he could still go back. Now that the old house was gone, he was really homeless.

On the first day of the holiday, he took the initiative to look for Huang Ping and told Huang Ping about Lin Qingming's situation. Huang Ping was very surprised and did not need to ask. Before this, Lin Qingming did not tell her that he came to the county.

Seeing that Huang Ping was in low spirits, Wu Zhongyuan wanted to say something, but after hesitating, he did not say anything. What could he say to stop her from making futile efforts? Or should he let her bravely persevere?

The vacation was very long. Wu Zhongyuan did not want to waste his time. He wanted to find a short-term job to earn some money, but it was not easy to find a temporary job. He did not find a suitable one even after a day.

When he returned to the dormitory at night, he had nothing to do. He took out the bundle of old books from under the bed and casually flipped through them. He was not interested in the scriptures. He did not know whether those two books were the wisdom of the ancient people or the remnants of superstitious poison. It was also not suitable to read more. In the end, he chose the medical knowledge left behind by his master. There were many real medical cases on them. There were also a lot of effective side prescriptions that he could use in the future if he had nothing to do.

After reading two pages, Wu Zhongyuan found a detail. This medical knowledge book was written by his master in his later years. Although there was no specific time and the patient's name on it, there were the age, gender, and specific symptoms of the patient.

When he was young, he almost vomited blood and died. It was his master who cured and adopted him. If nothing unexpected happened, this book of medical experience would also have some records. As long as he found this record, he would be able to know some of his situation at that time.

In addition, the strange skeleton in the coffin was personally buried by his master. When this person met his master, it was very likely that he was still alive. Moreover, he had interacted with his master before. Otherwise, his master would not be willing to give his own coffin to him. If he was lucky... Perhaps his medical knowledge would also have records about him.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhongyuan started to read more quickly. When he flipped to the fourth page, he found that there were two lines in front and back. One was an adult man, and the other was an eight-month-old baby. Both of them had symptoms of suffocation and suffocation.

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