Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C10 Meeting in the Restaurant!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C10 Meeting in the Restaurant!
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C10 Meeting in the Restaurant!

Chen Xueli thought she must have been seeing things, but the young man before her was indeed Faang Han!

"Why is he here?"

Chen Xueli was momentarily taken aback, but quickly recovered and scoffed.

"Faang Han, you really are pathetic. Kicked out by the Faang family, and now you're so broke you've resorted to working here?"

When Faang Han heard someone jeering at him, he slowly turned around and saw Chen Xueli, his brow furrowing slightly.

Before he had a chance to respond, Chen Xueli haughtily jabbed a finger towards his nose and demanded, "Since you're here to work, you need to serve me. Get me the sauce, now!"

"I'm here to dine, actually."

Faang Han was amused internally, yet his face remained impassive as he replied evenly.

"Dine? You? Hahaha!"

Chen Xueli acted as if she'd heard the funniest joke, laughing uproariously.

"This is too much!"

She said contemptuously, "I once asked you to take me here for a meal, and you, too stingy to spend a dime, now that you've been disowned by the Faang family, how could you possibly afford to eat here?"

"Do you even realize where you are? Can you even afford it?"

Chen Xueli was convinced that Faang Han couldn't possibly have the means to dine here; she was certain he must be working.

"Whatever you say. You're in my way."

Faang Han couldn't be bothered to argue and intended to sidestep the bothersome woman.

"Hold it right there, I'm a valued customer here. If you don't meet my demands today, I'll complain to your manager and have you fired, leaving you homeless!"

Chen Xueli was thrilled to unexpectedly encounter Faang Han working here and was eager to take this chance to thoroughly embarrass him!

She even planned to snap a few photos to share in her WeChat Moments and class group, showing everyone Faang Han's downfall.

"As I've said, I'm not here to work."

Faang Han dismissed her with a cold shake of his head, not giving her another glance.

"Oh, I get it now. If you're not here to work, you must be stalking me!"

Chen Xueli gave Faang Han a look of mock enlightenment, her eyes filled with scorn as she sneered at him.

"You claim you don't love me anymore? Faang Han, you're truly despicable, tracking me and Young Master Ma like some lowlife. What's your aim?"

"I'm telling you, nothing you do will make me take you back. Young Master Ma is infinitely better than you!" Chen Xueli stated icily.

"Such a racket."

Faang Han couldn't be bothered to stoop to her level, but Chen Xueli was becoming exceedingly irritating.

"Ha, Faang Han, you're worthless. It wasn't until I was with Ma Hui that I realized how marvelous the life of the wealthy is. You, on the other hand, are nothing but garbage!"

"See, all of these were gifts from Ma Hui. What did you ever buy me when we were together?"

Chen Xueli flaunted the delicate bracelet Ma Hui had given her, radiating smug satisfaction.

Faang Han had no interest in engaging with her. Noticing his lack of response, Chen Xueli scoffed, "Faang Han, you're not even a man. I don't have time to waste on you. I'm going back to my husband."

"Suit yourself."

Faang Han replied, his tone detached and his expression cool.

"Ha! You'll never get to experience the high society life. You'll never have the chance to dine here in your lifetime!"

Chen Xueli was about to strut off when she suddenly saw a girl running towards them, breathless.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Faang Han."

The girl reached Faang Han's side, apologizing sheepishly. She then tugged at his sleeve and suggested with a smile, "Let's head inside quickly."

"Lau Ruyan? What are you doing here?"

Chen Xueli was taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise.

The girl was, of course, Lau Ruyan. She had just arrived at Sand Manor with Faang Han and ran into a friend dining in the lobby.

After a brief exchange with her friend, she returned to Faang Han, apologizing for the wait.

And now, she had stumbled upon Chen Xueli berating Faang Han!

"Why shouldn't I be here? Is there an issue with Faang Han and me dining here?"

Lau Ruyan leaned closer to Faang Han and replied without mincing words.


Chen Xueli was taken aback.

She could never have imagined Faang Han being with Lau Ruyan!

Faang Han was nothing but a nobody, a sycophant who only knew how to grovel at her feet. How on earth was he dining with Lau Ruyan?

Lau Ruyan was the undisputed belle of Bauhinia Academy. There was no way she would give Faang Han the time of day!

Were they putting on an act?

"Lau Ruyan, Faang Han is nothing but a loser. Don't let him deceive you. He can't afford to treat you to a meal here!"

Chen Xueli scoffed, intent on revealing Faang Han's true face and having him humiliated in front of Lau Ruyan!

"Don't speak about Faang Han that way."

Lau Ruyan's brow furrowed as she looked at Chen Xueli with annoyance.

"Hehe, you've clearly been duped by him. We'll see!"

Chen Xueli felt unnerved under Lau Ruyan's gaze. Though both were considered top beauties at Bauhinia Academy, Lau Ruyan's charm and presence outshone hers, leaving her feeling utterly defeated.

She couldn't fathom how Faang Han had managed to earn such staunch support from Lau Ruyan!

With that, Chen Xueli intended to head back to her own private room.

However, she overheard Lau Ruyan laughing and instructing the waiter, "Please take us to private room number eight. I have a reservation there."


Chen Xueli's eyes sparkled upon hearing this, and she quickly stopped them.

"Did you just say you booked a private room?" Chen Xueli asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lau Ruyan answered, "Number eight, yes. Is there a problem?"

"Number eight? Tsk tsk tsk, Lau Ruyan, the esteemed beauty of Bauhinia Academy, has stooped to lying after getting involved with Faang Han!"

Chen Xueli's sneer was relentless, her earlier defeat replaced by a look of triumph. She had always been eclipsed by Lau Ruyan's radiance at school and was consumed with envy. Now, she had finally found a flaw in Lau Ruyan's armor!

If word of this gets back to Bauhinia Academy, Lau Ruyan's reputation will be tarnished!

"What are you implying?"

Chen Xueli was smug, pointing at them and laughing, "You could have claimed any other number, but to lie about booking private room eight?"

"Let me tell you, Young Master Ma and I are the ones who booked room eight!"

After her declaration, Chen Xueli let out another scornful laugh. Seeing Lau Ruyan and Faang Han embarrassed, she couldn't have been more thrilled!

"What's the issue here?"

Lau Ruyan turned to the beautiful waitress nearby, her face etched with confusion.

The waitress, responsible only for guiding guests in the hall, was clearly out of her depth and could only shake her head in bewilderment.

"Since both parties claim to have booked room eight, could you please show me the confirmation text?" the waiter suggested after a moment's thought.

"Here you go."

Lau Ruyan confidently handed over her text message.

Chen Xueli scoffed, "Still putting on a brave face? Your stubbornness won't save you now!"

To everyone's surprise, the waiter checked Lau Ruyan's message, nodded in approval, and then turned to Chen Xueli. "Miss, could you please show us your message?"

"What are you saying? Their message is legitimate?"

Chen Xueli's face was a picture of disbelief.

"Yes, it's a genuine reservation message from our restaurant," the waiter confirmed with a nod.

Chen Xueli's brow furrowed, "It has to be a fake. My boyfriend and I have been dining in room eight for quite a while. If you don't believe me, go take a look!"

The waiter, befuddled by her claim, was at a loss until Faang Han spoke up, "Let's go check it out."

"Hehe, Faang Han, there's still time to apologize and plead for mercy. Wait until we find out your message is a fake—it'll be too late then!"

Chen Xueli said icily.

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