Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C11 Slap Slap Slap!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C11 Slap Slap Slap!
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C11 Slap Slap Slap!

Faang Han gave her a fleeting, indifferent glance and chuckled silently to himself.

You're probably the one who's going to end up in tears, right?

He was well aware that Lau Ruyan was Elder Lau's granddaughter. The reservation she made couldn't possibly be fake. Clearly, the issue lay with Chen Xueli and Ma Hui!

Led by the server, the group made their way to private room number eight.

Chen Xueli, pointing at the golden door number, boasted, "Take a good look, Faang Han. This is the kind of luxury you'll only get to see once in your lifetime!"

She was convinced that Faang Han must have somehow bamboozled Lau Ruyan into coming here for a meal, certain that he couldn't cover the cost of the room and the food.

When the bill came, he'd have to rely on Lau Ruyan to foot it, essentially mooching off a woman!

This only deepened Chen Xueli's contempt for him.

"Why did it take you so long to come back?"

Ma Hui, expecting Chen Xueli to return by herself, voiced his complaint. To his surprise, his adversary, Faang Han, was the one who appeared.

"Faang Han? What are you doing here, looking to embarrass yourself?"

Ma Hui scoffed coldly, his face full of scorn as he regarded Faang Han.

Though the two were bitter enemies, Ma Hui was confident Faang Han wouldn't dare confront him, and Faang Han had no intention of directly eliminating Ma Hui.

Thus, their encounter was tinged with an air of awkward tension.

"Sir, could you please show me the confirmation text? We need to verify some information," the female server who had escorted Lau Ruyan and Faang Han requested.

"Is there an issue with the text? This gentleman is indeed a guest of this room, isn't he?" inquired the waiter inside room number eight, perplexed.

"It's quite peculiar. According to the text, these two are also guests for room number eight!" the female server remarked oddly.

"Nonsense! We're the ones who booked room number eight. Honey, show them the text!" Chen Xueli urged impatiently.

Ma Hui, now grasping the situation, let out a derisive sneer, "Faang Han, don't think I'm oblivious to your little game. I wonder how long you think you can keep this up!"

"Take a look and see who really owns this private room!"

Ma Hui said with unwavering confidence as he pulled out his phone.

The two waiters examined the phone, and upon comparison, their faces visibly changed.

"Well? Do you see it now? Get that loser out of here, pronto!"

Ma Hui couldn't help but gloat as he saw their reaction.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it seems you're the one who needs to leave this room," the suit-clad waiter said as he handed the phone back to Ma Hui.

"What are you talking about?"

Ma Hui was taken aback, thinking he had misheard.

Chen Xueli was equally shocked. Just a moment before, she was ready to ridicule Faang Han and Lau Ruyan, eager to capture their embarrassed departure from the restaurant and share it in the class group chat.

But then she heard what the waiter in the suit had said.

The restaurant was asking them to leave? That couldn't be right.

"Are you mistaken? I've been dining here for quite some time. Those two are clearly frauds!" Chen Xueli pointed accusingly at the waiter's nose, her dissatisfaction evident.

"My apologies, there's been a misunderstanding. You two are indeed guests of room number eight, but not this one," the waiter explained to Ma Hui.

"This is the exclusive room number eight, reserved for distinguished VIPs. You've booked a standard room and are seated in the wrong place."

The waiter realized his error as soon as he saw Lau Ruyan's text message.

At the entrance, the distant manager had called to remind him about an important guest coming to dine in room number eight that day.

Elder Lau had been referring to Lau Ruyan, of course.

Ma Hui and his party had arrived first, claiming they had booked room number eight.

Mistaking them for the VIPs the manager mentioned, the waiter had led them to this room and provided them with the finest service.

Little did he know, they had only reserved a regular room!

Ma Hui, hearing the explanation, also came to understand.

That explained why the service at Sand Manor was exceptionally attentive today, the food even more delectable than usual, and the room far more opulent than he remembered!

It turned out to be a huge misunderstanding, which was quite embarrassing!

The private room was actually reserved by Faang Han and Lau Ruyan. Now they wanted to evict us, something Ma Hui couldn't accept under any circumstances!

Chen Xueli was also not having it. She had just ridiculed Faang Han, saying he could never afford a meal at Sand Manor in his lifetime. Yet now, she was the one who had to give up her seat!

"Humph, I don't care. It's not our fault, and we've already eaten half our meal. Why should we have to leave?"

Chen Xueli defiantly sat down, refusing to budge.


The two servers exchanged glances, both feeling the situation was tricky.

"You're trying to kick me out? Do you think I don't have money? Do you know who I am?"

Ma Hui picked up a napkin, wiped his mouth, and stood up with an air of arrogance.

As the second young master of the Ma family, he was no stranger to difficult situations. Couldn't a little extra money solve this minor issue?

"It's just a matter of the private room's quality, right? Upgrade me to the Supreme private room and let them dine elsewhere!"

Ma Hui confidently tossed a bank card onto the table.

"Wow, hubby, you're so commanding!"

Chen Xueli wrapped her arms around Ma Hui's arm and exclaimed with excitement.

Indeed, with money, what problem couldn't be solved?

The suited waiter furrowed his brow, unsure whether to take the card. He reluctantly turned to Lau Ruyan for guidance.

"Miss, I apologize for the inconvenience our restaurant has caused you. Would you be willing to relinquish the room to this gentleman?"

The waiter figured it was best to avoid further complications. If Lau Ruyan agreed to switch, it would simplify matters.

Ma Hui turned to Lau Ruyan with a smile, "Lau Ruyan, the Ma family and the Lau family have always coexisted peacefully. Consider this a favor for me, will you?"

Lau Ruyan's lips quirked up slightly at his request.

Ma Hui's tension eased when he saw the situation; it looked like things were going to go his way!

But to his surprise, Lau Ruyan's smile quickly disappeared, and she shook her head with a chilly demeanor, "No exchange, I'm asking you to leave."

Ma Hui's face contorted with displeasure upon hearing Lau Ruyan's refusal.

"She just says no and that's it? Who does she think she is? Honey, let's offer more money and make them scram!"

"Be quiet!"

Ma Hui snapped sharply, shooting Chen Xueli a frosty glare before picking up his coat from the chair.

"We're leaving!"

Chen Xueli was shocked, her face a picture of disbelief as she stared at Ma Hui.

"Honey, why should we be intimidated by them? I won't go!"

She clung to Ma Hui's hand, determined to stay and dine there.

Leaving now would be like slapping herself in the face after all she had said.

Wouldn't it just give Lau Ruyan and Faang Han a reason to mock her?


Ma Hui roughly jerked his hand away and strode off without a backward glance.

Chen Xueli stood there, utterly flabbergasted.

Humiliation washed over her as she sensed the waiters' eyes on her, their looks seeming to scorn her without mercy.

Chen Xueli was mortified, her cheeks burning with shame, wishing she could just disappear.

"Miss, if you would."

The waiter in the suit gave her a brief, impatient look, urging her to move on.

"Faang Han, don't get smug. We'll see about this!"

Chen Xueli, teeth clenched in anger, shot Faang Han a venomous look before quickly lowering her head and hurrying after Ma Hui.

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