Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C12 Troublesome People Came Knocking on My Door!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C12 Troublesome People Came Knocking on My Door!
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C12 Troublesome People Came Knocking on My Door!

Watching Chen Xueli's disheveled retreat, Faang Han shook his head in disbelief.

After thirty thousand years, his feelings for Chen Xueli had long since faded. His inaction was merely due to their shared history as classmates.

Otherwise, would the Devil Monarch Jiuhuang of old have tolerated her antics?

Once Ma Hui and Chen Xueli had departed, the Sand Manor's waiter apologized profusely to Faang Han and Lau Ruyan, quickly tidying up the private room and presenting fresh dishes.

"Faang Han, thank you for healing me. I want to formally thank you here," Lau Ruyan said, lifting her drink with a smile towards Ma Hui. "I don't drink alcohol, so I'll toast with tea instead."

With that, she downed her drink in one go.

Faang Han nodded slightly, replying, "No need to mention it."

He then pulled a small bottle from his pocket and handed it to Lau Ruyan.

"What's this?" Lau Ruyan inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"This is the Essence Fortifying Pill. It's beneficial for your health. Though the frigid poison has been cleared from your system, to prevent a relapse, you'll need to take this medicine once a week for a month for a full recovery," Faang Han explained.

The Essence Fortifying Pill had more benefits than he mentioned, but Faang Han chose not to elaborate. The Lau family would understand his intentions once they received the medicine pills.

"Okay, I'll make sure to take it as directed."

Lau Ruyan nodded earnestly, carefully stowing the bottle away like a precious gem.

"My grandfather mentioned that alchemists are held in high esteem, with many noble families treating them as honored guests," Lau Ruyan remarked.

Faang Han nodded, then sighed, "Indeed, I can refine medicine. However, without the necessary ingredients, even the best chef can't cook a meal. The wild ginseng I have won't last me more than a few days."

"Ah? That wild ginseng was one of Grandpa Zhang's prized possessions," Lau Ruyan said, her surprise evident.

"It would be ideal to have access to older medicinal herbs."

Faang Han spoke casually as he enjoyed the exquisite meal before him.

Unintentionally spoken words can have intentional consequences, and Lau Ruyan took Faang Han's words to heart.

After finishing their meal, they went their separate ways, with Faang Han hailing a taxi to head home.

Suburban villa.

Since being ousted from his family, Faang Han and his parents had relocated to this place.

Though it lacked the opulence of their former downtown mansion, the tranquil environment here had its own unique charm.

Knock, knock, knock!

A series of urgent, forceful knocks echoed at the door, accompanied by the faint sound of someone cursing and demanding entry.

Faang Hongtao, puzzled, opened the door, and his face immediately darkened.

A group of seven or eight thugs, armed with clubs, was gathered outside. Leading them was a member of the Faang family, Faang Han's cousin, Faang Guang.

Upon seeing Faang Hongtao, he knew he was at the right place, and a menacing grin spread across his face.

"Faang Hongtao, where's Faang Han?"

Faang Guang glanced at the old villa with a sneer of contempt before returning his gaze to Faang Hongtao.

"He's not home. What do you want?"

Faang Hongtao's brow furrowed deeply.

Faang Guang, a direct junior of the Faang family, was someone who would usually be greeted with a respectful 'uncle.' It was shocking to see him now, showing his true colors so soon after they had been expelled from the family.

"Whether he's home or not isn't for you to say. You've crossed the Ma family and think you can just run away? Search the place!"

With a cold laugh, Faang Guang gestured to his followers.

The thugs surged past him, storming into the house.

Mrs. Faang, startled, was knocked to the ground by several of the intruders.

"What do you think you're doing?" Faang Hongtao demanded icily.

"What are we doing?" Faang Guang scoffed. "That's a question for your darling son. He's angered the Ma family, and we have to deliver him to them to prevent the Faang family from being dragged into this mess!"

"But we've already severed ties with the Faang family. We have nothing to do with you anymore. Can't you just leave us alone?" Faang Hongtao implored.

Licking his lips, Faang Guang's face twisted into a ghastly sneer.

"It's no longer your concern, but I could turn Faang Han over to the Ma family for the reward. Uncle, you're a businessman too; can't you see this deal isn't adding up?"

"Animal! Get out now, or I'll call the police!"

Faang Hongtao, seething with anger, grabbed his phone and brandished it threateningly.

"Call the police? Go ahead and try!" Faang Guang taunted with a smirk.

Faang Guang shot a glance at the black-clad youth beside him. The young man caught on immediately, toying with a Butterfly Knife as he menacingly approached Faang Hongtao.


The silver flash of the blade cut through the air.

Faang Hongtao was taken aback, his phone slipping from his grasp and shattering into pieces before it hit the ground.

"Faang Guang, you dare to lay a hand on me! You're completely out of control..."

Before Faang Hongtao could finish, he felt the cold steel of the Butterfly Knife pressed against his throat.

"I'm not scared of you anymore! Without the backing of the Fa family, you're nothing but a pack of strays!"

Faang Guang's grin grew wilder as he settled onto the sofa and lit a cigarette, leisurely warning, "I'd think twice before making any sudden moves, or you might not like where this knife ends up."

They could only stand by and watch as their house was turned inside out, the sound of Mrs. Faang's weeping echoing through the hall.

"Brother Guang, we didn't find him!"

"Brother Guang, nothing in the study either!"

Faang Guang's frown deepened as he listened to his men's reports, murmuring to himself, "Could he really not have come back yet?"

"Hui, I think the kid's just hiding. Should we head back for now?" one of the thugs suggested.

Faang Guang stroked his chin, silent, then suddenly fixed his gaze on Faang Hongtao.

Faang Hongtao, who had just let out a sigh of relief, felt his heart leap into his throat under Faang Guang's stare.

"No, let's not go back just yet. I've just had a brilliant idea." Faang Guang said with a cruel smile, standing and moving closer to Faang Hongtao.

"Tell me, Faang Hongtao, if you were to be beaten, do you think he'd still be able to stay hidden?"

Faang Guang smiled as he tapped the ash from his cigarette, exposing the glowing ember at its tip. With force, he pressed it toward Faang Hongtao's face. In a panic, Faang Hongtao shoved Faang Guang, sending him tumbling to the ground. The cigarette butt twirled through the air before landing on Faang Guang's arm, sizzling as it raised an immediate, visible welt.

"Hiss!" Faang Guang inhaled sharply, clutching his arm as he rose to his feet, his gaze seething with intensity. "Damn it, Faang Hongtao, have you got a death wish?"

Fury etched across his face, Faang Guang flung the cigarette butt onto Faang Hongtao's face, causing another angry swelling to form. Faang Hongtao's brow furrowed deeply, yet he remained silent.

"I'm running out of patience!" Faang Guang spat out as he slumped onto the sofa, massaging his arm with a menacing tone. "Since you're so ungrateful, don't blame me for being heartless. Liang, snap his tendons!"

The black-clad youth known as Liang gestured silently, and four thugs lunged forward, pinning Faang Hongtao down in an instant. Mrs. Faang shrieked, covering her eyes, while Faang Hongtao's eyes reddened with the effort of his futile struggle, his limbs held down with unyielding force.

A twisted smile spread across Liang's face as he lifted the Butterfly Knife high. But then, a faint whooshing sound filled the air. Liang's face registered a flicker of surprise, but before he could react, the Butterfly Knife was knocked from his grasp.

The green streak continued unabated until it was halted by the wall with a dull thud. Following the crisp sound of impact, Liang turned to see the steel blade shattered into fragments. Suppressing his shock, he looked toward the wall and upon seeing what was embedded there, he exclaimed in horror, "How is this possible!"

A verdant bamboo leaf was deeply lodged in the wall. Who could it be?

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