Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C13 Grandpa Faang Han I Was Wrong!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C13 Grandpa Faang Han I Was Wrong!
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C13 Grandpa Faang Han I Was Wrong!

The young man clad in black recoiled in horror as he spun around, only to find a somewhat frail-looking youth standing silently at the doorway.

The youth's expression was unreadable, betraying neither joy nor anger.

His eyes were chillingly icy, causing the room's temperature to plummet in an instant.

A shadowy gloom enveloped everyone's hearts, unearthing their deepest, most dreaded memories as if the youth embodied fear itself.

"Faang Han!" Faang Guang called out, his face twisted into a malevolent grin. "This time, you won't be able to run!"

Faang Han slightly lifted his head, his gaze detached to the extreme. He scanned the crowd and paused momentarily on Faang Hongtao's face.

A smile cracked across Faang Han's face, yet it held no warmth. He spoke slowly, "Do you really believe that being a member of the Faang family means I wouldn't dare to kill you?"

His chilling statement sent a shiver through everyone, as the hall's temperature nosedived and an eerie wind began to howl.

"Still acting tough? Liang, break his hand first," Faang Han commanded, ignoring Liang's dazed look and sneering coldly.

The young man in black hesitated, a trace of a bitter smile on his lips.

He hadn't anticipated encountering an adversary who had mastered the Transformation Stage of internal energy, especially not while simply earning some extra cash. The skill he had just witnessed, turning a leaf into a weapon, was something few in his sect could achieve!

With a growing sense of retreat, he bowed with his fists clasped and began, "My lord..."


Faang Han's right hand flicked up, unleashing another streak of green light.

The black-clothed youth's face contorted in shock, realizing the young man wouldn't allow him to plead. Thoughts raced through his mind, all futile attempts to evade.

He tried to sidestep, but the green light had already slashed past his wrist in a flash!

The youth in black stifled a groan, his body seizing up as he looked down at his right hand.

His entire right palm lay severed on the ground, blood gushing from the stump.

The youth clad in black was drenched in cold sweat, his complexion ashen, resembling a sheet of gold leaf. Clenching his teeth tightly, he managed to stifle any cry of pain.


"Brother Liang!"

The sight of blood sent shivers down the spines of the gangsters present, their skin crawling as they contemplated fleeing in terror.

Faang Guang stood frozen, his mouth agape as he attempted to scold Faang Han.

But the moment his eyes met Faang Han's, which glinted with a chilling light, a deep, soul-shaking terror seized him, sending shivers through his body.

Faang Han advanced into the villa's grand hall with deliberate steps, each footfall echoing like a death knell in the ears of the onlookers.

A palpable aura of death enveloped the space.

Liang, teeth clenched against the searing pain, didn't dare to reach for his severed hand.

Faang Han's icy stare cut through the air, landing on Faang Guang.

"The Faang family, from top to bottom, appears to be thoroughly corrupt!"

Faang Guang trembled, his pupils shrinking in fear. It was as if an invisible hand had clutched his throat, rendering him speechless.

Faang Guang's presence at the suburban villa was surely on the orders of the Faang family's higher-ups. How else could someone of his standing have enlisted an expert like Liang?

"Faang Han, let's discuss this. Please, hear me out..."

Faang Guang inhaled deeply, bracing against the overwhelming pressure, and spoke with great effort.


Faang Han's chuckle was tinged with disdain.

"Yes, the thing is..."

Faang Guang proceeded with caution, slowly backing away while never breaking eye contact with Faang Han.

His lackeys followed suit, tightening their circle.

"Enough with the explanations! Attack! Kill him!"

Faang Guang's sudden burst of bravado spurred him to command his men. He then swiftly backpedaled, increasing the distance between himself and Faang Han.

Initially, the thugs had been paralyzed by Faang Han's display of power, but at their leader's command, they brandished their clubs and knives, charging at Faang Han.

"Overconfident fools," Faang Han scoffed, his form blurring into a series of afterimages.

With a series of swift motions, several streaks of lightning emerged amidst the crowd. The hooligans charging forward were hurled through the air, landing in a disoriented heap, blood trickling from the corners of their mouths.

Screams that sounded like a mix of ghostly wails and wolf howls echoed through the villa, as the underlings cried out in agonizing terror. The spectacle was utterly horrifying.

The few who hadn't yet charged at Faang Han witnessed the chaos and quickly discarded their weapons. In a state of panic, they knelt down, begging for mercy, their foreheads slick with sweat.

A hush fell over the villa, as silent as the grave.

Faang Guang's eyes bulged, his heart churning like tumultuous waves, his body shaking uncontrollably.

How could Faang Han's strength be so formidable?

With bare hands and in the blink of an eye, he had subdued all his underlings!

Was this man even human?

After dealing with the thugs, Faang Han casually dusted off his hands. His icy gaze then landed sharply on Faang Guang.

"Brother Faang Han, I was wrong, I truly was!" Faang Guang's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground, clinging to Faang Han's legs, pleading pitifully.

He couldn't bear to meet Faang Han's gaze any longer, feeling the ominous shadow of death looming over him.

In that moment, his only wish was for Faang Han to spare his life; he harbored no further thoughts of defiance.

Faang Han slowly lifted his hand, his fingertips shimmering with a pale glow. A formidable, unseen force bore down upon Faang Guang's head.

Terrified, Faang Guang shook violently, and in his fright, he lost control of his bodily functions.

Faang Han's brow furrowed, his interest evidently waning.

"Brother Faang Han, Grandfather Faang Han, I admit my mistakes. I deserve to die!" Faang Guang, now soaked in his own urine, shakily extended his hand and began to slap his own face with force. With each blow, he quickly turned his face into a swollen mess.

"Grandfather Faang Han, I... I am nothing but trash. To kill me would tarnish your esteemed reputation. Please, just consider me as nothing and let me go."

Faang Guang incessantly kowtowed, pleading for mercy, seemingly oblivious to the filth he had created on the floor with his own waste.

"Clean this mess, kneel at the doorway for three days and nights, then crawl back to the Faang family and warn them—if they dare to repeat this offense, they cannot blame me for showing no familial mercy," Faang Han stated icily.

Relieved as if pardoned, Faang Guang hastily kowtowed several more times to Faang Han, scrambled to his feet, summoned his men to tidy the villa, and then knelt at the entrance like a well-behaved dog.

He dared not slack off, fearing that Faang Han might reconsider and claim his life.

Faang Han then turned his attention to the black-clad young man.

"Which clan are you from?" Faang Han inquired.

Bearing the agony of his severed hand and immense pressure, the young man replied with difficulty, "My master is Wang Tianlong from the north of the river."

"Wang Tianlong? The name doesn't ring a bell," Faang Han said, shaking his head, unimpressed by the name.

The young man in black didn't dare to utter another word, merely bowing his head in silence.

"Alright, you may leave now," Faang Han dismissed him with a wave of his hand and a detached tone.

The young man, feeling a reprieve, picked up his severed hand and staggered towards the exit with great effort.

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