Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C14 Three Million Kill Faang Han!?
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C14 Three Million Kill Faang Han!?
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C14 Three Million Kill Faang Han!?

After fending off the intruders, Faang Han soothed his parents' nerves and tended to their wounds before retreating to his room to ponder deeply.

On that day, the Ma family had come with a vengeance, but they were repelled by Faang Han. He had even managed to kill Old Zhou, a Covert Strength Expert.

In the following days, aside from Ma Hui who continued to cause trouble, the Ma family had grown eerily quiet.

Faang Han, however, recognized this lull as the deceptive calm before a storm. The Ma family's current silence was undoubtedly them gathering strength, preparing to strike him a deadly blow.

Even with Old Zhou gone, the Ma family certainly had more than one Covert Strength Expert!

Faang Han wasn't intimidated by the Ma family's enforcers, but if they stooped low enough to target his family, that would indeed be problematic.

After all, he couldn't stay home indefinitely to guard his parents.

After a brief contemplation, Faang Han picked up his phone and called Ji.

"Mr. Faang? How may I assist you?" Ji inquired with due respect, having been instructed by Elder Lau to prioritize Faang Han's requests.

"I'm in need of some unique materials. Can you procure them for me?" Faang Han asked.

Ji tensed up at the request, understanding the gravity of this first-time favor from Faang Han. He promptly responded, "Mr. Faang, please tell me what you need. I'll make every effort to obtain them for you!"

"Great, I'll send you a list," Faang Han responded, pleased.

Two hours later, Ji arrived with the materials.

"Mr. Faang, I've gathered all the items you requested."

Ji opened his backpack, revealing an array of gold and stone materials, among them rare ores and jades of immense value!

Faang Han gave a slow nod of approval. "Well done. You've been diligent. Please convey to Elder Lau that I owe him a favor."

A smile spread across Ji's face at the acknowledgment. Building a positive rapport with Faang Han was a significant boon for both him and the Lau family.

If any of Faang Han's friends or foes from his past life could witness this moment, they would be astounded and utterly incredulous.

This favor from the Devil Monarch Jiuhuang was invaluable, a single word from him could be traded for countless treasures of the world!

"Mr. Faang, are you setting up a magic formation?"

Ji, gazing at the array of materials, couldn't help but express his astonishment.

"It's merely a basic prototype, hardly worthy of being called a magic formation," Faang Han responded with a dismissive tone.

The materials, gold and stone alike, were quickly gathered by Ji, but they were mundane, with only a trace of spiritual energy within them.

Thus, they were only suitable for crafting the most fundamental magic formation, one that would influence the area of a single villa.

"A true magic formation can obscure the sun, envelop entire cities, countries, or even star systems. The ancient great experts would use actual stars and the fabric of the galaxy to construct vast celestial arrays!"

Faang Han murmured, his eyes reflecting a hint of reminiscence.

Once, he had allied with the Devil Monarchs of the Devil Realm to create the formidable Heavenly Demon Great Array, its might so overwhelming that it left the Immortal Realm strewn with corpses, claiming the lives of numerous Immortal Monarchs!

Ji, listening intently, was utterly astounded by the revelation.

"I shall not impose any further. Should you find the time, Mr. Faang, please consider visiting the Lau family for a conversation," Ji said, bowing respectfully to Faang Han before taking his leave with discernment.

Faang Han opened his backpack, gesturing with his hand, and various materials levitated, swirling through the air and tracing enigmatic arcs.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Colors flickered as Faang Han's deep and melodious incantations filled the room.

He recited an ancient and arcane magical spell, capable of transforming the mundane into the miraculous with its profound effects.

For someone of his mastery in array formations, constructing a basic formation was a walk in the park.

In no time at all, Faang Han finished setting up the formation, embedding several precious ores into the earth surrounding the villa in strategic positions, thus establishing a simple yet effective array.

"Though modest, this formation is complete in function. It may be rudimentary, but it's fully capable of gathering spiritual energy, warding off enemies, and serving as an alarm," Faang Han remarked, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.

With this formation in place, not even a Covert Strength Expert could infiltrate. Should a legendary Strength Transforming Expert approach, the formation would hold them off for a time, alerting Faang Han and affording him ample opportunity to return.

After setting up the magic formation, Faang Han instructed his parents to stay indoors for the time being and to enjoy a peaceful life within the safety of the villa. Mr. and Mrs. Faang, though still somewhat shaken, placed their full trust in Faang Han after witnessing his formidable abilities.

Having taken care of these matters, Faang Han retreated to his room to begin his cultivation. The journey of cultivation was not one to be completed in haste. Despite Faang Han's reincarnation and his profound level of mastery, there were no shortcuts to amassing spiritual energy. Like a rope sawing through wood or water wearing away stone, only through years of dedicated practice could he hope to reach the pinnacle once again.

Late into the night at the Ma family residence, Ma Hui sat on the edge of his bed, clad in silk pajamas, his gaze dark and brooding. A seductive woman with a lithe figure was tenderly massaging his shoulders. She was not Chen Xueli, but rather a companion Ma Hui had sought out to alleviate his solitude.

"Damn it, Faang Han, that good-for-nothing, must have stumbled upon some outrageous fortune to get so close to Lau Ruyan!" Ma Hui seethed, his face growing darker with rage.

The Ma family had suffered the loss of a Covert Strength Expert in their attempt to handle Faang Han. The family's leadership had advised Ma Hui to refrain from any hasty actions, to bide his time until they could gather enough strength to deliver a lethal blow to Faang Han. But Ma Hui was consumed by his indignation.

The disgrace of being expelled from Sand Manor clung to him like a relentless nightmare, driving him to the brink of madness. Clenching his jaw, he snatched up his phone and dialed a number: "Mr. Jie, it's me, Hui!"

The call connected, and a gruff voice answered, "Hui, I've heard you got roughed up recently. What's up? You want me to help you get even?"

"Exactly, Mr. Jie, I want that man dead!" Ma Hui spat out the words, venom and bitterness saturating his voice.

"I've heard your Ma family already took a shot at him, but ended up getting one of your own experts killed instead. This complicates things..." The voice on the other end, belonging to the bald man known as Mr. Jie, was casual as he smoked his cigarette, exhaling plumes of smoke.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jie. Last time, the Ma family let our guard down and that kid caught us by surprise with a sneak attack. This time, bring enough backup and pack some heat. That kid's as good as dead!" Ma Hui said, a cold smirk on his face as he vividly imagined Faang Han being taken down by Mr. Jie.

Mr. Jie wavered, not immediately responding. Sensing the hesitation, Ma Hui quickly added, "Once the job's done, I'll wire two million to your account!"

"Make it three million, and I want the money upfront," Mr. Jie countered.

"Damn, always trying to jack up the price," Ma Hui muttered under his breath. Yet outwardly, he maintained a placating smile. "You've got a deal. I'll draw the kid out, and you can take it from there, Mr. Jie."

"Rest assured, by tomorrow, you'll be looking at his dead body," Mr. Jie assured him with a malevolent chuckle. He ended the call and turned to his crew with a sly grin, "Boys, we've got work to do—and this one's a big catch!"

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