Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C15 You Are You a Human or a Ghost??
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C15 You Are You a Human or a Ghost??
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C15 You Are You a Human or a Ghost??

On the second day, Faang Han awoke to a sense of increased strength.

"The Stellar Sword Technique truly is a marvel from the small gourd. It's incredibly profound. If I keep up with my cultivation like this, I should soon reach the threshold of the Foundation Stage."

"Time to continue cultivating!"

Yesterday, Faang Han had already notified the school administration and taken a week off. He had no intention of going to school today, but as he closed his eyes to meditate, his phone suddenly lit up.

He picked up the phone and saw a WeChat message.

"Faang Han, meet me at the Technology Building at 9:30 PM tonight. Don't miss it!"

Faang Han's brow furrowed slightly at the somewhat flirtatious message from Lau Ruyan.

He replied with a question mark but received no response from Lau Ruyan.

"It looks like I'm walking into a setup," Faang Han mused, a slight smirk on his face as he speculated.

Setting the phone aside, he resumed his meditation and before he knew it, night had fallen.

As a cultivator, Faang Han only needed to absorb the spiritual energy from the environment to sustain himself, unlike mortals who require three meals a day.

With a deep breath, Faang Han opened his eyes, which shone like bright stars against the night sky.

"Let's see who's planning to make a move against me."

With a mere thought, Faang Han's form flickered and he became a silent shadow, stealthily leaving his suburban villa.

Upon reaching Bauhinia Academy, he slowed his pace.

The Technology Building was a deserted structure within the academy grounds. It once housed several teaching laboratories, but had been abandoned in favor of a new experimental building.

At night, the place was even more desolate, save for the occasional couple seeking a private moment.

Faang Han had just reached the Technology Building when he noticed a golden van parked at the entrance.

Inside, a burly man with a scarred face, known as Scarface, smoked a cigarette, glancing occasionally at the rearview mirror and out the window, as if on the lookout for something.

"Damn, is it really necessary to go after a student? Mr. Jie is blowing this way out of proportion!"

"Why have we been waiting forever and they're still not here? What's going on?"

Scarface took a drag of his cigarette and grumbled angrily.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, a young man's voice echoed in the van, casual and nonchalant.

"Waiting for some kid... Ah, how did you get in here?"

Scarface's heart raced as he stared wide-eyed at the handsome young man sitting in the passenger seat, who was looking back at him with a smirk.


The van's door was clearly shut. How did this young man get inside?

"You, you're not... Faang Han, are you?"

Scarface stammered, glancing down at the photo in his hand, and jumped in shock!

The young man was unmistakably the student his boss had told him to tail!

"Oh? I'm impressed you figured it out. Yes, it's me."

Faang Han smiled, openly acknowledging his identity.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Scarface asked incredulously. He fumbled with his left hand under the seat and pulled out an iron rod, clutching it tightly.

"So, what do you want with me?"

Faang Han reclined comfortably in the seat, squinting his eyes as if he were still half asleep.

"What do I want? I'm going to take you down first!"

Scarface erupted with rage, his face contorted with fury as he swung the iron rod down hard towards Faang Han's head!

The rod was long and unwieldy in the cramped space of the van, but a hit to the head would be lethal, no matter how tough the opponent.

Scarface could almost see Faang Han's head split open, the victory would mean he could present Faang Han to Mr. Jie and claim his reward!

But in the next instant, he felt an overwhelming force travel up the rod, slamming into his grip!


Scarface cried out as his palm bled profusely!

The iron rod was now firmly in Faang Han's grasp. With a slight twist, it crumpled into a ball of metal!

Ignoring the pain, Scarface's eyes bulged in disbelief at the sight, his mouth agape wide enough to swallow an egg!

Could that youth really have snapped such a thick iron rod with just a casual pull?

Is he even human?

"Now, can you tell me what you want with me?"

Faang Han nonchalantly tossed the mangled iron rod aside and continued to ask in an even tone.

Scarface's scalp tingled, and his complexion turned ghostly pale.

"I don't know, I swear, it's not my fault. Mr. Jie sent us. They're lying in wait inside, planning to take you out once you enter."

At this point, Scarface was too terrified to lie, spilling everything he knew.

"Mr. Jie?"

Faang Han's brow furrowed slightly, unable to recall knowing someone by that name.

"Never mind, where are they hiding? Take me to them," Faang Han commanded.

"Yes, yes, of course."

Sitting next to Faang Han, Scarface was visibly uneasy, his voice quivering as he spoke.

Meanwhile, in a classroom within the Technology Building, a gang of thugs loitered outside, cigarettes dangling from their lips, chatting nonchalantly.

They had been informed that their target was merely an ungraduated student. To them, this task was trivial. As a part of Zhonghai City's underground network, Mr. Jie and his crew had seen it all. What was there to fear in handling a mere student?

Inside the classroom, a bald man with a face marred by scars advanced toward the corner with a sinister grin. Unbuckling his belt, he flashed a row of gold teeth.

"Little girl, don't be scared. Mr. Jie will take very good care of you!"

Mr. Jie's lecherous laugh grew as he closed in.

"No! Stay away!"

In the corner, a girl dressed in campus attire screamed in terror, trapped against the wall with no escape.

Next to her, a young man lay on the floor, unconscious.

He was her boyfriend. They had planned a secret meeting in the Technology Building's classroom but had stumbled upon Mr. Jie and his gang instead.

Captivated by the girl's beauty, Mr. Jie immediately harbored vile intentions.

Her boyfriend had tried to confront Mr. Jie, only to be knocked out cold with a single punch.

Now, she was like a lamb to the slaughter, trapped with no escape, soon to be reduced to a plaything in Mr. Jie's cruel grasp.


The girl's cries of despair echoed, her pretty face turning ghostly white with fear.

"Go ahead, scream! In the entire Technology Building, everyone's on my side. You could scream your lungs out and still, no one would come to your rescue!"

Mr. Jie let out a cold laugh, seizing the girl's hand and moving his bulky, fat face closer to hers.

"Back off!"

The girl fought back desperately, but how could she possibly stand a chance against Mr. Jie?


In her moment of utter hopelessness, a streak of white light flashed by, piercing right through Mr. Jie's right arm. The intense white glow left a gaping, charred hole, his flesh horribly mangled.

"Damn it! Who's there?"

Mr. Jie grunted, crying out in agony. He let go of the girl and quickly looked down at the ghastly wound on his arm, his eyes bulging in shock.

There were no bullet casings, no sound of a gunshot. This wasn't a gunshot wound.

What kind of method had the assailant used to burn such a bloody, gaping hole in his arm?

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