Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C16 I Don't Want to Die!!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C16 I Don't Want to Die!!
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C16 I Don't Want to Die!!

He abruptly looked up and was met with the youthful visage of a young man. Mr. Jie's eyes immediately widened in recognition.

The newcomer was none other than Faang Han, the very person he had been seeking!

"I heard you were looking for me?" Faang Han said, a slight smile playing on his lips as he regarded Mr. Jie with interest.

Mr. Jie paused, taken aback, then narrowed his eyes.

"Kid, you've got some skills. It's no wonder that you've got the better of the Ma family," Mr. Jie said, fixing Faang Han with a dark look.

As a significant player in the underground scene of Zhonghai City, Mr. Jie was no stranger to tough situations and wasn't surprised by Faang Han's tactics.

Moreover, from the moment Faang Han had burst into the classroom to their current standoff, Mr. Jie hadn't heard a peep.

This meant that his henchmen, who had been lurking outside the classroom, had already been neutralized by Faang Han!

For one person to accomplish this alone, the kid had to be a master.

"Thanks for the compliment, but you still haven't answered my question," Faang Han said, his smile unwavering as he maintained his calm demeanor, though his gaze was detached.

"Heh, you're quite composed," Mr. Jie scoffed, reaching into his jacket.

Faang Han seemed unfazed, as if indifferent to whatever Mr. Jie was planning.

"Kid, do you think being skilled in combat makes you invincible? No matter how strong you are, can you outmatch this?" Mr. Jie taunted as he drew a modified pistol and aimed it squarely at Faang Han's head, a triumphant and malicious grin spreading across his face.

"Ahhh!" The girl who had narrowly escaped harm let out a piercing scream at the sight of the gun in Mr. Jie's hand.

She was merely a student; where would she have ever encountered a real gun?

"You, you should run!" she urged Faang Han, her voice trembling with concern, on the verge of tears.

She appreciated Faang Han's bravery in standing up for what was right, but she knew that against a gun, bravery was nothing more than a fool's hope.

Yet Faang Han remained serene, standing with his hands clasped behind him, without the slightest hint of an intention to dodge.

"Do you really want to shoot? I wouldn't recommend it," Faang Han stated coolly.

"Heh, you think I won't do it?" Mr. Jie scoffed. "I've lost count of how many lives have ended at my hands over the years. One more won't make a difference!" His eyes were brimming with a thick intent to kill. As an outlaw, he had no qualms about taking another life.

"Oh, is that so? Well, give it a try," Faang Han replied, his smile barely there.

"Die, punk!" Mr. Jie bellowed as he furiously pulled the trigger.


The sharp report of the gunshot rang out as the searing bullet flew from the barrel, tracing a tight arc through the air toward Faang Han's forehead.


The girl shielded her eyes, unable to witness the gruesome scene, her heart sinking into the depths of despair.

Could it be that she was truly unable to escape this nightmare?

But in the next instant, she heard Mr. Jie let out a blood-curdling scream.

What had happened?

The girl opened her eyes, staring in disbelief at the unfolding scene.

Faang Han stood there unscathed, a faint golden aura seemingly flowing around him, giving him an almost divine presence.

Mr. Jie, on the other hand, writhed in agony on the ground, a bullet hole through his chest, his blood painting the floor.

The pistol lay nearby, discarded with a metallic clatter.

"How... How is this possible?" she wondered.

She had clearly seen Mr. Jie fire at Faang Han with a pistol—a modern weapon of formidable power, one that no one could resist with mere flesh and bone.

Yet the reality before her was astonishing and utterly confounding.

Faang Han shook his head and sighed. "I did say shooting wasn't a good idea."

"And for the record, there's nothing I detest more than someone pointing a gun at me," he added, his eyes narrowing, his gaze icy.

In that moment, it was Faang Han who had caught the bullet with a flick of his finger, then reversed its course, sending it straight through Mr. Jie's chest.

"No, no!" Mr. Jie gasped, his eyes wide with terror as he clutched at the gaping wound, his face ashen, drenched in cold sweat.

In his mind, a pistol and a bullet could solve everything. Even a Covert Strength Expert with exceptional skills would be vulnerable in the face of modern weaponry.

Unfortunately for his adversaries, Faang Han was no ordinary Covert Strength Expert.

With his current level of mastery, how could a mere pistol pose any threat to him?

"Tell me, who sent you?" Faang Han demanded, approaching Mr. Jie with a gaze sharp as a knife, towering over him with icy detachment.

"Spare me, please spare me..." Mr. Jie was petrified, his voice quivering with fear.

"I don't like to repeat myself. Tell me who's pulling the strings, and I can grant you a swift end," Faang Han stated, his voice serene yet laced with a boundless aura of menace.

"I'll tell, I'll tell you everything."

Mr. Jie was so terrified he could hardly think straight. He didn't dare fabricate a story and promptly ratted out Ma Hui.

"Ma Hui... of course, it was you."

Faang Han wasn't surprised. Currently, his greatest adversary was Ma Hui!

In his previous life, Ma Hui had been responsible for the ruin of his family. Now, in this life, he was still relentlessly plotting against Faang Han.

"Ma Hui orchestrated this whole thing. I know nothing else. We have no personal feud; I beg you to spare my life!"

Now, Mr. Jie bore no resemblance to the menacing figure he once was, appearing more like a beaten dog groveling for mercy at Faang Han's feet.

Faang Han gave him a dismissive glance and nodded as if to confirm his thoughts.

"Indeed, killing you would only sully my hands."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Jie latched onto the statement like a lifeline, nodding fervently. "Exactly, exactly! Spare me, and I'll swear loyalty to you. The underground network of Zhonghai will be at your disposal!"

"I truly have no intention of killing you myself," Faang Han said with a faint smile, as he picked up the pistol and placed it in Mr. Jie's hands.

"What's this for?"

Mr. Jie was bewildered, unable to decipher Faang Han's intentions.

"Take care of it yourself."

Faang Han's words were detached, but his gaze was piercingly cold, sending a chill through Mr. Jie as if he were plunged into an icy abyss.

"No, no, I don't want to die!"

Mr. Jie was in a state of utter panic, his scream piercing the air as his hands, clutching the weapon, shook uncontrollably.

He had never experienced such fear before, a looming shadow of death was enveloping him!

Faang Han observed him with a calm demeanor, his gaze devoid of any trace of sympathy.

"I don't like to repeat myself. Go ahead."

His voice was cool and detached, yet it carried an unmistakable chill of lethal intent.

Having said that, Faang Han turned away from him and approached the panic-stricken girl, gently helping her to her feet.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Still somewhat shaken, the girl quickly expressed her gratitude to Faang Han, then turned to her unconscious boyfriend and asked, "Um, could you help me take him to the school infirmary?"

"There's no need for all that trouble."

Faang Han said with a smile, shaking his head. With a few precise taps on the unfortunate boy's body, he was instantly revived.

"Brother Kun, you're awake! Oh, thank goodness!"

The girl was ecstatic, rushing to embrace the boy in relief.

The boy, still disoriented, took in the scene—Mr. Jie lying in a pool of blood and the sudden appearance of Faang Han—and was utterly bewildered.

"Let's step outside to talk."

Faang Han, recognizing the boy's confusion, suggested with an amiable smile.

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