Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C17 I Look Forward to Your Performance!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C17 I Look Forward to Your Performance!
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C17 I Look Forward to Your Performance!

"Yeah, Brother Kun, this student here saved us."

The boy scrutinized Faang Han, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. "You are... Faang Han?"

Faang Han nodded, a hint of confusion in his expression. "Yes, it's me. Do you know me?"


The boy seemed to hesitate. Faang Han quickly caught on and shook his head with a rueful smile.

He was, in a way, quite notorious at Ivy School. Sadly, he was known to most as nothing more than a lowly sycophant.

"Still, Senior Faang Han, you were incredibly cool on the sports field that day, the way you handled Chen Xueli. That's how a real man should act!" the boy exclaimed.

Faang Han smiled and advised them, "You two should get out of here. Don't come back to a place like this. Why not just take a girl to a hotel next time?"

The boy sheepishly scratched his head, and the girl bashfully looked down.

"Senior Faang Han, you're right. We'll be going now."

The boy took the girl's hand, ready to leave, but then paused, turning back to Faang Han. "Senior Faang Han, my name is Zhang Kun, from the computer science department. I owe you one. I'll definitely treat you to a meal to express my gratitude!"

Faang Han nodded and waved them off.

Once they had departed, Faang Han turned his attention to Scarface in the hallway and his cronies who had been scattered by his hand.

"Mr. Faang, I swear I had nothing to do with this. We were just following Mr. Jie's orders."

Scarface trembled as Faang Han's gaze fell upon him, hurriedly trying to explain himself.

But Faang Han wasn't interested in his excuses. His gaze shifted to the classroom, as if waiting for something that never came.

"Looks like your boss can't make up his mind," Faang Han remarked, shaking his head, his demeanor cool and detached.

"What's your name?" Faang Han asked Scarface.

With earnest fear, Scarface replied, "Mr. Faang, my name is Zhou Haihui."

"Go then, deal with your boss. After that, you're in charge," Faang Han said calmly, patting Scarface on the shoulder.

"Ah? Me?"

Scarface's eyes bulged with incredulity.

Taking over Mr. Jie's position?

Did that mean he was about to become the underground kingpin of this region?

Upon hearing Faang Han's words, the henchmen sprawled on the ground turned green with envy, casting jealous glares at Scarface.

"Mr. Faang, can I take your word for it?"

Scarface inquired cautiously.


Faang Han spoke with a detached tone, his gaze sweeping serenely over the crowd.

The henchmen had already been subdued by Faang Han's might; none dared meet his eye. They all bowed their heads in respectful submission, not daring to voice a single dissent.


With gritted teeth and a resolved heart, Scarface grabbed a machete from one of his underlings and charged into the classroom.

"Haihui, what are you doing? I'm your elder brother. You can't betray me!"

Mr. Jie, sprawled on the floor, couldn't lift his gun in time before Scarface's boot sent him flying.

"Sorry, Mr. Jie, but Mr. Faang is my patron. He's offered me this chance, and I intend to seize it!" Scarface sneered, brandishing the machete.


The blade plunged in white and emerged crimson.

A single scream pierced the night's calm, signaling the end of Mr. Jie, the underworld boss who had reigned over Zhonghai for two decades.

"Mr. Faang, I've carried out your orders."

Scarface emerged, discarding the bloodied machete, and bowed deeply to Faang Han.

"Mmm, well done."

Faang Han nodded impassively and gestured toward Scarface, addressing the onlookers, "From now on, he's your new boss. Also, there will be no more violence. If I discover any, the perpetrator will be shown no mercy."

"Yes, Mr. Faang! Brother Haihui!"

With Mr. Jie gone, the lackeys didn't dare contradict Faang Han, responding in unison.

"Good. Now, your first task: clean this place thoroughly, leaving no trace behind."

After issuing the command, Faang Han departed, not lingering at the scene.

Stepping out of the school grounds, Faang Han vanished into the embrace of the night.

At this moment, within the Ma family villa, Ma Hui stood silently by the window, his phone gripped tightly in hand as he awaited anxiously.

Behind him, a model with flamboyant makeup cast a resentful glance his way. "Young Master Ma, what are you waiting for? Won't you come keep me company?"

"Just wait, don't rush me," Ma Hui replied, his brow furrowed as he glanced at his phone, clearly growing impatient.

"What could you possibly be waiting for that's more important than our... special moment?" she purred, her eyes brimming with seduction.

"Just a little longer," he insisted.

Despite her persistent flirting and attentiveness, Ma Hui remained silent, his expression darkening with each passing minute.

"Why is there still no news? Could something have gone wrong?" Anxious thoughts swirled in Ma Hui's mind. After several unsuccessful attempts to reach Mr. Jie by phone, his worry intensified.

"Well, isn't Young Master Ma enjoying himself," a languid voice suddenly cut through the tension.

At the sound, Ma Hui's body tensed, his eyes widening in shock as his face drained of color.

"Ah!" The model let out a sharp scream upon seeing Faang Han appear, quickly wrapping herself in the blanket and looking fearfully toward Ma Hui.

"Young Master Ma!" Ma Hui's forehead was now beaded with sweat as he turned to face Faang Han with a frosty glare.

Faang Han simply smiled, not uttering a word. He nonchalantly grabbed a bottle of champagne from the nearby cabinet and poured himself a glass.

"You're still alive?" Ma Hui could barely hide his mix of fear and astonishment.

He had been certain that Mr. Jie had taken care of Faang Han. Could it be that Mr. Jie had failed?

Faang Han remained silent, swirling his glass before taking a leisurely sip, then casting an indifferent glance at the model.

"Ma Hui, I must say, your taste leaves much to be desired."

Through clenched teeth, Ma Hui demanded, "Faang Han, what are you planning to do?"

"For your next attempt on my life, I hope you'll come up with something more sophisticated. Don't bore me," Faang Han said with a nonchalant smile.

"What did you say?"

Ma Hui's heart skipped a beat. It appeared that Faang Han had discovered that Mr. Jie was his doing. Was he here to kill him?

"I'll only say this once. I expect you to perform well."

Faang Han spoke with a smile, gently setting the wine glass on the side table.

With those words, Faang Han turned on his heel and strode out, leaving the room.

Ma Hui and the model were left standing there, stunned.

Suddenly, the side table where the wine glass had been placed trembled violently and disintegrated into dust, collapsing with a crash!

Ma Hui's face drained of color as his eyes bulged, unable to utter a single word for what seemed like an eternity.

The wine glass had barely touched the table before it reduced the solid wood to powder!

It was absolutely terrifying!

If that wine glass had been pressed against his own body, Ma Hui knew that not even nine lives would save him from being scattered to the winds!

A fear like none he had ever known enveloped Ma Hui.

His hands shaking, he reached for the phone and dialed a number.

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