Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C18 Excellent Medical Skills!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C18 Excellent Medical Skills!
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C18 Excellent Medical Skills!

"Brother... it's me."

Upon arriving home, Faang Han retreated to his room.

As he settled in to meditate, his phone screen flickered to life once more.

"Sorry, Faang Han. My WeChat was hacked. Did I send you any strange messages?" Lau Ruyan messaged.

"No." Faang Han replied with a smile.

"That's a relief. By the way, why weren't you at school today?" Lau Ruyan asked, her curiosity piqued after a sigh of relief.

After pondering for a moment, Faang Han responded, "Unless something urgent comes up, I won't be attending school for the next few days."

"Oh, I see."

Lau Ruyan's tone carried a hint of disappointment.

"Actually, Grandpa Zhang mentioned he had some news about herbs," Lau Ruyan suddenly remembered, eager to share.

"Oh?" Interest sparked in Faang Han.

"Yes, he'll call you tomorrow with the details. I'm off to bed now. Goodnight!" Lau Ruyan sent her message, then switched off her phone and went to sleep.

With a chuckle, Faang Han set his phone aside, closed his eyes, and resumed his cultivation.

The following morning, a persistent ringtone abruptly filled the room.

"Mr. Faang, are you in search of century-old herbs? I've come across some exciting news!"

Dr. Zhang's enthusiastic voice greeted Faang Han as he answered the call.

Faang Han's spirits lifted; he hadn't expected Dr. Zhang to be so prompt. He was on the cusp of reaching the Foundation Stage, and this herb could be the key to his breakthrough.

"Is it about the herb?" Faang Han inquired.

"It's a cluster of wild Blue Star Herb."

After getting the details about the source and specifics of the herbs, Faang Han briefly reflected before deciding, "Alright, prepare everything. We'll depart tomorrow."

Dr. Zhang, seemingly prepared for this response, readily agreed and assured that all would be arranged.

Once the call ended, Faang Han caressed his phone thoughtfully and murmured, "A cluster of century-old Blue Star Herb won't be so straightforward."

He closed his eyes, and the sealed room was shrouded in a swirling white mist, endlessly flowing like eternity itself.

The following day, Faang Han reached the agreed-upon location only to discover seven individuals already there, awaiting his arrival. Dr. Zhang had informed him that the news of the Blue Star Herb had come from a friend, and that their group would be joining them on this journey.

Each of these seven men was young and robust, with piercing gazes that emitted a subtle, yet unmistakable, aura of danger. Clearly, they were seasoned martial artists.

Off to the side, an elderly man was engaged in a warm conversation with Dr. Zhang. At first glance, he appeared to be just an average person, but his energy was so masterfully contained that, despite not being at the Grandmaster level of seamless integration, it was still enough to send shivers down one's spine. He was at the Peak of Covert Strength Stage.

Faang Han's expression turned amused as he pondered where Dr. Zhang had found such a group. In this magic ending period, with the decline of martial arts and the severed path to immortality, these seven Covert Strength Experts, along with a nearly Grandmaster-level practitioner, could easily dominate the martial world of Zhonghai City.

Just then, Dr. Zhang's eyes met Faang Han's, and a look of pleasant surprise crossed his face. He walked over briskly, the lean old man trailing behind him.

"Come, come, let me introduce you to Elder Jee," Dr. Zhang said with a beaming smile upon seeing Faang Han.

Elder Jee gave Faang Han a quick once-over and immediately lost interest. He had been expecting another formidable companion, as suggested by Dr. Zhang, and was prepared to encounter a skilled master. Instead, he saw a man with no apparent cultivation, whose unsteady gait and weary appearance made him seem more like a frivolous playboy than a serious practitioner.

"This is Faang..." Dr. Zhang began, but Faang Han cut him off with a look.

"I'm Faang Han," he stated coolly.

"Ha! Elder Jee, don't let Faang Han's youth fool you. His expertise in medicine has already reached the Transformation Stage. I must admit, I feel quite humbled by his skill."

Dr. Zhang's voice faltered, aware that Faang Han wanted to conceal his identity, so he managed a strained smile to defuse the situation.

The gaunt old man gave a cold nod, offering no further reaction.

As for Dr. Zhang's proclaimed medical expertise, the old man took it as mere pleasantries.

Though he wasn't versed in medicine, he understood that the field valued years of experience—without decades of rigorous study, one could hardly scratch the surface.

Could a young man, not even twenty, possess such advanced medical knowledge?


The lean old man scoffed internally, his disdain for the secretive young man growing.

Dr. Zhang, noticing the old man's sudden aloofness, felt a twinge of embarrassment.

Luckily, Faang Han simply smiled, unfazed.

Dr. Zhang breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

"Alright, it's about time we head up the mountain," Elder Jee announced, prompting the seven robust men to rise from the ground in a disciplined manner, clearly well-trained.

Their destination was Ox-head Mountain, located in the eastern outskirts of the city.

Rich in history and natural beauty, the mountain remained undeveloped due to its remote location and poor accessibility.

To this day, it stands wild and untamed, its dense forests preserving an untouched wilderness.

Rumors even circulated in Zhonghai City of wild and strange beasts lurking within, adding an air of mystery to the place.

As the seven men ventured into the forest, machetes in hand, they blazed a trail through the undergrowth, carving a path as they went.

Reaching the mountainside, where trees intertwined and the canopy cast a deep shade, they found respite from the summer sun, the coolness a welcome relief.

"Let's take a break here," Elder Jee suggested.

The men, soaked in sweat, had not uttered a word of complaint, but at the elder's cue, they all quietly took their seats.

They moved in silence, each one functioning with the precision of a well-oiled machine.

"We should be nearing our destination if the intel is accurate. Half an hour more, at most," Elder Jee remarked, wiping a thin layer of sweat from his brow.

Dr. Zhang's complexion was ashen, his breaths coming in labored gasps. Unable to utter a word, he could only manage a faint nod in agreement.

Faang Han, drenched in sweat as well, seemed to be in good spirits, which puzzled the elder.

"Cough, cough. Before we proceed, we ought to discuss how we'll divide the spoils. It's best to avoid any disputes later on," Elder Jee suggested, casting a glance at Faang Han and smiling.

At these words, a spark of vitality appeared in Dr. Zhang's demeanor, his breathing momentarily easing.

Faang Han turned his attention to the conversation.

"My proposal is to divide the rewards based on contribution. Among us, the one who contributes the most should receive the most," Elder Jee stated.

"How can that be fair..." Dr. Zhang began, his face contorting with concern. He noticed all seven burly men staring at him, causing his voice to falter.

"If that's not agreeable, I have an alternative proposal. What if we distribute the rewards equally among us?" Elder Jee suggested, gesturing with his hand. The intense stares of the men shifted away. Elder Jee continued to smile warmly at Dr. Zhang, whose face now took on a sullen cast, his words caught in his throat.

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