Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C19 There Was a Monster!!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C19 There Was a Monster!!
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C19 There Was a Monster!!

By this point, he realized he had been duped. Every proposal from the old man was logical and left him with no grounds for objection.

Yet, typically there are only three to four stalks of the Blue Star Herb, which meant that both he and Faang Han might end up empty-handed!

He regretted not being more vigilant earlier, not setting a distribution plan when he had the chance.

Now, he was in a predicament with no easy way out. Even if he objected, it would be futile. The seven men standing by would surely not allow him and the others to leave.

It would be one thing if he were the only one who had wasted his time, but he had also involved Faang Han. He had made bold promises, and now Faang Han was caught up in the danger too.

Dr. Zhang turned, feeling remorseful, only to be taken aback by what he saw.

Faang Han wore a serene and gentle smile, as if he had anticipated this turn of events. "Then let's proceed as the gentleman has suggested, and divide it based on contribution," he said.

Old man surnamed Jee glanced at Faang Han, surprised, but didn't dwell on it. He laughed heartily, sealing the deal.

"So it's agreed! Dr. Zhang, you'll be in charge of harvesting the herbs later!"

"Don't worry, I won't shortchange you. Once this is settled, I have a thirty-year-old wild ginseng for you to take!"

Harvesting the Blue Star Herb was a delicate process; any carelessness could result in the loss of its medicinal potency. Therefore, it was typically harvested by a skilled pharmacist to avoid squandering such a valuable resource.

Dr. Zhang now realized that Old man surnamed Jee's offer to share information was just a ploy to get him to assist with the harvesting.

Compared to the Blue Star Herb, the thirty-year-old wild ginseng, though valuable, was practically insignificant!

"Well... okay then."

Bitterness filled Dr. Zhang's mouth, but the circumstances were stronger than his will, and with Faang Han also agreeing, he could only nod in reluctant acceptance.

Old man surnamed Jee, pleased with the response, was in high spirits and even began to view Faang Han more favorably.

Half an hour later, the party reached a clearing midway up the mountain.

The trees had thinned out considerably here, allowing dappled sunlight to filter through. Nearby, a small, clear lake glistened invitingly.

Elder Jee unfurled a scroll of parchment, examined it, and nodded in affirmation. "We've arrived," he declared.

After a brief search, the group discovered a cave on a small, secluded slope. The entrance was shrouded in dense foliage, making it nearly invisible. Once they cleared away the entwining vines, the dark maw of the cave was exposed.

Armed with flashlights, the group ventured into the cave. It was perpetually damp and shadowy inside, with moss thriving in the absence of sunlight.

"Crack!" The sudden sound of something breaking underfoot caused everyone to pause.

They looked down to find the pale skeleton of an unidentified beast lying scattered to the side.

"Damn, that's ominous," someone muttered, sidestepping the bones to avoid disturbing them further.

A somber mood settled over the group as they pressed on, encountering an increasing number of skeletal remains.

"This is getting weirder by the minute," someone whispered, a wave of unease sweeping through the group. Even the seven sturdy men began to feel apprehensive.

"Humph!" Elder Jee snorted dismissively. "What's there to fear? It's merely an animal's bones. And should we encounter anything, am I not here to prevent any harm?"

"Indeed, Master is sagacious!" The seven men exchanged glances, their confidence bolstered by the thought of their master's formidable prowess.

"Old Mr. Jee, are you also a martial arts expert capable of scaling walls with ease?" Dr. Zhang inquired, intrigued by the men's renewed spirit.

One of the men replied with pride, "Humph, those performers? They're not fit to lace our master's boots!"

"Our master is a genuine master, nearly a grandmaster of legend!"

"Absolutely, if you knew of our master's past feats, you'd be terrified!"

The men spoke over one another, their voices laced with reverence for Elder Jee.

Noticing Dr. Zhang's inquisitive look, Elder Jee simply stood with his hands clasped behind his back, his demeanor as tranquil as a cloudless sky.

"Dr. Zhang, rest assured, even if we face a legendary strange beast, I will ensure everyone's safety."

Faang Han's mouth twitched slightly as he glanced at Old Mr. Jee and shook his head.


If a strange beast were to emerge, not just one Old man surnamed Jee, but even ten wouldn't be enough to be considered a snack for such a creature!

"Then we must depend on Old Mr. Jee."

Dr. Zhang nodded in agreement upon hearing Elder Jee's stance, though a sense of unease lingered within him.

"Look, there's light ahead!"

In the midst of darkness, a glimmer of light caught everyone's attention, and they hurried towards it.

They were greeted by a vast space, the cave adorned with jagged rocks, and a beam of sunlight piercing through the high dome, illuminating the area.

Basking in the sunlight were several strands of Blue Star Herb, their luminescence flickering with each gentle sway.

"That's it! The Blue Star Herb!"

"My goodness, we've struck it rich!"

The sight of the enchanting Blue Star Herb captivated everyone instantly!

They moved towards the herbs, drawn in unconsciously.

Yet, none of them noticed the subtle scent of blood hanging in the air.


In a shadowy corner of the cave, a pair of dark green vertical pupils opened silently, filled with rage and a thirst for blood, and locked eyes with Faang Han.

"Dr. Zhang, I entrust the rest to you..."

"Watch out!"

Faang Han's warning cry echoed as he hurled a pebble with explosive force.

Before the others could react, a thunderous roar filled the cave.


A strange beast with an odd appearance lunged from the darkness, targeting the nearest man with lightning speed.

The bald man was hit by a gust of foul air, too late to evade!

His look of sheer terror was vividly seen by all!

In what seemed like a certain demise—


The strange beast opened its massive jaws, only to let out a sharp yelp as its body shifted slightly off course.

Despite the misdirected bite, the bald man's entire right arm had vanished into thin air!

"Ah, ah, there's a monster!"

The bald man's screams pierced the air, and overwhelmed by excruciating pain, he promptly lost consciousness.

"Damn it, get him down now!"

Without a moment to spare, they rushed to the bald man's aid to staunch the bleeding.

The strange beast, having been unexpectedly attacked, hesitated to launch another assault.

In the dim light cast by the dome, everyone got a clear look at the strange beast.

It was massive yet not cumbersome, with a body armored in scales resembling a wolf, but with two horns lying flat against its back. Two long whiskers by its mouth fluttered as it fixed its dark green eyes firmly on the group.

"What in the world is that thing?"

Dr. Zhang, his face etched with terror, stumbled backward, voicing the question on everyone's mind.

No one had an answer, not even Old Mr. Jee, who was taken aback and stood frozen in place!

But Old man surnamed Jee, being at the Peak of Covert Strength Stage and just a step away from the Grandmaster Stage, quickly regained his composure and yelled to the others.

"Fall back, everyone!"

The burly men hastily retreated. Though scared, they were martial artists, disciplined and trained, managing to keep their wits about them amidst the chaos.

"Draw your weapons and aim for its eyes!"

Old man surnamed Jee commanded. The men snapped to attention, drew their pistols, and fired a volley at the ferocious beast!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunfire erupted, but it merely left white streaks on the beast's hide. The tough scales were impenetrable; the bullets seemed to merely tickle it.

The ferocious beast, undaunted by the barrage, advanced towards the group step by step, its dark green pupils scanning the crowd as if searching for something.

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