Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C2 You've Caused a Huge Disaster!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C2 You've Caused a Huge Disaster!
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C2 You've Caused a Huge Disaster!

Old Zhou approached Faang Han with a malevolent grin, clearly intent on following the butler's orders.

"Run, Han! We stand no chance against a Covert Strength expert!" Faang Hongtao yelled desperately.

"Dad, he's just a lowly Covert Strength Cultivator, not even worthy of carrying my shoes. From now on, no one will be able to bully you or mom, not even the Ma family," Faang Han declared with confidence.

"Still talking tough at death's door, I see!"

Old Zhou, with a wicked smile, aimed a vicious kick at Faang Han's lower body, clearly aiming to break his legs.

But when Old Zhou's foot connected with Faang Han's leg, it was like kicking solid steel. A "crack" sound was followed by searing pain.


Old Zhou screamed as his leg bent at an unnatural angle. Clutching it, he writhed in agony on the ground.

"Damn you, you son of a... You hid a steel plate in your pants!" Old Zhou bellowed in rage.

Faang Han hadn't put any steel plate in his pants, but he felt no need to explain that to a man who was as good as dead.

"Ready?" Faang Han asked, a smirk on his face.

"Ready for what?" Old Zhou responded, bewildered.

As Old Zhou awaited a reply, Faang Han's foot crashed into his head with brutal force.

With a sickening sound, Old Zhou was sent flying, landing lifelessly.

The onlookers gasped in shock. A single kick had sent a man flying over ten meters; no one could survive that.

Who would have imagined that the renowned Covert Strength Master could be so easily slain, as effortless as squashing an ant?

In that moment, Faang Han felt a slight jolt of surprise. As he killed Old Zhou, the murderous intent in his heart reached the mysterious entity within his dantian.

Upon introspection, he found a small gourd hovering over his dantian, radiating a power that was steadily fortifying his body.

The mysterious treasure had returned to him!

It was for this very treasure that the Burning Moon Devil Monarch had once betrayed and attacked him.

The small gourd was a supreme treasure within the Primordial Divine Tomb. Faang Han was convinced that by delving into the depths of this treasure, he could undoubtedly surpass his own zenith.

"You despicable creature, how dare you injure a Covert Strength Master of our Ma family? You're a dead man!" the butler bellowed.

"An ant-like creature, killing you is inconsequential," Faang Han stated coolly.

Once, as a formidable practitioner of the Devil Path, Faang Han had rampaged through the cultivation world, sacrificing countless alien planets in blood rituals.

The number of those who perished at Faang Han's hands was so vast, their bodies could fill the entire Milky Way. To him, a mere Covert Strength Cultivator was insignificant.

"Insolence! For killing a mighty warrior of the Ma family, you will rue this day for the rest of your life. With several Covert Strength Masters at our disposal, we will ensure your entire family pays dearly!" The butler, though inwardly terrified, outwardly became even more ferociously defiant.

"Covert Strength?" Faang Han smirked dismissively, his tone icy, "I slaughter those with Covert Strength as easily as I would ants!"

"Very well," the butler spat through clenched teeth, "Such arrogance. Just wait!"

With that, he attempted to lead his men in a hasty retreat.

"Halt!" commanded Faang Han, his voice icy.

"What now?" sneered the butler, "It's too late for apologies. Begging for mercy won't save you!"

Despite his blustering demeanor, fear gnawed at the butler's heart.

"Kneel and kowtow to my father ten times," Faang Han demanded coldly.


The butler gaped at Faang Han, incredulous. The idea that someone would dare command the Ma family's butler to kneel was preposterous.

"Every debt owed to my father will be repaid. You can also opt for death," Faang Han stated icily.

"Insolent brat, I am the butler of the Ma family, far more esteemed than even your family head!"

Given the Ma family's current standing, which clan wouldn't treat him with the utmost respect?

Even as a mere butler, his prestige was unparalleled.

The butler, livid with rage, grabbed a stick and swung it at Faang Han's head.

"You're asking for it." Faang Han's eyes turned icy.

In a fluid motion, he seized the stick and thrust it into the butler's chest.

"You... You dare to kill me?"

The butler's eyes bulged in disbelief, unable to accept his fate even in death.


The butler collapsed, dead, his eyes still wide open.

Faang Han kicked the lifeless body aside and turned his gaze to the Ma family members.

"Kneel! Or die!"

Faang Han's gaze was icy, his aura deadly.

At this point, the Ma family members were petrified, their courage dissipated, fear etched on their faces.


Led by a bodyguard, they all knelt and begged for mercy.

The once-bullying Ma family members could no longer muster their arrogance.

Everyone else present was in shock.

After their kowtowing, they looked eagerly to Faang Han, awaiting his command.

"Ten slaps each, then get out of my sight," Faang Han commanded with a chilling tone.

No one dared to resist. They slapped themselves hard, their faces swelling with each hit.

While slapping themselves, they scrambled away.


Suddenly, Faang Han's frosty voice echoed, chilling like a devil's whisper from the Nine Underworlds, causing everyone to freeze and look his way.

"Young Master Faang, your orders?" one of them asked, gathering his courage.

"Remove the body. Don't sully my father's sight," Faang Han ordered icily.

They all scrambled to comply, shaking with fear.

Once the Ma family members had left...

"Faang Han, you've unleashed a catastrophe!" someone exclaimed.

"Damn it, that was the Ma family! Do you want to drag the entire Faang family down with you?"

"Go to the Ma family immediately and apologize. Kneel and plead for the young master's forgiveness!"

The Faang family members closed in on Faang Han, their voices a mix of anger and concern.

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