Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C20 To Welcome Death!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C20 To Welcome Death!
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C20 To Welcome Death!


Just then, a sniper's bullet struck the ferocious beast squarely in the eye socket!

Roar! Roar!

The earth trembled as the beast, in agony, clamped its eyes shut. Its massive form writhed, causing the ground to quiver.

"I hit its eye!"

A burly man shouted triumphantly, seemingly boasting about his marksmanship.

"Fantastic! Keep aiming for its eyes! That's the weak spot!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, believing they had found the key to defeating the beast!

But in the next instant, their elation turned to terror as the beast reopened its eyes. The once-shattered emerald pupil had miraculously healed itself!

And worse, the green glow from its eyes grew even more chilling and sinister, instilling a deep fear in everyone.


A thick beam of green light burst forth, the intense glow lighting up the entire cavern. The beam, as robust as a child's arm, hurtled towards the man who had taken the shot. In a mere moment, it obliterated his head!

"What, what?"

The men's joyful expressions froze in place.

The eerie green light seemed capable of bending and destroying everything in its path!

Under this otherworldly force, everyone shuddered, a primal fear welling up inside them.

The enraged beast, with powerful hooves, charged like a wild wolf. Its gaping maw threatened to engulf them all!

One man was too slow to evade and had his leg crushed in the beast's jaws. In a panic, he dropped his rifle and drew a gleaming dagger, stabbing desperately at the beast!


Despite his full force, the blow left not a mark on the beast, and his fine steel dagger snapped in two!

A chill ran through the man's heart as he braced for the end, but unexpectedly, a stone flew out of nowhere, halting the beast's pursuit!

Seizing the moment, Old man surnamed Jee leapt forward and pulled the injured man to safety.

"Master, what do we do now?"

The men had run out of bullets, yet they had inflicted no real damage on the beast. Facing its relentless charge, they were utterly hopeless.

"Don't worry, I haven't made my move yet!" Old man surnamed Jee declared with pride.

With that, he fixed his gaze on the ferocious beast. His body shuddered, emitting a series of crisp sounds like snapping beans, as a faint white glow swirled around his fingers and palms.

"Master is about to take action!"

Witnessing this, everyone felt a surge of relief, as if they had taken a calming pill, and the fear in their hearts diminished somewhat.

"Evil creature, prepare to meet your end!"

Old man surnamed Jee bellowed, his body crackling with energy as an imposing aura surged around him.

His once withered frame now bulged with power, muscles rippling as if containing the force of a thousand pounds, ready to unleash a devastating blow.

Gripping his fist tightly, Old man surnamed Jee charged forward, bellowing as he delivered a mountain-shaking punch!


Simultaneously, the massive ferocious beast let out its own fierce roar, lifting its enormous claw, the size of a small car, and slammed it down with a thunderous crash, as if swatting an irritating fly!


Fist met claw, resulting in a colossal explosion, the piercing sound waves nearly deafening.

This punch had actually blasted a gaping hole the size of a face into the beast's massive claw!

The beast recoiled in pain, withdrawing its claw.

"Master is invincible!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, applauding Old man surnamed Jee's display of might.

Indeed, as a peak expert at the Peak of Covert Strength Stage, his punch had the power to rock the beast, a testament to his decades of top-tier martial cultivation.

"Old Mr. Jee is truly formidable!"

Dr. Zhang, witnessing the scene, couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. He knew all too well that he was no match for the beast, having already taken cover behind a large rock, watching the battle unfold with bated breath.

Yet, at that moment, Old man surnamed Jee let out a wry chuckle. Just one exchange had left his entire arm numb.

His hand bones were shattered, his meridians destroyed, and without Dr. Zhang's treatment, he feared he might never clench his fist again.

At that moment, Old man surnamed Jee had no choice but to forcefully channel his cultivation technique, concentrating all his strength into his other arm with the hope of unleashing another punch.

But before he could act, the ferocious beast lashed out with its other claw in a sudden, violent swipe!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The beast's claws moved at a speed several times faster than before, driven by what seemed to be pure rage. It was determined to flatten this detestable human into a pulp!

"Damn beast!"

Old man surnamed Jee yelled as he hastily retreated, but he was still a step too late. The beast's claws ripped a ghastly, bloody gash across his body!


The strong men wailed in anguish, watching as Old man surnamed Jee was sent flying backward like a kite with its string cut. Their faces were stricken with horror as if they had lost their dearest kin.

How could this have happened?

Their master, the unbeatable champion of Zhonghai, known as the enemy of ten thousand, had been defeated?

How immensely powerful was this ferocious beast that even Old man surnamed Jee stood no chance against it?

"Run, run now!"

Struggling to his feet, Old man surnamed Jee retreated unsteadily, his eyes stripped of any previous calm or dominance, filled instead with profound terror.

"Master, what about the Blue Star Herb?"

One of the strong men, unable to let go, gazed longingly at the Blue Star Herb just within reach and spoke with a mournful expression.

"Forget it. If you're so capable, you go get it!"

Old man surnamed Jee snapped, fleeing without a backward glance.

"If we don't run now, we'll all be devoured!"

Anger and fear consumed Old man surnamed Jee. Grievously wounded, he collapsed after a few steps, helplessly watching the ferocious beast bear down on him.

The strong men were in utter disarray. With their invincible master down, what were they to do?

They had suffered devastating losses. Dr. Zhang and Faang Han were mere herbalists, incapable of offering any help, and the menacing beast was hot on their heels.

Despair engulfed them all. Confronted with a creature beyond their understanding, not one could keep their composure.

Was this the end? Would they too perish here, their bones left to lie forgotten by the roadside?

Roar! Roar!

The ferocious beast's roars thundered on. It galloped forward on its sturdy limbs, utterly unfazed by the injuries inflicted by Old man surnamed Jee. Its speed was unimpaired, in fact, it surged even more in its rage.

People fled in terror. Old man surnamed Jee, gravely wounded, couldn't keep pace and was quickly overtaken by the beast.

The wolf-like creature, seemingly possessing a sense of humanity, regarded the man who had once harmed it with a curious gaze, its dark green vertical pupils gleaming with a mocking light.

As a creature of mutation, it had awakened its intelligence and gained some wisdom. It seemed to prefer toying with Old man surnamed Jee, prolonging his terror before death claimed him.

"I, Jee Lan, have dominated all my life, and now to think I'd fall to a mere beast, it's a cruel twist of fate!"

Old man surnamed Jee clenched his teeth, overwhelmed by a mix of sorrow and rage, as he cursed aloud.

"Why, why is this ferocious beast so formidable!"

Old man surnamed Jee was at a loss. He was a peak expert, at the pinnacle of Covert Strength, so how could he be bested by a mere beast?

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