Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C3 I Faang Han Have Left the Faang Family!
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C3 I Faang Han Have Left the Faang Family!
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C3 I Faang Han Have Left the Faang Family!

In the eyes of the Faang family, Faang Han was nothing more than a failure, incapable of achieving success in either the literary or martial arts. Despite his shortcomings, the Faang family, being affluent, could not stomach the sight of him fawning over a girl from an ordinary family. He had brought shame upon the entire Faang family. Even after demonstrating remarkable strength today, it was unlikely that the family's opinion of him would change, especially since he had killed two key figures from the Ma family. This was nothing short of a catastrophe for the Faang family.

"I, Faang Han, will take responsibility for my actions. From this day forward, our family will sever ties with the Faang family!" declared Faang Han with a steely voice.


The Faang family members present were in shock. None of them had expected this so-called good-for-nothing to possess such resolve.

Faang Han tenderly assisted his father to his feet.

"Dad, let's leave. There's no reason to remain in this heartless family any longer," Faang Han stated.

"Okay, my child, you've grown up. I'll follow your lead," Faang Hongtao responded, his voice choked with emotion.

For the Faang family, who were cold and calculating, only interested in their own gain, leaving was no great loss. Faang Han didn't need their protection.

With their belongings swiftly gathered, Faang Han and his family departed from the Faang family estate. Faang Hongtao had worked hard for many years within the family, and although his accumulated wealth was modest compared to that of the truly affluent, it was far from ordinary. They owned several properties in Zhonghai City.

The family relocated to the finest of Faang Hongtao's villas, effectively cutting all ties with the Faang family. They resigned from their executive roles within the Faang family corporation, and as a result, their income ceased.

Faang Han's parents remained silent, not wishing to burden their son with undue pressure. With numerous properties to lease, they were confident their lifestyle would remain comfortable.

In the dead of night, Faang Han returned to his room. Having been reborn, he had lost all his cultivation. Yet, by drawing upon the spiritual energy from the heaven and earth, a power he wielded in his previous life, he managed to fight. Despite this, he was, for all intents and purposes, still just an ordinary person.

The Ma family still boasted several formidable individuals that Faang Han needed to increase his strength to confront.

"In my past life, I harbored intense resentment, using those negative emotions to rapidly advance my cultivation of the Jiuhuang Devil Technique. My hatred was as vast as the sky and as deep as the sea. But now, in this life, my parents are alive, and none of the past tragedies have occurred. The Jiuhuang Devil Technique isn't the optimal choice for me," Faang Han mused with a wry smile.

If he were to continue cultivating the Jiuhuang Devil Technique, he could leverage his past life's experience to avoid some pitfalls. However, without the driving force of hatred, he ultimately wouldn't be able to master the technique as he had before.

Moreover, while the Jiuhuang Devil Technique was an exceptional method, it wasn't the pinnacle of cultivation techniques. Without reaching its ultimate potential, the gap between him and those who mastered superior techniques would remain significant.

To Faang Han, the Jiuhuang Devil Technique was like an unappetizing dish that's too good to throw away—a real conundrum.

With determination, Faang Han decided to set aside the Jiuhuang Devil Technique.

"With the foundation of a Devil Monarch spanning thirty thousand years, I, Faang Han, can surely make rapid progress with other cultivation methods. There's no need to fixate on a top-grade technique," he reasoned internally.

Although he could use his familiarity with the Jiuhuang Devil Technique to boost his power swiftly in the short term, the process would become increasingly challenging, and the technique's power had its limits. It was time to let it go.

Once the foremost among the Nine Great Devil Monarchs of the Devil Realm, Faang Han had led its mightiest warriors in countless raids on the Immortal Realm, amassing a vast collection of the finest cultivation techniques from both realms.

He began to sift through his memories, seeking a top-tier cultivation technique that would suit his current needs.

As time passed, the moon rose higher, bathing Faang Han in its silvery glow as it streamed through the window.

The small gourd within Faang Han's dantian vibrated incessantly, releasing a torrent of the power of stars that coursed through his body.

A torrent of memories flooded into Faang Han's mind.

[Stellar Sword Technique: A supreme sword art powered by the stars. When perfected, the cosmos itself becomes the blade, and nothing in this world can withstand it!]

[Nothing can withstand it?]

"The Stellar Sword Technique certainly talks a big game," Faang Han mused to himself.

Being among the most elite beings across both realms, Faang Han was well aware that nothing was truly unbeatable. He was skeptical about the Stellar Sword Technique's claim to vanquish all.

Yet, the deeper he delved into the technique, the more formidable it seemed. It was undoubtedly one of the most intricate and profound methods of cultivation he had ever encountered.


Faang Han exclaimed in awe. Should he master it completely, the power would be beyond his wildest imagination. It was certainly a technique that transcended any top-tier cultivation method.

'This small gourd holds such a formidable cultivation method. What is this small gourd, exactly? How did it follow me to this reborn life?'

The questions in Faang Han's mind only grew, along with a more alarming suspicion—that this small gourd was responsible for his rebirth.

Reeling from the revelation, Faang Han became increasingly convinced that the small gourd harbored earth-shattering secrets. Yet, his own power was too insignificant to unearth them.

Over the following days, Faang Han dedicated himself to the Stellar Sword Technique. Drawing on his former status as the Devil Monarch, he advanced to the sixth level of Qi Refining.

His cultivation level was now comparable to the Peak of Covert Strength Stage, but as an immortal cultivator, he could easily overpower anyone at that stage and even confront some of the weaker Strength Transforming Experts.

*Ring ring ring...*

The ringing of the phone interrupted Faang Han's meditative state early one morning.

Upon seeing the caller ID, Faang Han's expression turned icy.

The caller was his first love, Chen Xueli. In the past, Faang Han had humbly pursued her, becoming the laughingstock of the entire school.

In his previous life, it was after the Ma family's young master made advances towards her that Faang Han, in a rare fit of anger, had fiercely beaten him. Shockingly, she had later willingly embraced the young master of the Ma family.

Faang Han had lost the last shred of his dignity in front of the entire school. Disheartened, he and his parents were subsequently cast out of the Faang family, setting the stage for the tragedy of his past life.

"Heh, isn't that nice. If you hadn't called, you might have completely slipped my mind," Faang Han remarked with a cold chuckle.

He then pressed the answer button and took the call.

"Faang Han, come to the school field tomorrow. I need to talk to you," Chen Xueli commanded in an icy tone.

"Alright, I understand," Faang Han responded.

On the other end of the line, Chen Xueli was taken aback. This was the first time Faang Han had been so curt with her, offering none of the usual pleasantries or concern.

Just as Chen Xueli was about to scold Faang Han for his attitude, a dial tone interrupted her—the call had ended.

Infuriated by Faang Han's demeanor, Chen Xueli's face alternated between shades of anger and shock. In a fit of rage, she hurled the cup she was holding to the floor.

"Faang Han, you'll regret this at the school field tomorrow. I'll make sure you're disgraced in front of everyone, turning you into the school's biggest joke!" Chen Xueli seethed with fury.

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