Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C4 It's Me Who Flings You Not You Who Flings Me
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C4 It's Me Who Flings You Not You Who Flings Me
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C4 It's Me Who Flings You Not You Who Flings Me

At Bauhinia Academy, a prestigious institution nestled in the heart of Zhonghai City, only the wealthiest and most distinguished students had the privilege of enrollment.

Currently, a group was busily arranging equipment on the school's athletic field, where a slender and strikingly attractive girl stood at the very center. Chen Xueli, radiating confidence in her looks, was the focus of attention, with a man bearing a menacing look standing by her side.

Ma Hui approached Chen Xueli with a grin, his hands wandering over her body inappropriately. Chen Xueli blushed, her breath quickening as she hastily restrained Ma Hui's wandering hands.

"Not here... There are too many eyes on us," Chen Xueli implored, her cheeks flushed.

"Babe, do you think your ex-boyfriend will show up?" Ma Hui inquired.

"That guy is nothing but a lapdog. He'd kneel and bark for me if I asked. Of course, he'll come," Chen Xueli replied with unwavering confidence.

Chen Xueli, ranking third among the school's beauties, had a relationship with Faang Han that was the subject of much speculation. The entire school was aware of Faang Han's desperate and demeaning pursuit of Chen Xueli, which had turned him into a schoolwide joke.

"It's good that he's coming back. That cur had the audacity to lay a hand on me. I'll ensure he's disgraced and expelled from this school!" Ma Hui declared with a sneer.

"Alright, I'll help you," Chen Xueli responded.

"Hehe, sticking with me is a hundred times better than wasting your time with that loser. Soon, I'll introduce you to the true elite," Ma Hui promised, smiling.

Upon hearing Ma Hui's promise, Chen Xueli quickly rewarded him with a kiss—a gesture she had never bestowed upon Faang Han. She was willing to give it to Ma Hui because he had the means to usher her into high society.

What did it matter if she became a plaything in his hands? It was a far more appealing prospect than remaining with someone like Faang Han, a nobody from a minor family who could never grant her a glimpse into the world of the true elite.

"Boss, Faang Han just entered the campus," someone reported.

At that moment, one of Ma Hui's underlings hurried over with a message. Ma Hui nodded and pulled a tiny microphone from his pocket. He deftly slipped his hand into Chen Xueli's collar and nestled the mic in the folds of fabric.

"I've taken care of everything else. Just make sure Faang Han's reputation is ruined, and you'll be my dance partner tonight. I'm taking you to an elite gathering," Ma Hui instructed.

"Don't worry, Brother Hui. I'll handle it perfectly," Chen Xueli assured him with anticipation in her voice.

Ma Hui nodded once more before departing; he was eager to see the drama unfold.

Soon after, Faang Han's solitary figure could be seen walking from the entrance toward the sports field. The onlookers at the sports field sneered at him with derision.

"This idiot actually showed up. It's hilarious."

"Heh, we're about to witness just how humiliating this guy can be."

"What's the point of fawning over the goddess? In the end, he's just tossed aside like a dog."

Fawning over someone only to end up with nothing.

There was nothing more satisfying than witnessing Faang Han get rejected by the most popular girl at school. At that moment, Faang Han's gaze landed on Chen Xueli, and he made his way toward her. After 30,000 years, seeing her again stirred no emotion within him. The obsession he once felt had been worn away by the sands of time.

"What took you so long, you loser? Come closer, I have something to say to you," Chen Xueli barked.

"Perfect timing. I have something to say to you, too," Faang Han replied with a smile.

"Well then, I'm all ears," she said, her face beaming with a smile, confident that Faang Han, the hopeless admirer, had come up with some new way to ingratiate himself after not seeing her for a few days.

Chen Xueli's plan was to make him the butt of jokes across the entire school. Only then would Ma Hui take her into the true upper echelons of society. Ma Hui, from his vantage point, had already picked up Faang Han's words through the listening device. He quickly signaled his men to activate the equipment.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The school's loudspeakers crackled to life, clearly switched on and ready to broadcast.

Chen Xueli's intention to confront Faang Han had become the talk of Bauhinia Academy, with many students flocking to the sports field to witness the spectacle, eager to see Faang Han, who had once fawned over the campus goddess, embarrass himself.

Chen Xueli was well aware that the microphone hidden in her cleavage was broadcasting their conversation through the school's PA system, allowing every word they exchanged to be heard by the entire student body.

With a beckoning gesture, Chen Xueli prompted Faang Han to speak.

"Let's break up," Faang Han stated plainly.

In that instant, Faang Han's voice echoed through every corner of the school via the loudspeaker.

The entire student body was in disbelief. They had never imagined that Faang Han, once so eager to please, would be the one to end things with the goddess.

Previously, Faang Han had gone so far as to kneel and bark like a dog just to win Chen Xueli's favor. No one could have predicted that he would be the one to initiate a breakup.

"Faang Han, have you lost your mind? You actually want to break up with me? I'll give you one more chance. Kneel down, apologize, and beg for my forgiveness," Chen Xueli demanded loudly.

"I've made myself perfectly clear. You're not the one for me. Goodbye, or rather, let's never meet again," Faang Han replied nonchalantly.

With that, Faang Han turned his back to Chen Xueli and strode away from the sports field.

Chen Xueli watched him go, unable to believe the transformation. The disdain in his eyes seemed genuine; he truly appeared to scorn her. She had once reveled in the power she held over him, even though she was toying with his emotions. She had always believed it was Faang Han's duty to do anything for her.

Yet, she had never expected that this spineless devotee would humiliate her in such a public manner. Now, the whole school knew she had been rejected.

Dumped by a man once scorned by all.

Fueled by rage, Chen Xueli ran after Faang Han, shouting, "Faang Han, stop right there! Did you already know that I brought you here to break up with you?"

Chen Xueli yelled in frustration.

"I get it." Faang Han had no interest in lying to such a person.

"Hmph, so you thought you'd break up with me first to make me look bad, right? You jerk."

Chen Xueli was fuming. She couldn't believe her carefully crafted plan to win over Ma Hui had completely fallen apart.

"I should be the one breaking up with you. You're supposed to be the one getting dumped by me, understand? I dumped you!" Chen Xueli screamed.


His dismissive tone echoed throughout Bauhinia Academy, drawing laughter and mocking glances from many towards Chen Xueli.

Faang Han's voice was unmistakably indifferent. He truly didn't care. In his past life, countless divine women had adored him. Compared to them, Chen Xueli was nothing more than a toad in a mud pit—hardly someone to catch Faang Han's attention.

"Damn! This guy is seriously impressive."

"Faang Han is incredible. Suddenly, there's something quite cool about him."

"Ha, just look at the campus beauty's face—it's priceless. She got dumped by her own devoted follower."

The jeers drove Chen Xueli to the brink of madness. She glared at Faang Han with venomous eyes, determined to make him pay for his actions.

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