Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C6 Your Illness Has Already Been Cured
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C6 Your Illness Has Already Been Cured
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C6 Your Illness Has Already Been Cured

"Why not?"

Faang Han raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Such a simple symptom. In the cultivation world, even a novice medical apprentice could diagnose it at a glance!

"Does that render my prescription useless?"

Dr. Zhang's expression darkened as he shook his head with a bitter smile, turning to Elder Lau, "It seems I am powerless to help Ruyan." He glanced at Faang Han, his words trailing off.

Seeing this, Elder Lau quickly stepped forward, bowing deeply to Faang Han.

"Sir, since you've discerned Ruyan's constitution, I implore you to save her!"

Faang Han frowned, looking down at his hands clasped tightly together, and spoke with a hint of reluctance, "Saving her is simple, but I have one condition."

Dr. Zhang's expression shifted at these words, skepticism creeping into his gaze.

Elder Lau was a man of high standing in Zhonghai City, with countless individuals seeking his favor. And with this young man's mysterious origins, could this be a deception?

But before Dr. Zhang could voice his concerns, Elder Lau hastily interjected, "Forget one condition—if you can heal Ruyan, I will agree to ten!"

Elder Lau's voice was earnest, his eyes brimming with genuine hope.

Dr. Zhang's lips parted, but ultimately, he remained silent.

"Very well," Faang Han said with a slight nod, his gaze shifting back to Dr. Zhang.

Caught in his bewilderment, Dr. Zhang listened as Faang Han instructed, "Fetch me three taels each of Osmanthus, Thistle, Purple Plum, and Hundred Clones. Be precise with the measurements."

"Such common ingredients are typically only good for minor ailments like colds. How could they possibly cure Ruyan?" Dr. Zhang questioned, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"The herbs may be common, but Lau Ruyan's unique constitution makes them the perfect remedy for her. They will expel the chill from her body," Faang Han explained calmly.

Watching the skepticism flicker in Dr. Zhang's eyes, Faang Han allowed himself a slight smile, keeping his final thought unspoken. An average person preparing this medicine could, at best, only lessen Lau Ziqie's symptoms.

However, if he were to refine this medicine and infuse it with spiritual energy, it would transcend the realm of ordinary medicinal powders!

Not only could it address a minor case of frigid poison, but it could even revive someone on the brink of death!

Shortly thereafter, the shop assistant fetched the medicine.

Faang Han took a small medicinal cauldron, methodically placed the ingredients inside, skillfully lit a fire, and began to simmer the concoction before sealing the cauldron.

"Now, we just need to wait a short while," Faang Han said, offering a faint smile to those around him.

Bathed in the fire's glow, a hush fell over the group.

Half an hour passed.

Just as Dr. Zhang was about to speak, the fire within the cauldron abruptly went out.

Faang Han lifted the lid, revealing that the once brimming cauldron now contained only a small pool of thick, brown liquid at the bottom—completely free of impurities.

"How is this possible? There are no impurities!" Dr. Zhang exclaimed in disbelief.

Typically, a murky hue in the boiled medicinal soup indicated the presence of impurities from the ingredients.

Yet, this medicinal liquid had somehow eliminated all impurities!

Such a miraculous technique was unheard of in his thirty years of medical practice!

"Elder Zhang, is this medicine truly that remarkable?" Elder Lau asked, astounded.

Dr. Zhang nodded emphatically, his admiration evident.

"Indeed. While the medicinal effect is yet to be seen, the refinement technique is nothing short of eye-opening!"

Dr. Zhang's praises continued as he blushed with a mix of embarrassment and awe.

He prided himself on being a master of traditional Chinese medicine, yet his expertise paled in comparison to this young man's. He felt as though his years had been wasted.

Lau Ruyan pinched her nose and downed the bitter brown liquid, her delicate brows knitting together as she stuck out her tongue.

"This medicine is incredibly bitter!"

Faang Han smiled gently and reassured her, "Bitterness is the hallmark of effective medicine. Your illness is now cured."

"That quickly?"

The onlookers were taken aback and turned their gaze to Lau Ruyan.

To their amazement, a soft blue chill emanated from the young girl's fair and delicate skin.

The chill vanished from her body in an instant, leaving no trace behind!

"What, what?"

Surprise flickered in Dr. Zhang's eyes as he quickly stepped forward, taking Lau Ruyan's wrist to feel her pulse.

"How can this be? There's not a hint of frigid poison left in Ruyan's system!"

Dr. Zhang released Lau Ruyan's hand, his voice filled with astonishment.

Lau Ruyan inhaled deeply, her face lighting up with joy.

She looked up at Faang Han, whose expression remained serene, her mind swirling with questions.

"Faang Han, who knew you were skilled in medicine?"

He was just a regular member of the Faang family, and at school, he seemed utterly unremarkable.

Yet today, he had healed her longstanding ailment with a single treatment!

Faang Han's demeanor remained unchanged as he simply nodded and replied, "It's a minor talent, hardly noteworthy."

"Ruyan, how are you feeling?" Elder Lau asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Grandfather, I feel so much better, as if I've woken from a restful sleep, completely refreshed!" Lau Ruyan nodded, her smile beaming.

Seeing her reaction, Elder Lau's heart swelled with happiness, his eyes turning towards Faang Han filled with both astonishment and gratitude. Emotion welled up in him, bringing a tear to his eye.

His heart was reeling with the impact of the revelation!

This unassuming young man was extraordinary, his healing abilities ranking among the rarest in all of China!

"Your great kindness is something I'll never forget. I'm at a loss for how to properly thank you," he said.

Faang Han shook his head gently, a faint smile on his lips. "No thanks are necessary. Just fulfill one condition for me."

Elder Lau straightened, his tone earnest. "Please, name it. I will do whatever it takes to satisfy your request."

"Do you have any wild ginseng in your pharmacy that's over thirty years old?" Faang Han asked, turning to Dr. Zhang.

"We do have some..."

Dr. Zhang hesitated, as if coming to a decision, then with a firm resolve, instructed his assistant, "Little Chen, go to the storeroom and fetch my fifty-year-old wild ginseng!"

Upon hearing the request, the assistant was momentarily taken aback. That wild ginseng was the boss's pride and joy!

How could he part with it so easily?

"Are you not moving yet?"

Dr. Zhang saw the assistant frozen in place and urged him sharply.

The assistant, not wishing to delay, nodded quickly and headed to the back room.

Dr. Zhang's gaze on Faang Han was intense.

To form a bond with such an esteemed individual, what was a hundred-year-old wild ginseng in comparison?

"Alright, thank you."

Faang Han nodded slightly, gesturing a formal thanks to Dr. Zhang, acknowledging his generous gesture.

Dr. Zhang eagerly reciprocated the gesture, his face beaming with joy.

"Sir, are you certain this is all you wish for? The Lau family holds considerable influence in Zhonghai. Should you desire property or cash, feel free to make such requests."

Elder Lau approached, voicing his uncertainty.

Faang Han simply nodded, "No need, the wild ginseng suffices."

Elder Lau was taken aback, his mind filled with astonishment.

He had anticipated that Faang Han might make exorbitant demands, yet all he wanted was a single wild ginseng?

"It seems I've misjudged you, expecting the worst. You truly are a person of high caliber!"

Faang Han felt a stir within and smiled to himself.

As the Devil Monarch, worldly possessions held little value to him; it was the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that truly piqued his interest!

Accepting the wild ginseng from Dr. Zhang, Faang Han gave a slight nod.

"If there's nothing further, I shall take my leave."

Elder Lau and Dr. Zhang quickly stepped forward to see him off.

"Sir, please wait a moment!"

Elder Lau, as if suddenly remembering something, halted Faang Han and produced a luminous green jade pendant from his pocket.

"What is it?"

Faang Han paused, looking puzzled.

"This is a token of appreciation from the Lau family. I insist you accept it, sir. Please do not decline," Elder Lau stated with gravity.

"Grandfather, what are you doing...?"

Lau Ruyan's eyes widened in surprise, her heart fluttering with emotion.

Elder Lau continued, "This jade is the Lau family's emblem. Should you encounter any issues in Zhonghai, presenting this will ensure the Lau family's assistance in resolving them."

Faang Han gave a slight nod and accepted the jade pendant.

Elder Lau's face lit up with joy, and he quickly asked, "Where are you staying, sir? I can arrange for someone to take you back."


As Faang Han approached the pharmacy's entrance, he noticed a sleek black sedan already waiting outside.

A sharp-looking man in civilian clothes stood by the car. Upon seeing Elder Lau emerge, he promptly stepped forward and greeted him respectfully, "Elder Lau."

"Ji, please take Mr. Faang home first. Dr. Zhang and I have matters to discuss."

"Yes, Elder Lau. Mr. Faang, your car awaits," Ji responded.

With Faang Han gone, Elder Lau turned to Dr. Zhang, his expression one of wonder. "I never imagined that within Zhonghai City, such formidable talents lay hidden. That young man is certainly no ordinary individual."

"Indeed," Dr. Zhang concurred, stroking his beard. "To think that after all my years in medicine, I would be bested by someone so young. It's quite humbling."

He sighed deeply, reflecting on the day's events.

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