Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C7 Essence Fortifying Pill
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C7 Essence Fortifying Pill
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C7 Essence Fortifying Pill

The black sedan made its way slowly toward Faang Han's residence.

Inside the car, Ji presented a business card.

"Mr. Faang, I serve as a guard for Elder Lau. Should you need anything, feel free to reach out to me," Ji offered.

Faang Han nodded in acknowledgment and exchanged contact details with Ji.

Upon arriving home, Faang Han briefly greeted his parents before secluding himself in his room.

Witnessing this, Mrs. Faang and Mr. Faang exchanged a glance, concern evident in their eyes.

"Little Han will be okay, won't he? He's crossed the Ma family, after all."

Mrs. Faang clutched Faang Hongtao's hand, her body quivering ever so slightly.

Even though she supported the decision to sever ties with the Faang family, her maternal instincts couldn't help but fear for her son's safety.

Faang Hongtao gently soothed his wife's hand, offering reassurance, "Don't be overly concerned. Little Han is all grown up now."

"Have you not noticed? Little Han seems to have transformed into a completely different person lately."

Faang Hongtao cast a proud look toward Faang Han's room.

A father knows his son best. The Faang Han of the past was merely an average member of the Faang family, unremarkable and prone to idleness, even to the point of fawning over Chen Xueli.

But these past few days, Faang Han had been radiating an entirely new aura!

His gaze was deep and sharp, his actions decisive and clear-cut, without a hint of hesitation. Most astonishing was the serene quality he now possessed.

Such a demeanor was something Faang Hongtao had never even seen in the head of the Faang family!

Inside his room, Faang Han sat down cross-legged, focusing on regulating his breath. He then retrieved the medicine pill he had acquired from the pharmacy.

"These herbs are all wild and natural, infused with a trace of Heaven Earth Yuan Qi, suitable for concocting some basic medicine pills," Faang Han murmured to himself.

As the Devil Monarch Jiuhuang, Faang Han had in his possession the knowledge to craft billions of devil pills from the Devil Realm. Moreover, having led his forces to invade the Immortal Realm, he had seized a vast trove of resources, including the pill recipes of the Immortal Realm.

"I'll start by refining a few Essence Fortifying Pills."

Faang Han paused to consider, then with a deft motion, he summoned a ball of pure blue flame in the palm of his hand.

For a cultivator like him, refining medicine pills didn't require a medicinal cauldron. With Faang Han's expertise in alchemy, creating these Essence Fortifying Pills was a breeze.

If Dr. Zhang were to witness this, he would surely be astounded to the point of disbelief!

In mere moments, several dozen round, pale yellow pills materialized in his palm.

"These Essence Fortifying Pills aren't particularly beneficial to my cultivation, but for ordinary people, they're incredibly nourishing. Just one can fortify the body and extend life."

Faang Han gave a slight nod, retrieved a medicinal bottle, and stored the Essence Fortifying Pills.

His attention then turned to the wild ginseng, neatly wrapped in red silk.

"The spiritual energy within this fifty-year-old wild ginseng is decent, but finding one over a hundred years old would be ideal."

Herbs like these, the older they are, the more spiritual energy they contain, and the rarer and more valuable they become.

A hundred-year-old herb, with no significant quality defects, could fetch an astronomical price on the market!

On his recent visit to the largest Heavenly Prosperous Medicine Shop in Zhonghai City, Faang Han had only managed to acquire a fifty-year-old ginseng from Dr. Zhang, highlighting the scarcity of such aged herbs.

"Never mind, once I've further honed my abilities, I'll venture deeper into the wilderness in search of more. Hopefully, I'll find what I'm looking for."

Faang Han shook his head, a wry smile on his face.

The once-mighty Devil Monarch Jiuhuang now found himself fretting over finding a century-old herb—a twist of fate indeed.

But now, reborn, Faang Han was determined not to let the tragedies of his past life befall him and his parents again. In this life, he vowed to exact vengeance on all his former adversaries.

He closed his eyes, casting aside all distractions, and began to draw in the spiritual energy from the wild ginseng.

The night passed quietly.

Come morning, Faang Han opened his eyes. The wild ginseng in his grasp had shriveled to half its size, and he felt a sticky sensation on his body, with a layer of black muck coating his skin.

Faang Han had expelled impurities from his body as a result of practicing the Stellar Sword Technique. Despite his advanced level, his body was still mortal flesh, requiring gradual cultivation to temper it to perfection and regain his former glory.

After showering off the impurities, Faang Han donned a fresh set of clothes and made his way back to the campus of Bauhinia Academy.

Students hurried to their morning classes, flooding from the dormitories to the classrooms like a tidal wave. Faang Han leisurely blended into the crowd, his steps unhurried, seemingly in tune with some natural law of the universe.

Throughout his walk, students cast peculiar glances his way.

"Isn't that Faang Han, Chen Xueli's lapdog?"

"Ha, his girlfriend's been taken by Ma Hui. You can almost see the green in his hair!"

"What a pathetic end for a lapdog, left with nothing. I heard he's been kicked out of the Faang family!"

They whispered among themselves, their eyes filled with scorn as they looked at Faang Han.

Unconcerned with the gossip, Faang Han paid them no mind.

A Devil Monarch of his stature had no reason to engage with such petty mortals.

He continued on, ignoring the students, and headed straight for the classroom.

Before he could enter, he was greeted by the sound of girlish laughter.

Chen Xueli was perched on Ma Hui's lap, her pale arms tightly encircling his neck, the two nearly inseparable.

Ma Hui was unapologetically caressing her, his eyes brimming with desire.

"Hui, let's not rush, everyone's watching. Let's wait for tonight," Chen Xueli said, her cheeks flushed as she tried to restrain Ma Hui's wandering hands.

"Hmph, you didn't let that loser Faang Han lose face completely yesterday. You owe me," Ma Hui retorted with a cold snort, his gaze roaming over Chen Xueli.

At the mention of Faang Han's name, Chen Xueli's expression shifted dramatically.

Just yesterday on the sports field, Faang Han had broken up with her, displaying a carefree demeanor.

The entire school was buzzing with the news. She, the esteemed Chen Xueli, had been rejected by the very man she once had wrapped around her finger!

Chen Xueli was infuriated because her failure to please Ma Hui meant she missed out on attending a high-society banquet!

It was the opportunity of a lifetime, the kind she had always dreamed of, to break into the elite circles!

But her dreams were crushed, all thanks to Faang Han!

And she blamed Faang Han for every bit of it!

If not for him, she wouldn't have suffered such humiliation!

"Hui, that Faang Han is nothing but a lowly bootlicker. I'll make sure to help you humiliate and torment him!"

Chen Xueli seethed, her teeth clenched in bitterness, her gaze filled with disdain for Faang Han.

She had only been with Faang Han to bask in the adoration and pursuit, never having truly loved him.

Ma Hui let out a cold laugh, a shadow of malice flickering in his eyes.

"In my eyes, Faang Han is nothing but an insignificant bug. I've heard he's even severed ties with his family. How much longer can he keep up his antics?"

Ma Hui gave Chen Xueli's behind a rough pat, his grin twisted with cruelty.

"You're right, Hui! You're so impressive!"

Chen Xueli exclaimed, planting a kiss on him.

"Heh, there's no need to involve the family's influence. I could crush him with just a flick of my finger!"


Just then, a languid, indifferent voice drifted in from the classroom doorway.

Everyone turned to see Faang Han strolling in nonchalantly, taking a seat as if it were just another day.

"Faang Han, you dare show your face in front of me?"

Upon seeing him, rage flared in Ma Hui's eyes.

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