Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C8 The Child Is a Dog It will Last for a Long Time
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C8 The Child Is a Dog It will Last for a Long Time
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C8 The Child Is a Dog It will Last for a Long Time

Ma Hui, the second young master of the Ma family, was well-known as a spoiled rich kid in Zhonghai City. He wielded his family's influence to bully others at Bauhinia Academy, backed by a gang of loyal followers. The school authorities were too intimidated to confront him.

One day, in front of Faang Han, he brazenly made inappropriate advances toward Chen Xueli. To his surprise, Faang Han, who was usually timid, lashed out in fury and gave him a beating—a profound humiliation for Ma Hui.

The incident provoked the Ma family to retaliate against the Faang family, demanding they surrender Faang Han. They hadn't anticipated that their actions would result in the loss of two servants and the life of Old Zhou, deepening Ma Hui's resentment toward Faang Han.

He fantasized about tearing Faang Han apart and grinding his bones to dust.

"Why wouldn't I dare to come?" Faang Han gave Ma Hui a dismissive glance, inwardly scoffing at him. Now that he had been given a second chance at life, taking Ma Hui's life was merely a fleeting thought.

But Faang Han had no intention of letting Ma Hui off the hook so easily. In his past life, Ma Hui had been responsible for the ruin of his family, the death of his parents in a car accident, and his own suicide from the despair of it all. How could Faang Han possibly allow Ma Hui to live comfortably?

He planned to tighten the noose gradually, instilling creeping fear in Ma Hui until he perished in utter hopelessness. And he was determined to dismantle the Ma family, reducing the once prestigious clan to ashes. Such schemes required meticulous planning and were not to be rushed.

"Hehe, Faang Han, you think you're so tough, slapping me in the face? Too bad the woman you love is now in my arms. You can only watch, powerless to do anything," Ma Hui taunted, wrapping his arms around Chen Xueli and deliberately caressing her smooth thighs.

"A match made in heaven, a dog and its bone, may it last forever. Do as you please," Faang Han retorted without a glance at Ma Hui's ostentatious display, utterly indifferent.

The classroom erupted in laughter, and the gazes that fell upon Chen Xueli were laced with mockery. Her complexion turned stormy in an instant.

She was a stunning beauty, ranked third on the campus belle list, with countless boys vying for her attention.

Yet, Faang Han, the man she relegated to the role of a backup plan, now couldn't even be bothered to glance her way!

Chen Xueli's heart was suddenly filled with discontent. Shouldn't Faang Han, the devoted follower, be groveling for her to come back to him?

Why was he so unfazed? Why did he carry such a serene expression?

"Faang Han, you're pathetic. You don't have an ounce of manhood. You deserved to be dumped by me. Tonight, I'll be dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant with Young Master Ma, a luxury you could never afford to give me!" Chen Xueli said as she affectionately linked arms with Ma Hui, her head held high in triumph, looking down upon Faang Han.

"Your affairs are of no concern to me."

Faang Han's response was cool and detached, as if Chen Xueli was not his ex-girlfriend but merely a stranger passing by.

"Hehe, Faang Han, cut the act. You must still have feelings for me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten into a fight over me. You're just saying this because you can't have me!" Chen Xueli scoffed, her lips curling into a scornful smile.

She was a woman driven by vanity and ambition. She might not choose to be with Faang Han, but she wouldn't allow him to erase her from his heart.

She expected Faang Han to remain her obedient admirer, to continue enduring her ridicule and serving her whims, all to curry favor with Ma Hui.

Faang Han simply shook his head and said, "Sorry, I have no feelings for you. Please have some self-respect."

"Faang Han, you—"

Chen Xueli was flushed with anger, her teeth itching with frustration as she pointed at him, unable to articulate her indignation.

"Come on, Xueli, don't stoop to his level. Let's go enjoy a lavish meal," Ma Hui said, giving Chen Xueli's curvaceous behind a pat before striding past Faang Han with an air of victory.

"Faang Han, you're not even a real man!" Chen Xueli taunted with a sneer, then turned to Ma Hui with a flirtatious laugh, "Honey, you treat me so well. Being with you is a hundred times better than being with that loser!"

Ma Hui glanced back at Faang Han and burst into laughter, "Trash will always be trash. Sooner or later, he'll be on his knees begging for mercy. I just hope he can keep his cool like he is today!"

With that, they both exited the classroom.

Just then, a stunning figure approached, colliding head-on with Chen Xueli and Ma Hui.

"Lau Ruyan?"

Chen Xueli's face fell, and she looked visibly displeased.

It was obvious to her that Ma Hui's attention had been captivated by Lau Ruyan!

"That little temptress!"

Chen Xueli muttered under her breath, her eyes flashing with hostility.

Within the Bauhinia Academy, she was often the butt of jokes, but Chen Xueli was consistently outshone by Lau Ruyan, relegating her to third place. Whenever Lau Ruyan was around, Chen Xueli seemed to fade into the background.

"Classmate Lau..."

Ma Hui started to greet Lau Ruyan, but she didn't even pause, heading straight into the classroom.

Ma Hui's hand hung awkwardly in the air, his expression darkening.

"Damn, what's she so arrogant about? I'll win her over eventually," Ma Hui brooded, letting out a cold snort.

"Why are you still looking? Aren't I enough for you? Let's just go shopping," Chen Xueli said, pulling on Ma Hui's arm with a hint of irritation.

"Of course, of course, you're all I need," Ma Hui replied, sounding distracted as he took Chen Xueli's hand and they left together.

As Lau Ruyan entered the classroom, she instantly drew the attention of everyone inside.

Her light blue dress paired with a crisp white shirt gave her an air of ethereal grace. Her long, dark hair cascaded down to her waist, accentuating her flawless, porcelain skin. The sight of her smooth, fair thighs beneath the hem of her dress was captivating.

"Lau Ruyan?"

"Why is she here? She's not in our class!"

"Could she be here to see me? I'm so lucky!"

"In your dreams, buddy. You think the campus belle would give you the time of day?"

The boys in the class erupted into teasing banter, their gazes locked on Lau Ruyan as she made her way to the corner of the classroom.

Faang Han, head down, listlessly thumbed through his textbook until a subtle, elegant fragrance caught his attention.

He looked up, puzzled, and found himself mere inches from a stunningly beautiful face.

"Good morning, Faang Han."

Lau Ruyan's smile was gentle, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush, reminiscent of the morning sun reflecting off water. Her beauty was beyond words.

"Oh, it's you. Good morning," Faang Han replied.

"May I sit beside you?"

Lau Ruyan tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and asked with courtesy.

Faang Han gave a slight nod and responded, "Of course, have a seat."

Lau Ruyan took her place next to Faang Han, her lips still curved in a sweet smile.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly, the classroom was filled with a cacophony of clattering sounds as everyone jumped to their feet, paying no mind to the desks and chairs they jostled.

The classmates' eyes were wide with astonishment as they witnessed the scene unfold.

It was utterly inconceivable!

Lau Ruyan, the universally acknowledged goddess of Bauhinia Academy and the most beautiful girl in school, was not only initiating conversation with Faang Han but also appeared to be quite close to him.

What in the world was happening?

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