Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C9 Jealousy and Envy
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Urban Invincible Devil Emperor/C9 Jealousy and Envy
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C9 Jealousy and Envy

It was clear that Lau Ruyan wasn't in the same league as the rest of them.

She had come specifically to greet Faang Han.

And not just that—she even sat down to attend his lecture!

Surely, this indicated that their relationship was quite close?

"Damn, Faang Han is on fire. When did he start seeing Lau Ruyan?"

"How did this happen? How did Faang Han, the hopeless romantic, manage to win over Goddess Lau again?"

"I'm so jealous. I'd gladly be a lapdog if it meant being with Goddess Lau!"

The boys were beside themselves with envy, wishing they could yank Faang Han away from Lau Ruyan's side and take his place.

"Cough, cough. Let's begin the class."

At the front of the room, the elderly professor with white-flecked hair coughed to quiet the commotion among the students. He opened his book and commenced the lecture.

At Bauhinia Academy, attendance was largely optional. If students didn't feel like coming to class, it wasn't a big deal.

Rich kids like Ma Hui were probably off living the high life, and the school certainly wasn't going to chase after them.

However, Faang Han had come to school this time with the intention of notifying the administration and requesting a few days off.

As the Devil Monarch Jiuhuang, he didn't need to bother with the superficial knowledge of Earth, nor did he care about a diploma from Bauhinia Academy.

Having been reborn, he had many tasks to attend to and couldn't afford to spend his days in school like a regular student.

Meanwhile, Lau Ruyan, despite being out of her element, was thoroughly engaged in the lecture and diligently taking notes, catching Faang Han's attention more than once.

Before long, the bell signaled the end of class.

As lunchtime approached, the students streamed out of the classroom. Faang Han rose to his feet, ready to head to the administration office to file for leave.

"Faang Han, wait a moment."

Lau Ruyan called out to him, lightly grasping the sleeve of his shirt.

"What's up?"

Faang Han turned around, puzzled, to find Lau Ruyan standing there, her hands nervously clutching her skirt, her fingers intertwined, as if she was hesitating to speak.


Lau Ruyan bit her lip, seemingly steeling herself, and then looked directly into Faang Han's eyes. With earnestness, she said, "Faang Han, I'm really grateful for you curing my illness yesterday. I'd like to take you out for a meal, if that's alright?"


Faang Han waved his hand dismissively, chuckling, "There's no need. Elder Lau has already thanked me for treating you."

"My grandfather may have thanked you, but I haven't yet."

Lau Ruyan appeared slightly eager, her pretty face blushing a captivating red.

Realizing it was difficult to decline her offer, Faang Han paused to consider before nodding in agreement.

"Alright then."

"Really? That's wonderful! I've already made a reservation at a restaurant. Let's head over now!"

Lau Ruyan beamed with joy upon receiving Faang Han's consent.

Their classmates watched the exchange with dropped jaws and disbelief.

"Oh my goodness!"

"Faang Han must have accumulated lifetimes of good fortune to dine with the campus beauty!"

The onlookers' gazes shifted, filled with a mix of disbelief and envy, as they watched Faang Han.

Despite their doubts about any romantic involvement between Faang Han and Lau Ruyan, they couldn't hide their jealousy.

The pair departed the campus, leaving behind a trail of envious stares.

"No wonder Faang Han broke things off with Chen Xueli so decisively—he's found someone better!"

The onlookers continued to exclaim as they watched the two walk away.

Once outside the campus, Lau Ruyan quickly hailed a taxi using an app, and they set off for the bustling Nine Dragons Commercial Street in Zhonghai City.

Meanwhile, Ma Hui had spent the entire morning shopping with Chen Xueli.

Their hands were full of bags, all gifts from Ma Hui to Chen Xueli, leaving her ecstatic and showering him with kisses, eager to stay close to him.

Many passersby took notice.

They cast envious glances at the couple.

Ma Hui's smile broadened; to him, Chen Xueli was merely a plaything. As long as he kept her happy with money by day, she would dutifully attend to him at night.

Chen Xueli, for her part, felt utterly content.

With Ma Hui, a handsome and wealthy boyfriend who was generous with his spending, she felt infinitely better off than with Faang Han.

Standing by his side, she became the focus of attention, the envy of all.

Had it been Faang Han, she would have preferred to hide away, not wanting anyone to know she was with such a boyfriend.

Chen Xueli felt fortunate for her cleverness in kicking Faang Han to the curb and aligning herself with Ma Hui. Otherwise, she would have squandered her youth!

"Darling, I'm starving. Let's find somewhere to eat and take a break," Chen Xueli said with a flirtatious lilt.

Ma Hui gazed at her alluring figure, feeling a flame ignite within him. He had been desiring Chen Xueli for quite some time and had planned this outing in hopes of taking their relationship to the next level.

However, since it was still early, he reined in his longing for now, opting to spend the time shopping and dining with her.

"Sure, let's head to Sand Manor. It'll be an eye-opener for you!" Ma Hui declared, sweeping out his phone to make a reservation.

He then escorted Chen Xueli to the opulent entrance of the high-end Sand Manor restaurant.

"Sand Manor?" Chen Xueli's eyes lit up at the mention of the name. She had long been aware of Sand Manor's reputation as a Michelin Star Restaurant. During her time with Faang Han, she had repeatedly asked him to dine there, only to be turned down.

She never imagined that her dream would come true so quickly with Ma Hui by her side!

"Wow, honey, I love you so much!" Chen Xueli exclaimed, planting an excited kiss on Ma Hui's cheek and linking her arm through his as they entered Sand Manor.

Ma Hui's smile broadened at her reaction. It looked like he would be able to win her over tonight, making his investment worthwhile.

"Do you have a reservation?" a sharply dressed waiter inquired as they stepped into Sand Manor.

"Yes, the eighth private room," Ma Hui responded, showing the waiter the reservation text on his phone.

"Ah, VIP guests! Please, right this way!" The waiter's demeanor turned exceedingly respectful, his smile widening as he bowed and ushered them inside.

Ma Hui felt a twinge of curiosity about the exceptional service at Sand Manor that day but didn't dwell on it, proceeding straight to the eighth private room.

"Wow, this restaurant is amazing!" Chen Xueli marveled at the room's lavish decor, from the diamond-studded ceiling to the sandalwood dining table and silverware, all exuding luxury and prestige.

No sooner had they settled into their seats than the waiter arrived, presenting them with an array of exquisite dishes.

"This is truly a five-star experience. The flavor is incredible. Honey, I love you so much!" Chen Xueli gazed at Ma Hui with affection, her eyes brimming with adoration.

Ma Hui gently patted her hand and whispered, "Sweetheart, I love you too. If it makes you happy, I'll take you here to dine every day!"

"Really? You're the best, my love!"

Chen Xueli felt overwhelmed by a sudden rush of happiness. This enchanting moment seemed too wonderful to be true. She had never experienced anything like this with Faang Han.

However, Ma Hui's heart harbored a cold sneer at Chen Xueli's reaction. He considered her excitement over such simple pleasures to be rather unsophisticated. In his view, a woman of her ordinary background would never be a suitable match for the Ma family. Their relationship was nothing more than a casual fling to him, and he knew he could discard her whenever he grew weary of the game. What mattered most to him was the satisfaction of infuriating Faang Han, that good-for-nothing.

It was a pity Faang Han wasn't there to witness this scene. He would surely be green with envy, perhaps even to the point of exploding in rage. Ma Hui would have relished seeing that pathetic look on his face.

"I'm going to step out for some sauce," Chen Xueli announced after a few bites.

"Let me assist you with that," offered the attendant, ever ready to serve.

"No, thank you. I prefer a stronger flavor, and you might not get the proportions right. I'll fetch it myself," she replied.

With that, Chen Xueli exited the private room and headed outside. To her astonishment, she spotted a familiar silhouette at the restaurant's entrance.

"Faang Han?" she exclaimed, taken aback.

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