Urban Recharge System/C1 Chapter Five Cents for Life!
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Urban Recharge System/C1 Chapter Five Cents for Life!
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C1 Chapter Five Cents for Life!

Chen Mo was just an ordinary guy, so ordinary that on his walk home from school, he was cornered on the street and stabbed straight through the heart.

In the height of summer, with the foliage in full bloom, the dying sun cast its last rays. Alone in a secluded corner of the street, Chen Mo gazed down at his chest, wracked with waves of pain. Blood flowed freely, forming a small crimson pool on the pavement.

His eyes, once bright, dimmed as his body, still radiating warmth, began to turn cold.

"Am I going to die?" he whispered, his voice a low rasp.

With each pulse of his heart, more blood was forced out. He felt weak, powerless, and icy cold as he faced the inevitable approach of death.

He could still clearly remember walking down the street in the sunset, colliding with a man coming toward him. Then, a sharp pain in his chest as he was thrust into the corner, catching a glimpse of the man's eyes—cold and sharp—hidden under the brim of his hat.


Or an accident?

At this point, it no longer mattered. In his last moments, his life's memories passed before him, not with hatred or fury, but with a hint of regret and a feeling of liberation.

On the verge of death, the young man chose to forgive, though it was a pity...

His fingers trembled slightly, using the last of his strength to open his backpack and extract a textbook with bold lettering on the cover. His gaze shook with a trace of fondness.

It was too bad he couldn't repay his uncle and aunt's kindness...

His dream of attending college would have to wait for another life.

And his perfect attendance record for the term...

That's right, he wouldn't be able to submit tomorrow's homework either.

As random thoughts flickered through his mind, a heavy drowsiness swept over him. Chen Mo's head, which he had barely managed to keep raised, finally fell, and his hand went completely still.

The next moment, he expected to be greeted by an endless darkness.

It all seemed normal at first, but suddenly, it was as if the scene violently tore apart, like the mournful wail of an erhu being abruptly replaced by the cacophony of vendors' megaphones at the entrance of a bustling market.

A voice emerged, resonating beside Chen Mo's ear.

(This system can endow you with eternal youth and make you invincible. It can also provide you with adoration and steadfast vigor.)

The voice echoing in Chen Mo's mind was impassioned, much like the pitch of a street hawker beneath an overpass.

(Don't miss this chance. If you walk past this opportunity, you won't find another. What's holding you back?)

(Invest now, young man. Without investment, how will you become stronger? How will you survive? Without commitment, you're no different from a lifeless fish.)

(We have an exclusive offer right now, with a surprise for your first deposit!)

Chen Mo remained silent, his head subtly lifting. His throat, dry and hoarse beyond speech, was revitalized by a mysterious force, returning to its normal state.

His once feeble and cold body seemed to experience a final surge of vitality, and even his dulled sense of pain began to clarify.

He groaned softly, feeling a stabbing pain in his chest with each heartbeat.

Yet the bleeding had slowed, the blood coagulating. It was clear that some presence was keeping him tethered to the last vestiges of life.

Chen Mo had no reason to doubt; the pain he still felt was evidence enough.

Given the choice, who would opt for death?

His hand trembled as it reached into his pocket. His right hand, smeared with blood, continued to press against his chest, while his left hand searched beneath him and eventually pulled out a wrinkled banknote from his pants pocket.

This was the last of his assets for the day.

Born into poverty and further constrained by his circumstances, Chen Mo's daily expenditures were calculated to the last penny.

To have even one extra banknote was a rare luxury.


As he spoke, a mysterious energy took hold. The crumpled banknote in his hand shimmered faintly before transforming into specks of light that dissipated into the air.

(Congratulations on your successful first purchase, young man. You have started on a path of transformation. From today onward, you will no longer be the 'salted fish' that others talk about. You are about to tread a path of glory. From now on, whether it's gods or Buddhas, none shall stand in your way.)

"... Sigh, wait a second, five, five cents? Not even a whole dollar?"

As the system scrambled to adjust, Chen Mo's gaze shifted, and his newly moistened throat granted him the ability to speak once more.

"Is it not enough?"

"All I have left is five cents; I'm broke."


(The system has come to terms with the situation. Five cents it is. The first time is always precious, even if inexperienced. With the system's help, you're destined to rise to great heights and reach the pinnacle of life. You'll be able to spend lavishly and acquire the most expensive items.)

With high hopes for the future, a twisted energy began to gather at Chen Mo's chest. A blood-red gemstone took shape, infused with a life aura. The dazzling gem, throbbing with vitality, fused into Chen Mo's open wound, slowly filling his heart.

What had been a certain death sentence began to miraculously improve. The wound healed bit by bit. His heart commenced a robust beating within his chest, resonating like a drum, the sound echoing far down the deserted street. Chen Mo, previously pale from blood loss, now flushed with life. His veins bulged, weaving across his body.

A newfound power surged within him, as if an inexhaustible energy flowed through his veins, reaching every corner of his body.

Chen Mo stood up, clenched his fists, and realized that his healing went beyond mere surface wounds.

As the potent energy within him began to ebb and his veins normalized, Chen Mo looked to the sky and stepped away from the corner that had nearly been his end.

(The first-time reward has been distributed. With this Life Pendant, young man, you can now go ahead and court death as much as you like. No matter how reckless you are, you'll never die. Considering your current financial situation, the system has a suggestion for you. Let's use your brand-new body to rob a bank!)

"That's illegal..."

As the boiling life aura within him began to subside and his veins returned to a state of calm, he glanced at the sky and stepped out of the corner that had nearly claimed his life.

(You've already spent money, so why care about the law? Young man, it's time to rob, spend, and buy, then rob, spend, and buy again, until you reach the pinnacle of life.)

Chen Mo shook his head, determined his direction, and started walking.

"Committing crimes and stealing from others is wrong."

(If you don't break the law or steal, where will you get your money?)

"I'll wait a bit longer. I'm a freshman in high school now, and in a few years, after college, I'll be able to work and earn money. If you think that's too slow, I could try to work during this summer break to earn some cash. But no matter what, I can't resort to theft or robbery. A true gentleman seeks wealth in an honorable way."

(...Young man, your values are surprisingly upright. You're so poor yet you maintain such principles; this system is quite curious about your living environment!)

"I'm just an ordinary person."

(No, no, no. An ordinary person wouldn't remain so unfazed after encountering this system.)

"I am an ordinary person with an ordinary heart. Is there something wrong with that?"

Chen Mo was genuinely curious. He had always believed that people like him were a dime a dozen, that being an ordinary person should be the norm.

(Heh, let's just assume that's the case. The System is now very curious about your future.)

[Young man, this system is looking forward to it.]

Time slipped away, and the sun had fully set. Darkness reclaimed the sky, and beneath the black canopy, the System ceased its persuasion, leaving behind a profound statement before falling silent.

The sound of footsteps resonated in the darkness. Chen Mo had traversed this path alone many times, but walking it in the dark was a novel experience. The darkness usually brought boundless quiet, but tonight it seemed somewhat lively.

Although Chen Mo couldn't look directly at them, he could sense various different beings lurking in the darkness. It was a vague sensation, as indistinct as flowers seen through fog—seemingly there and yet not, like the moon reflected in water or flowers in a mirror. Shaking his head, he dismissed it as a mere illusion stemming from his narrow escape from death. Finally, his gaze landed on the familiar house situated in a corner of the neighborhood—a modest, standalone dwelling that had been his home for roughly half a year.

Last year, after graduating from junior high in the summer months, Chen Mo had returned home to devastating news. His grandparents, who had been his lifelong companions, had both passed away. When he made it back to the village, all that was left for him were their two gravestones. The villagers, not wanting to interfere with his exams, had quietly laid the elderly couple to rest, only informing him upon his return.

Well, let's just say I'm quite curious about your future now.

Oh, young one, I'm looking forward to it.

As time passed, the sunset had completely disappeared beyond the horizon.

That period was the darkest in Chen Mo's life, and even now, he couldn't comprehend how he had survived it. Friends of his late parents learned of his situation and took him in, bringing him to the city.

Over the past six months, Chen Mo had dedicated himself to his studies, determined to fulfill the final wishes of his parents and grandparents. He studied tirelessly, aiming to excel in the exam that was three years away. Despite his efforts, it seemed that talent was predetermined; no matter how hard he worked or how serious he was, his grades remained just above average. Occasionally, he would break into the top ten, but more often, he found himself just outside that elite circle. This left him feeling powerless, but it only motivated him to double down on his diligence and sincerity.

He was just an ordinary person, after all. All he could do was give it his absolute best.

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