Urban Recharge System/C11 Under the Sunlight the Darkness!
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Urban Recharge System/C11 Under the Sunlight the Darkness!
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C11 Under the Sunlight the Darkness!

In the quiet of the library, Chen Mo was deeply absorbed in his book. He was like a sponge, soaking up unfamiliar knowledge that seemed to open a door to a whole new world filled with mystery and the unknown. He was so captivated by this realm that he found it difficult to tear himself away.

The school library was small, with just one floor filled with bookshelves and tables. Above, a fan spun with a lazy vigor, providing a slight, almost negligible coolness in the sweltering summer heat. The library was exceptionally quiet, the silence broken only by the occasional turning of pages and the steady hum of the fan.

Chen Mo sat in a corner, his back against a bookshelf, near a window. Although the fan's breeze didn't quite reach him, the sporadic gusts of wind from the open window still brought a refreshing coolness.

In the afternoon, with the breeze coming through the window and the summer heat outside, sleepiness inevitably began to surface, signaling the perfect time for a nap. However, some people in the library seemed to be quite alert.

Following their gaze, Chen Mo's eyes settled on a cascade of black hair. The girl was simply dressed, her natural beauty enhanced by an understated elegance. She had an ancient grace about her, reminiscent of a noblewoman from a bygone era, delicate and inspiring a protective instinct.

It was no wonder that some would linger in the library just to catch a glimpse of her. Her name was Zeng Wanrou. Chen Mo, who was usually focused solely on his studies, knew of her because she was a top student, consistently ranking in the top ten of their grade. However, she was not in his class—a fact that had stuck with him.

Zeng Wanrou lived up to her name with a gentle demeanor and a soft smile, making her quite popular at No.1 Senior High School. She had many admirers, but none had succeeded in capturing her heart. To this day, no one had managed to claim this seemingly delicate yet elusive snow lotus.

Muffled voices occasionally drifted by, peppered with phrases like "beautiful," "good-looking," and "great figure," revealing a candid assessment of everything within their line of sight.

Chen Mo followed the direction of the pointing fingers and saw a cascade of long, dark hair, a simple yet elegant appearance devoid of makeup, exuding a classical grace from every feature and complementing the shape of her face. She was reminiscent of an ancient lady of high birth, delicate and sheltered, inspiring an instinctive protectiveness in those who saw her.

No wonder people would stake out the library just to catch a glimpse of such a beauty.

Her name was Zeng Wanrou.

Chen Mo, a bookworm through and through, knew of her because she was a straight A student, consistently ranking in the top ten of their grade at No.1 Senior High School, yet she was not in his class—a fact that had made a lasting impression on him.

True to her name, Zeng Wanrou was delicate and had a gentle smile that contributed to her popularity at school.

Many admirers flocked to her, but all had failed to win her over. To date, no one had succeeded in plucking this seemingly delicate yet unattainable edelweiss.

But such matters were of little importance to Chen Mo. His only thought was that even the top students frequented the library, affirming his choice to be there.

With his resolve strengthened, Chen Mo's sleepiness vanished, and he plunged back into his reading with renewed vigor.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps became unusually intrusive.

Some looked up briefly, but most were indifferent, continuing to immerse themselves in their books, undisturbed by the outside world.

Chen Mo was one of the few who raised his head, sensing that the person was looking for him.

Piecing together the context, he had a good idea of why he was being approached.

As he lowered his gaze again, the footsteps stopped in front of him, and a raspy male voice spoke from above. The voice was appealing, but it lacked genuine sincerity.

"Excuse me, I have something to discuss with you. Could you step outside for a moment?"

It was an unusual greeting, met with an equally unusual response. It's not every day that a stranger's first words are a request for a private word.

Chen Mo, sensing the oddity of the situation, closed his book with a sense of resignation and nodded. "Please wait a moment."

Chen Mo turned and walked over to the bookshelf, returning the book to its original spot before following the stranger out of the library.

The two found a secluded, shady spot on the grass, covered by the cool shadow of trees. The stranger introduced himself, "Sorry to bother you, I'm a senior at No.1 Senior High School. I'm here because there are some things I need to ask you about."

"Sure, go ahead," Chen Mo responded.

"Well, you must be aware of the rumors about the cafeteria that have been circulating recently. The school administration has tasked me with verifying the truth of these rumors."

Chen Mo looked puzzled. "Why come to me? I'm not the one who started spreading these rumors."

The senior's smile stiffened before he continued, "I've already spoken to the student who started the gossip. He claims you're involved, so I wanted to ask you about what actually happened."

Pausing, the senior added, "If possible, I'd also like to know how you plan to handle this situation."

Chen Mo squinted and smiled. "Handle it? Sorry, senior, but this is just a joke and some gossip. Talking about 'handling' it seems a bit too serious. But why do you seem so convinced it's true? Is someone really unlucky enough to have actually found a needle in their cafeteria food?"

The attractive senior was taken aback once again, his expression darkening as he forced out, "Well, we have to consider the facts. This isn't a trivial matter, and we must investigate thoroughly just in case. If we miss the truth, it wouldn't look good, would it? Hahaha..."

His forced laughter barely concealed the almost palpable malice in his eyes.

"I see. You're quite diligent, senior. But you're worrying too much. I merely made an offhand remark to that student, and he took it seriously, even bothering you and the school administration. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience."

"So, you're saying it was all fake, just a harmless joke?"

"Exactly. It was a simple jest between friends, and somehow he believed it. But I do hope you can speak to my friend and put an end to these rumors."

"Fine, since you've said as much, I won't pry further. I'll relay your message. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Goodbye, senior!"


Watching the hurried departure, Chen Mo withdrew his gaze. The senior's behavior was highly suspect, and whether he was actually a student here remained debatable. Yet, it was clear that he had his informants within the school. The fact that he approached me directly instead of my two friends suggests he knows exactly who the victim is. And the only people who know the truth, besides myself, are those two friends.

Besides Chen Mo, the only other person who knew the victim was the perpetrator who framed him. Despite Chen Mo's subtle attempts to probe, it was clear that the individual was unaware. It wasn't him spreading the rumors; it was them!

After standing in silence for a while, Chen Mo stroked his chin and spoke to himself, "I'll leave it at this for now. To truly confirm their identity, I'm afraid a visit is in order." He sighed, "I really don't want to go through this. Wouldn't it be nice to just finish high school and go to college without any trouble?"

Unable to decipher the other party's motives, Chen Mo returned to the library. He wasn't the type to let the watchful eyes of an adversary disrupt his life. The afternoon activities flew by, and Chen Mo diligently attended each class. Once home, he prepared dinner and waited for Yun Yiyi to return so they could eat together. After their evening showers, Chen Mo didn't rush to do his homework or read. Instead, he turned on his computer and browsed the news as usual. However, he didn't shut it down afterward but checked on the novel he was following and caught up on the latest episode of his favorite series.

Watching the hurried figure depart, Chen Mo withdrew his gaze. The behavior of this upperclassman was suspicious. There was even debate as to whether he was actually a student at No.1 Senior High School. However, it seemed clear that there were others within the school who were keeping an eye on him. The fact that this person had come directly to him, rather than seeking out his two friends, suggested that the individual knew exactly who the victim was. And the only people who knew the truth, aside from Chen Mo himself, were his two friends. The only other person who would have such knowledge would be the one who had framed him.

Later, Chen Mo spent time researching on his computer. By the time he finished, it was past nine in the evening. Not feeling tired but knowing he had a busy day ahead, he decided to call it a night. After completing his preparations and with no further desire to read, he went to bed.

The next morning, Chen Mo made breakfast as usual. After eating, he wrote a note to Yun Yiyi, informing her that he wouldn't be back for lunch and suggesting she take care of her own meal. He placed the note under a porcelain bowl on the dining table, then left to attend to his business.

The city was thriving, a top-tier metropolis in the throes of rapid development, undergoing constant and swift changes. It had outpaced its peers and established itself at the forefront of global trends, becoming a primary economic center of the world.

Each year, the city attracted countless newcomers—by the hundreds of thousands, even millions. Some settled and adapted to their new urban lives, while others left, disheartened, contemplating a return to their roots.

Opportunities, wealth, the pulsating life of the city, the latest trends, and a world of glittering nightlife all contributed to the city's burgeoning identity. But they also gave rise to a darkness that lurked beneath the scorching sun.

Chen Mo was on his way to this vibrant city, to a shadowy corner concealed beneath the bright lights.

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