Urban Recharge System/C13 Why Should I Run?
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Urban Recharge System/C13 Why Should I Run?
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C13 Why Should I Run?

The Old City District—that's what he called it. The pedestrians he encountered hurried by, yet their faces were kind and amiable, with no trace of savagery or brutality.

Chen Mo, however, remained vigilant. He had only just reached the outskirts. In recent years, the city's policies had improved significantly, favoring the Old City District. Some areas were being revitalized, resuming their halted march of civilization.

Indeed, the presence of utility poles and streetlights was evidence of this progress.

Yet, with each step deeper into the district, the danger seemed to increase. Relying on information gathered online, Chen Mo tread carefully on the cobblestone paths.

The closer he got to the center, the more palpable the weight of history felt. The people he passed by might not have dressed in an overly old-fashioned manner, but their attire was far from modern.

It was as if this place had been caught in a temporal eddy. The breath of civilization was thinning, while the soil of history grew rich and fertile.

Chen Mo couldn't decide whether this phenomenon was positive or negative, but he could see a certain vibrancy in the locals that was absent in the outside world. Their expressions were not stiff or uniform; they were animated and natural, with gentle smiles gracing their faces.

The Old City District thrived on self-sufficiency. Though some traders traveled between here and other areas, peddling their rare goods at premium prices, the locals seemed to prefer self-reliance, not overly dependent on external resources.

This was evident in the fertile plots of land, the aromatic vegetable gardens, and the silhouettes of people toiling away.

"Seeing is believing, while hearsay is often deceptive. Without firsthand experience, it's hard to imagine life here. The rumors are even less reliable. This place is nothing like the war-torn, desolate area I had pictured!"

In Chen Mo's mind, the Old City was akin to a post-war refugee camp, filled with famine and starving individuals. He envisioned elderly people leading children by the hand, their gazes empty and lost, while children tugged at their parents' sleeves, crying out in hunger.

Then, a group of menacing men wielding knives and clubs burst forth, showing no mercy as they hacked at anyone they encountered, all the while laughing boisterously. The streets were eerily deserted, not a soul in sight, and the occasional cold wind would sweep through, stirring up the dust and sand.

Gang violence was rampant, with brawls and fights commonplace. People lay in pools of blood, and beggars, too weak to move and starving, trembled on the sidewalks.

In a short time, Chen Mo's impression had completely changed. He found life here quite comfortable, almost like a hidden paradise. He envisioned building a house with a backyard where he could tend to flowers, grow vegetables, raise chickens, and then sit in the courtyard sipping tea and reading, watching the clouds roll by—a seemingly perfect life.

"This place seems pretty nice," Chen Mo reflected, his eyes alight with a rare excitement. It wasn't often that something moved him so deeply. Although it was all still in his imagination, and his ultimate goal was to get into university, he had already sketched out this idyllic scene for some future time in his life.

Caught up in his thoughts, he nearly forgot his main priorities. His pace quickened, and he no longer moved with the initial caution he had shown.

The local customs here seemed quite simple and pure. Chen Mo found himself walking in a daze, receiving several greetings from passersby. His responses were stiff and awkward, making him feel out of place compared to their hearty laughter. He couldn't help but lament his introverted nature.

So far, Chen Mo had a very favorable impression of the place. It seemed like an excellent spot for self-improvement and even a potential future home.

But the more he indulged in these beautiful visions, the more his vigilance faded.

Guided by information from the internet and tips from the cafeteria auntie, Chen Mo was enchanted by the landscape as he made his way to a quaint bluestone town.

The town was small and the streets sparsely populated, giving it a somewhat desolate air.

Yet, after a thorough look around, Chen Mo discovered that despite its size, the town had everything one might need. There were no small restaurants, but the roadside was lined with vendors selling a variety of homegrown fruits and vegetables, their attire and the produce suggesting they were cultivated by the vendors themselves.

The town's economy wasn't great, but the currency circulating wasn't too unusual—it was pretty much on par with the outside world.

Prices were similar as well, suggesting a hidden connection with the outside, allowing for a flow of goods between the two.

As Chen Mo observed the daily life of the small town's residents, he searched for Black Jason's residence. Given the simplicity of the locals, he figured it wouldn't take long to find out where Black Jason lived.

His eyes darted around, and soon he spotted an elderly gentleman leaning on a cane, seemingly strolling leisurely. Chen Mo thought that older people might be easier to approach than the younger ones. He was about to quicken his pace to catch up with the old man and casually inquire about Black Jason's address when suddenly, a loud shout came from behind.

"Move out of the way!"

The urgency in the voice left no time for hesitation. Chen Mo stepped aside, but the figure rushing from behind also dodged in the same direction. Realizing the mix-up, Chen Mo attempted to sidestep again, but the other person, seemingly with the same idea, moved in the same direction once more.

Chen Mo stood there, dumbfounded, thinking, "Can't I just stay put?"

The other person also stopped, and they stared at each other for a few seconds. Then, a noisy ruckus approached from behind as a group of people came running toward them.

Before Chen Mo could get a clear look at the newcomers, the man opposite him exclaimed, "Run, they're coming after us!" He dashed past Chen Mo, who was left in a disarrayed state, utterly confused.

"What's going on here!?" Chen Mo muttered to himself, watching the man's retreating figure. When he turned back, the pursuers who had been out of sight now revealed themselves, brandishing knives and sticks and cursing as they advanced.

People on the streets scattered, and vendors protected their stalls and retreated. The once peaceful town became as chaotic as a marketplace during a firecracker frenzy. Like a startled bird, Chen Mo turned and ran.

He didn't know who these people were or what they wanted, but the sight of the group, armed and charging, threw his mind into chaos. He couldn't think straight; all he knew was that he needed to run, without a moment's delay.

The streets were a mess, and Chen Mo, with his small stature, couldn't squeeze through. Seeing the crowd nearly upon him, he sighed and took off.

As he ran, the scenery whizzed by, and he managed to take in the situation around him.

The chaotic situation showed no signs of improving, which caused Chen Mo a bit of concern. He wondered how the elderly man with the cane he had seen earlier was faring.

Perhaps it was a stroke of luck, but as Chen Mo glanced back amidst his worries, he noticed the old man with the cane skillfully navigating through the bustling crowd. The man pressed himself against the wall, curling up into a ball, looking incredibly experienced in handling such situations.

"Experience trumps youth, it seems. I should probably worry more about myself than others right now."

Chen Mo couldn't recall how many times he had sighed today. He felt particularly unlucky these past few days, as if he had used up all the luck from his past and future lives in one narrow escape, now encountering all sorts of problems and unexpected events wherever he went.

He longed for the simpler times of his past life...

[Young man, there's something about this system I don't quite understand.]

"Let's not dwell on that. But could you tell me what I should do now?"

The system, which had popped up seemingly out of nowhere, appeared to be a beacon of hope for Chen Mo. He quickly asked for a way to escape his current troubles, but unfortunately, the system was infamous for its terrible suggestions, never having offered a good piece of advice.

Chen Mo's situation was no exception, and the system's tone was noticeably more cheerful.

(If you pay, I'll tell you. But actually, I can also offer you a piece of free advice.)

(Why do you feel the need to run?)

Initially, Chen Mo was taken aback, his ability to think rationally momentarily paralyzed by the unexpected turn of events. However, after taking a moment to catch his breath and considering the system's question, he suddenly had an epiphany.

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