Urban Recharge System/C17 I Have a Question That I Don't Know If I Should Say It or Not
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Urban Recharge System/C17 I Have a Question That I Don't Know If I Should Say It or Not
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C17 I Have a Question That I Don't Know If I Should Say It or Not

Cao Bao was led away, and a hush descended upon the hall.

After about fifteen minutes, Third Master snapped out of his deep thoughts, squinting with a sly grin. "Han Feihu is nothing but a persistent nuisance. He's not a major threat, but he's irritating to look at. If he can't be conveniently disposed of, then for the sake of our plans, we should just take the trouble to get rid of him."

"Fourth Brother, Fifth Brother, I'm entrusting this matter to you. Take the men and be thorough. I don't want to see him bouncing around tomorrow."

Two burly men stood up, saluting with a fist to palm gesture. "We won't let you down, Big Brother. Han Feihu won't make it through the night."

With a nod of approval, Third Master watched them leave. Although he was a man of great suspicion, he had always treated his old brothers, who had been with him for decades, with fairness. Those present in the hall were his backbone and trusted aides, the old-timers who had been with him since his humble beginnings.

Though his suspicion was ever-present, Third Master had never shortchanged these old-timers. While he couldn't fully trust them, he did have a measure of faith in them.

"Second Brother, what's with the mysterious visit today?" Third Master's attention turned to a short, rather unsavory-looking middle-aged man. Unlike his demeanor with the others, there was a hint of genuine mirth and less guardedness in his eyes for this man.

The man's abilities were limited, and he was involved in minor affairs. Even if he did have ulterior motives, they were unlikely to be consequential.

"I know you've been feeling down, Big Brother. I've gone out of my way to find something special for you. It's top quality and guaranteed to cheer you up," the middle-aged man said, his grin growing more mischievous and suggestive.

Third Master had a deep familiarity with him, and after years of dealing with him, he knew exactly what sort of man Second Brother was, which only heightened his curiosity.

"Oh? Coming from you, Second Brother, it must indeed be something exceptional. Bring it in; I'm quite keen to see what you've got."

Recognizing that the matter at hand was not for outsiders to meddle in, everyone except for the third-eldest respectfully bowed to Third Master and promptly exited the hall.

These individuals harbored little affection for Second Brother, a man known for his sycophantic ways, and they did not bother to hide their disdain.

Yet, Second Brother was unfazed. He had weathered hardships and savored victories over the years, and his heart was content. His present fortunes were the result of a past gamble that paid off. Having aligned himself with the Third Master, Second Brother was keen on keeping him in high spirits.

With a clap of his hands, Second Brother signaled, and two men promptly brought a young girl into the hall. She was in the prime of her youth, strikingly beautiful with a slender figure and curves in all the right places. Tear stains marred her delicate face, and her eyes held a mix of defiance and unyielding despair as she struggled against her captors.

At just a glance, the Third Master's eyes, previously squinting, now popped open, gleaming with interest.

"Not bad at all, Second Brother. You've really put some thought into this," the Third Master commended.

"It's my duty to alleviate your worries, Big Brother," Second Brother replied. "This girl hasn't been tamed yet, but it's her wildness that makes her all the more enticing. You'll certainly enjoy discovering her... nuances."

"Hehe, but tell me, Second Brother, you didn't resort to any underhanded methods to bring her here, did you?" the Third Master inquired pointedly. Despite his ruthless reputation, he adhered to his own code of conduct. He had never stooped to abducting innocent women, and he refrained from overtaxing or oppressing the people within his territory beyond what was necessary.

He was, comparatively speaking, a man of principle.

"Big Brother, I'm well aware of your temperament. Not just you, I too have never taken a woman against her will. I remember the rules we established back in the day. But as for this young lady, her lot in life is quite harsh. If there's anyone to blame, it's her misfortune of being born to a father who's both a gambler and a drunkard, a man who squanders his days on her mother's meager earnings. He's a hopeless gambler, always returning home either penniless and begging for money or drunk and violent towards his wife and daughter."

"Eventually, that gambler racked up debts he couldn't pay, and he signed over his daughter as collateral. Seeing that she was quite attractive, I accepted the gambler's offer. And so, I've brought her to you, Third Master."

Third Master nodded with a smile as serene as a Buddha's, expressing his satisfaction, "Not bad at all. From now on, she'll stay and serve as a maid."

"As long as you're pleased, Big Brother!"

Their conversation flowed without any pretense, treating the young girl before them as nothing more than a commodity to be disposed of at will. Her fate was sealed within a few sentences, with no one bothering to consider her thoughts or even extend the courtesy of asking for her opinion.

Crushed by despair, the girl's initial resistance waned, and soon, tears streamed down her beautiful face.


Once everything was settled, Chen Mo found himself witnessing a starkly different scene.

In a dilapidated courtyard, he watched Han Feihu speak to a group of disheartened soldiers. Their voices were charged with passion, but their words were empty, offering no practical solutions.

Chen Mo, tired of the empty rhetoric, spun his teacup idly while reaching for an antiquated teapot, pouring himself yet another cup of water.

Indeed, the teapot held only water, not tea.

Han Feihu's fall from grace was more severe than Chen Mo had anticipated. Cao Bao had described Han Feihu as a significant figure, and Chen Mo had expected to find a more imposing stronghold. Instead, he was greeted by a ramshackle wooden hut and a few defeated soldiers. It was no wonder Cao Bao had chased them through the streets, nearly ending Han Feihu's life.

In the old city district, forming cliques was the norm; for those looking to make a name for themselves, it was practically the only path.

Much like the routine of going to school, it was an everyday affair that contributed to the chaos of the old city. Or rather, there was no public order to speak of, as the police had no authority there.

By the time Chen Mo finished his seventh cup of water, he felt bloated and in urgent need of a restroom.

Finally, the group beside him snapped out of their daydreams and began to discuss practical matters, like what to have for lunch.

Han Feihu looked troubled as he surveyed his subordinates, who were clutching their growling stomachs, their faces reddening with hunger.

He hardly looked the part of a boss; he seemed more like a nanny to these hapless goons, who relied on him for everything, even their next meal. Frankly, they would have been better off returning to their farms.

After downing his seventh glass of water, Chen Mo felt a slight bloating in his stomach, even a hint of a need to urinate.

Finally snapping out of their daydream-like fantasies, the group beside him began to discuss matters of actual importance, such as what to have for lunch. Han Feihu looked particularly troubled, gazing at his hungry subordinates whose faces were flushed with a mix of hunger and frustration.

This guy hardly seemed like a boss; he came across more like a babysitter to a bunch of clueless goons, who even relied on their leader to figure out their meal plans. Chen Mo couldn't help but think they might be better off farming back home.

Chen Mo inwardly raged: I'm not your nanny, and I couldn't care less about your lunch woes. Since when did I become your 'Second Brother'? And stop calling me that—I don't have 'Second' in my name, nor am I your 'brother'. When did we ever get so close that I'm now expected to take care of your underlings?

Chen Mo had a torrent of complaints he wanted to unleash, but he was at a loss for where to begin. "I've got something on my mind, but I'm not sure if I should speak up or not!"

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