Urban Recharge System/C18 The Stratagem of the Empty City
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Urban Recharge System/C18 The Stratagem of the Empty City
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C18 The Stratagem of the Empty City

Chen Mo kept his litany of complaints and muttered curses to himself, never letting them spill over into the open.

In the end, they were merely minor grievances, hardly worth mentioning. Besides, had he voiced them, Han Feihu's stubborn nature would likely have left him with a look of utter confusion, inadvertently casting Chen Mo as the petty one and diminishing his standing among his men—a setback he could ill afford in his plans.

So, Chen Mo watched from the sidelines, biding his time until the incessant chatter of the group vented the ill feelings he harbored, allowing for a moment of calm.

However, Chen Mo couldn't help but be astonished when, after their daydreams, their first concrete thought was about lunch. He too felt a pang of hunger and patted his stomach, acknowledging the need for food.

But as a stranger in a strange land, what were his options for a meal? He was about to dismiss the thought when several spies he had positioned nearby came rushing in.

One, breathless and hurried, burst into the courtyard and, before even catching his breath, exclaimed, "Disaster! They're here—they've come for us!"

The place erupted into chaos, with everyone scattering in a frenzy.

Chen Mo observed those who had been full of bravado moments before now fleeing faster than the rest. Some, in their blind panic, even dove under tables, curling up and trembling with their heads down and rears in the air.

While Chen Mo had expected little from them, their sheer cowardice still posed a problem.

Fortunately, among Han Feihu's spineless crew, there were a few men of substance. Aside from Han Feihu and Chen Mo, four others managed to maintain their composure.

They might not have been the epitome of calm, but their mental fortitude was commendable; they stood firm and braced themselves, which was somewhat heartening.

Han Feihu seemed to take the external turmoil in stride. Even as they were encircled by the enemy, he grew calmer and more introspective. After a quick assessment of the surroundings, he fixed his gaze on Chen Mo.

"I don't intend to run this time," Han Feihu stated firmly. "Second Brother, if you have any strategies, please share them. If escape is impossible, I'll confront them head-on while you make your exit through the back door. That way, we'll honor our bond as brothers."

Chen Mo rolled his eyes but eventually shook his head. "There is a way, but it all comes down to whether you can pull off a convincing performance."

Han Feihu's eyes widened in surprise. "Performance?"

"Yes, performance," Chen Mo affirmed with a nod. "Though, to be more precise, it's about bluffing."

Han Feihu looked utterly lost, and the four men with him shared his confusion. Their simple minds couldn't fathom any link between bluffing and confronting the enemy.

Chen Mo didn't elaborate further. He merely whispered a few instructions into Han Feihu's ear and then waited for him to decide.

This tactic was incredibly risky. In history, Zhuge Liang had used the Empty Fort Strategy to repel Sima Yi's formidable forces. Now, Chen Mo was applying a similar concept against a band of thugs. The context was completely different, but the underlying idea was the same: to invoke fear and indecision to gain time.

The primary reason for having Cao Bao spread a false tale was to leave a distinct impression that Han Feihu was not as simple as they assumed and that he definitely had reinforcements.

This instilled a layer of caution in their adversaries, causing them to act hesitantly and overthink their actions. With enough doubt, they would inevitably waver.

Thus, the objective of delaying them was achieved.

"I've told you all you need to know. What happens next is in your hands, big brother. Just remember, keep it under thirty minutes. Regardless of our situation, you only need to stall them for that long. Any longer, and they'll sense something's wrong and swarm us. You know the consequences better than I do," Chen Mo advised.

"Don't worry, I've got this," Han Feihu replied confidently.

He gestured broadly to the four men, "Once you've left, you'll follow my Second Brother's orders. If you dare to disobey, you'll have me to deal with later."

The four men, nervous yet respectful, bowed with their fists clasped and agreed without hesitation.

After gathering intelligence, Chen Mo was somewhat concerned. The Third Master's influence spread widely throughout the old city district, with his stronghold situated around Green Stone Town. Not all his followers would be concentrated in the stronghold, but the core members typically resided there. Since there were no significant enemies near Green Stone Town, the number of men left behind was not substantial.

However, given enough time, the Third Master could effortlessly summon a large force from the surrounding areas. Any delay would render action futile. Therefore, speed was crucial. Chen Mo's sole objective was to strike at the Third Master's lightly guarded mansion by drawing out the main guard with false intelligence. Capturing the leader was key to victory. This was the only viable strategy for victory in Chen Mo's mind, given the overwhelming weakness of Han Feihu's faction.

"Lead on to Green Stone Town, to the Third Master's Mansion!" Chen Mo commanded, looking back at the shrinking, desolate courtyard before turning to address his companions.


Putting aside Chen Mo's departure, which was intended to catch the Third Master off guard, let's turn to Han Feihu. After Chen Mo and his party had left, Han Feihu silently went to a corner of the inner room, broke through a wooden deck, and pulled out several jars of wine. Returning to the courtyard, he took a jar and drank deeply, emptying it quickly. His face flushed, Han Feihu's expression turned fierce as he grinned, his menacing white teeth giving him a wild, untamed look.

Before long, Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother arrived at the dilapidated courtyard with their weary men. The quiet of the courtyard led them to exchange a suspicious look. They nodded to a few of their men, who then cautiously opened the door. As the gate creaked open, a powerful kick caught one of the men off guard, crushing his nose. The remaining two were sent flying by a follow-up kick, and the gate was knocked off its hinges. Inside, Han Feihu was seen chugging wine from a jar, with a long bench overturned on the ground. He looked at the stunned onlookers with a mocking laugh, clearly unbothered by their presence.

"Come on in, guests are always welcome. Let me treat you to a drink!" Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother exchanged glances, unsure of their next move. They had expected to encounter an opponent bracing for a full-on brawl.

However, all that remained was Han Feihu, casually sitting with his wine jar. The bodies strewn across the floor were the cowards Han Feihu had knocked senseless. It was better to leave them feigning drunken unconsciousness than to risk them stirring up trouble.

The more open and fearless Han Feihu appeared, the less Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother dared to take him lightly. They called their men to scout the surroundings, wary of an ambush. The enemy might be lying in wait for them to charge in, only to be trapped in a coordinated attack and annihilated.

"Something's not right here; we need to be cautious to avoid walking into their trap."

"Agreed. Have the men thoroughly scout the area. Beyond this courtyard, search any potential hiding spots for ambushers. Han Feihu has been a persistent problem for Third Master; he's no simple adversary. And there's talk of him having reinforcements."

"They probably think we're clueless about the reinforcements and are trying to set us up. I can't wait to see his face when his scheme falls apart."

The two men reinforced each other's beliefs, inwardly smirking at Han Feihu, convinced they held the upper hand.

Despite having consumed several jars of wine, Han Feihu's extraordinary capacity for alcohol meant he was anything but inebriated. He was as clear-headed as ever, and noticing the two men outside might have been duped by his act, he slyly winked. Without warning, a jar of wine flew through the air.

The wine jar crashed right in front of Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother. Han Feihu stumbled out, shouting at them, "What's the matter? You think you're too good for my company? Well, let me tell you, you're going to drink this wine today, whether you want to or not."

Feigning drunkenness, Han Feihu advanced while Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother, unable to gauge his true intentions, led their group in a lengthy retreat.

Sensing the moment was right, yet not wanting to press his luck, Han Feihu suddenly twisted and pretended to fall, rolling several times before sprawling out in the courtyard, lying motionless as if he were a corpse.

From a distance, Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother became even more convinced. They said in unison, "Hmph, you think you can lure us in with such a simple trick? There's definitely a catch with that courtyard. We'll just wait here. I'm curious to see who has the better patience."

What's visible on the surface always seems transparent, but it's what's hidden in the shadows that truly puts one on alert.

Meanwhile, Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother remained wary, avoiding any unnecessary risks. They had their men meticulously survey the area before they gradually approached the dilapidated courtyard, silently waiting for the right moment.

Unbeknownst to them, as they lay in wait, another group of five had already traversed Green Stone Town and reached the abode of Third Master.

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