Urban Recharge System/C19 No One will Come Back to Save You Even If You Scream!
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Urban Recharge System/C19 No One will Come Back to Save You Even If You Scream!
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C19 No One will Come Back to Save You Even If You Scream!

Standing before the grand mansion, the young man eyed the red-painted door and chuckled, "It seems we've found our spot for lunch today..."

His four companions, silent behind him, looked on with a mix of excitement and apprehension at the residence that once symbolized authority. Anticipating what might soon unfold, they couldn't help but shiver.

Chen Mo knew Han Feihu's stalling wouldn't last much longer, so he had to take down Third Master quickly and decisively.

Turning to his group, Chen Mo cautioned, "Remember, follow the plan and don't give anything away. Otherwise, we're all in hot water."


After regaining their composure, one of them walked up to the red door and knocked assertively.

Footsteps sounded from inside. Chen Mo had no illusions that Third Master was left unguarded, despite their plan having drawn away the main force.

There were surely a few guards left, just fewer than before.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" asked the door openers, two young men of average build, dressed so plainly they could blend into any crowd.

With an air of urgency, Chen Mo stepped forward, "We have pressing matters to report to Third Master regarding Han Feihu."

The young men shared a look, then smiled. "Tell us what it is, and we'll pass it on to Third Master."

Chen Mo's face showed a flash of anger, but he quickly reined it in, saying with a hint of reluctance, "We've seen Han Feihu in close conversation with some people in a chaotic alley outside Green Stone Town. We couldn't hear everything from our distance, but we did catch a few words, including 'Third Master.'"

The young men's eyes brightened, and without a word, they slammed the red door shut and hurried off, presumably to report to Third Master.

As they disappeared, Chen Mo's expression of reluctance and timidity faded away, and he straightened his spine.

"Dealing with underlings can be more challenging than facing the devil himself. Still, a good brain is a valuable asset—I just wish they had one," Chen Mo mused. He and his companions then took cover at the corner of the street, waiting in silence for the next move. Sure enough, after about seven or eight minutes, a group came out of a building, looked around, cursed quietly, and went back inside.

Chen Mo, while reflecting on the situation, led his companions to quietly take cover, lying in wait around the corner of a street. As time passed, about seven or eight minutes later, a group of people emerged from a building. They looked around cautiously, cursed under their breath, and then withdrew back inside.

Shortly thereafter, the door swung open for the third time, and the group dashed out, scouring the streets in every direction as if searching for something. They quickly disappeared from Chen Mo's sight.

Once everyone had vanished, Chen Mo waited a moment longer to ensure all was quiet. Then, with a wave of his hand, he declared, "The time is right. Let's go inside and meet this so-called Third Master."


The Third Master sat imperiously in his armchair, with a trembling girl, offered up by his subordinate, at his side.

Initially in high spirits, the Third Master's demeanor turned contemplative as the reports came in. His instincts told him that something was off about today's events.

However, the comfort of years of unchallenged rule had eroded his sense of danger. The thought that someone might dare to harm him had never crossed his mind.

This arrogance was the result of a long tenure in a position of power; his subordinates were always obedient, any dissatisfaction swallowed silently. No one had ever dared to defy, deceive, or plot against him.

Despite his unease, the Third Master could not conceive of someone having the audacity to directly challenge his stronghold so brazenly.

With his expression fluctuating, the Third Master finally broke the silence, "Pour the tea!"

The girl beside him, however, did not react, standing still and looking down at her toes, seemingly lost in thought.

Glancing at the girl, the Third Master's voice became three degrees colder. "I said pour the tea. Are you deaf?"

The girl trembled and shifted slightly but continued to hesitate. The Third Master's patience seemed to have evaporated as he suddenly slammed his hand on the table, grabbed the tea table, and hurled it to the ground.

"Very well, it seems you have some other ideas, but that's irrelevant. I will slowly teach you your place, what you should and shouldn't do. Now, kneel down, pick up these fragments, and clean the floor until it's dry," the Third Master commanded, pointing to the shattered pieces of the tea table.

The young woman's head snapped up, her face streaked with tears, her lips tightly clenched, and her complexion pale as she slowly sank to her knees.

"Hmph, if you won't accept the toast, you'll face the consequences. Clean up slowly, make sure it's thorough. If I spot a single speck of dirt, you'll face a fate far worse than any brothel. My men are desperate and rough; they don't know how to be gentle. To fall into their hands would be a living hell."

Her shoulders trembled as she fought back sobs, her cries deepening, while tears streamed down her face, splattering on the ground to form shimmering droplets.

Third Master's face showed no pity, his cold sneer and narrowed eyes making him seem as heartless as a stone Bodhisattva.

He took pleasure in trampling on others' pride, filling their hearts with fear, and controlling them with his words.

This gave him an addictive sense of conquest, as if he could hold the entire world in the palm of his hand. The more pitiful they were, the greater his delight. His mentality was not just twisted; it bordered on pathological.

"Picking on a young girl, Third Master, you're sick, and you need help!"

The sudden voice cut through the bleak atmosphere. Chen Mo walked in with purpose, accompanied by four men, all looking weary from their travels. He spoke with a bold smile, showing no respect.

Third Master squinted at Chen Mo, taking a moment before asking, "And who might you be, sir, and what business do you have here?"

But Chen Mo ignored Third Master, his focus not on the middle-aged man lounging in the armchair, but on the young woman kneeling on the ground.

Her silhouette seemed strangely familiar. Was it just an illusion?

Wanting a closer look, Chen Mo moved forward and crouched before her. Her long hair fell like a black waterfall, concealing her face, and Chen Mo couldn't see her features.

Nevertheless, it seemed quite improper for a young lady to be kneeling on the ground, so he firmly took her by the hand and helped her to her feet.

Chen Mo shook his head. Despite the familiar feeling, the tears mixed with dust had completely obscured her face, and he couldn't place where he knew her from.

However, not recognizing her meant she wasn't an acquaintance he was particularly close with, so he didn't give it much thought.

Third Master, feeling snubbed, had a dark and stormy look on his face. It had been ages since he'd experienced such disregard. Those who had dared to ignore him in the past had been systematically dealt with over the years. Now, on the cusp of old age, he was taken aback by the audacity of someone so much younger.

The girl was shaking as Chen Mo guided her to a seat. Just as he was about to leave, he realized that someone was clutching the hem of his shirt tightly. After failing to break free with a few steps, Chen Mo, resigned to the situation, swept the contents of a side table onto the floor and sat down on it.

He turned to Third Master with a smile and remarked, "You seem quite upset, Third Master. But don't worry, you'll be even more irritated in a moment."

Third Master's expression grew even more menacing, as if he were ready to devour the young man in front of him. He spat out fiercely, "Young man, you're underestimating me. I didn't get to where I am today by mere words alone."

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