Urban Recharge System/C2 A Stranger Living Together
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Urban Recharge System/C2 A Stranger Living Together
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C2 A Stranger Living Together

Chen Mo retrieved his key and unlocked the gate, walking into the quiet expanse of the large house as he had countless times before.

Under the pitch-black night sky, the dark house loomed like a beast crouched on the ground, its wide jaws open as though waiting for prey.

Situated in the suburbs, the house was encircled by thriving trees and blooming plants, offering a rather idyllic living environment.

The three-story home was efficiently divided: the ground floor was a communal space, the second floor contained the bedrooms, and the attic was used for storage.

Familiar with the layout, Chen Mo entered and turned into the main hall, flipping on the chandelier with a click.

The light illuminated the hall, showcasing the modestly furnished area with a sofa near the door, a television opposite it, a dining table near the kitchen, and a glass door to a closed bathroom.

His eyes quickly scanned the room, and sure enough, he saw a curled-up figure on the sofa.

It was a girl, her sleeping posture inelegant, her body coiled tightly as if craving protection.

Despite her unkempt state, her beauty was undeniable: pale, smooth skin, delicate features, and the emerging figure of a young woman in the midst of puberty.

Chen Mo shook his head with a knowing look.

The girl was Yun Yiyi.

Chen Mo's adoptive uncle and aunt had two daughters, Yun Yiyi and Yun Yixia. Yun Yiyi, the younger sister, was the same age as Chen Mo but three months older. Yun Yixia, the elder sister, had begun her freshman year of college and had left home six months ago to study in another city.

Chen Mo had only a vague recollection of Yun Yixia; they had met a few times when he first arrived, and she had seemed like a very kind elder sister.

As for Yun Yiyi, Chen Mo shook his head once more.

Although they had lived under the same roof for about six months, and it was mostly just the two of them—since their uncle and aunt were rarely home due to their demanding jobs—he and Yun Yiyi had not grown close.

Chen Mo and Yun Yiyi rarely interacted outside of meal times. Despite attending the same school, they were not in the same class and thus had little to do with each other on a daily basis. Chen Mo had no intention of improving this distant relationship, so they both learned to live their separate lives. Of course, this was true for everything except eating. It wasn't that Chen Mo was biased; it was simply that Yun Yiyi's cooking skills were abysmal. He couldn't imagine how someone could mess up frying an egg. In his eyes, Yun Yiyi was a kitchen nightmare, a top-tier presence in the realm of disastrous cooking.

Chen Mo sighed softly, turned, and left without waking the still-sleeping Yun Yiyi. He deftly placed his backpack aside, rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands, and began selecting ingredients from the fridge for tonight's dinner.

To be honest, Chen Mo was a good cook. Children raised in the countryside usually have a few tricks up their sleeve, especially when caring for two elderly people whose health was declining. Chen Mo had taken on all the household chores, and his skill in preparing home-cooked meals was second nature.

After busying himself in the kitchen, a delicious smell wafted out. Half an hour later, the dining table was set with three simple dishes and a soup. As expected, Chen Mo heard sounds from the living room as he washed the dishes.

Yun Yiyi, who had just woken up, groggily followed the aroma to the dining table.

The silence lingered until the meal ended in quietude. Yun Yiyi rose to clear the dishes, her voice low and steady.

"I waited in the hall for nearly an hour tonight, not to mention the time I was asleep."

"Technically, I shouldn't interfere with your private life, just like we originally agreed. But next time, if something comes up and you'll be late, I'd appreciate a heads-up."

Her tone was neither sharp nor intense, but rather carried a formality and distance typical of a conversation with a stranger.

Chen Mo appeared unfazed, simply nodding in response. The evening's events were an exception, not likely to happen again. He didn't feel the need to explain—not only because the circumstances were bizarre, but also because he didn't see the point in justifying anything to Yun Yiyi. Their relationship had evolved from a long period of give-and-take.

Their contact was limited to these shared meals, with little else in common.

Like two familiar strangers, Chen Mo was comfortable with this arrangement. He had no desire to improve his relationship with Yun Yiyi, preferring to preserve the rare understanding and balance they had found. He was content with the way things were.

Despite his family's suggestions to build a better rapport, this way of coexisting seemed to fulfill the minimum requirements for harmony.

Chen Mo let out a soft sigh and assisted Yun Yiyi with the dishes before settling on the couch to watch TV. Yun Yiyi, meanwhile, started her nightly routine.

Their schedules were completely out of sync, each having their own designated bathroom times, which helped avoid any confusion. After dinner, Yun Yiyi took her shower first and then went upstairs. The rest of the evening belonged solely to Chen Mo.

After a brief wash, Chen Mo went to the second floor and into his bedroom.

It's worth noting that the aunts and uncles treated Chen Mo and the sisters, Yun Yiyi and Yun Yixia, equally. Chen Mo's room was just as comfortable, complete with a wardrobe, a bed, a desk, and a computer.

Chen Mo didn't hurry to sleep. He turned on the computer to check the news and, under the soft light of the lamp, he took out his study materials from his backpack and quietly focused on his work.

Despite their aunt and uncle's repeated admonitions to get along well, the way they coexisted could at best be described as a strained attempt at harmony.

Chen Mo let out a sigh, and after he and Yun Yiyi had cleared the dinner table, he settled onto the couch and turned on the television. Meanwhile, Yun Yiyi began her nightly routine of washing up. Their schedules were completely out of sync, with each having their own designated time to use the bathroom.

As the night deepened, a sense of something lurking in the shadows grew. Chen Mo would normally be preparing for bed at this time, but tonight, he was inexplicably full of energy and felt no desire to sleep. Yet, with school beckoning early the next morning, Chen Mo, despite his alertness, forced himself to try and fall asleep.

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