Urban Recharge System/C20 What Does It Have to Do with Me?
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Urban Recharge System/C20 What Does It Have to Do with Me?
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C20 What Does It Have to Do with Me?

Chen Mo gently shook his head and unexpectedly found himself laughing out loud.

Everything had gone according to plan. With just a glance, the four accomplices understood their roles, drawing their knives and pressing them against Third Master's throat and lower back as they escorted him out of the mansion.

The only variable was the girl who stubbornly clung to his clothes, refusing to let go.

However, a detail went unnoticed by all: near the shattered tea table, where the girl had knelt, a few tear drops were turning to ice, giving off a strange coldness.

"Where are you taking me? Even with me as your hostage, you won't get what you want," Third Master said, his initial shock giving way to a calm demeanor. He watched Chen Mo, who was intent on the path ahead, and added, "Killing me will only make things worse for you. My followers will certainly avenge me, and you'll become their offering. You won't survive."

"How about we make a deal instead? Release me, and I promise not to retaliate. In return, I'll bestow upon you wealth and status."

Third Master saw the situation clearly. Indeed, in their current vulnerable state, killing him would be suicidal. A deal could offer them a temporary reprieve but would also create future risks.

The decision between short-term survival and a decisive, potentially fatal showdown was straightforward.

Survival was the immediate concern, but Chen Mo simply smiled and said, "Hold on, Third Master. I have a little theory I want to test. Please, come with us and let's see what the human heart is truly made of."

Third Master narrowed his eyes, his expression unreadable. He wasn't worried about Han Feihu, the rough-hewn man, but the young strategist orchestrating this plot was a different story.

They moved on in silence, each person harboring their own thoughts, contributing to the somber mood.

For Chen Mo, the hardest part to bear was the tenacious girl who refused to let go of his clothing, staying determinedly by his side. She walked with her head down, too focused to be distracted, her breaths labored from exhaustion. Yet she remained silent, her grip on Chen Mo's clothes a testament to the deep reliance she had formed on the first person to extend her kindness after a long ordeal of despair and helplessness.

She walked with her head down, focused intently on the path ahead, not daring to be distracted in the slightest. She hadn't spoken for a long time, and even though her breathing was rapid and she appeared utterly exhausted, she didn't utter a word. Clinging tightly to Chen Mo's sleeve, it seemed that after experiencing helplessness and despair, she had developed a severe dependency on the first person to show her kindness.

This simply won't do, Chen Mo thought to himself. He wasn't a local and couldn't take care of her forever. After all, he was just a poor soul living at the mercy of others—how could he find the strength to help another person who had nowhere to call home?

Nevertheless, there were more pressing matters to attend to, and this minor issue could be set aside for the time being.

He wondered about Han Feihu's situation and hoped it wasn't too grim.

As it turned out, Chen Mo's worries were unnecessary. Whether out of sheer confidence or a perverse sense of amusement, a group of men had been waiting outside the courtyard for an entire hour. When Chen Mo and his companions quickened their pace and saw the dilapidated courtyard, Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother, the senior members of the group, were still in high spirits, joking and teasing each other.

Their subordinates sat around, chatting animatedly. If it weren't for the weapons strewn about, they might have been mistaken for tourists enjoying a leisurely picnic, with only a campfire and a few beers missing from the scene.

Third Master's face darkened instantly, his expression one of deep frustration.

Chen Mo, however, was in a good mood. As he walked forward, he commented, "It seems Third Master's men are quite comfortable here. It's a shame we don't have anything nice to offer them, just the cold wind in this desolate place."

"A bunch of damn fools!" Third Master roared, startling the group above. Chen Mo wasn't concerned; with the courtyard surrounded, they were bound to be discovered eventually, so Third Master's shouting was inconsequential.

"Who the hell dares call us fools? Come out, and I'll beat you to death!" About a dozen men stood up, turning around with menacing looks, shaking their clubs as they searched for the one who had insulted them.

Chen Mo stepped forward, challenging the men who had turned to face them, "Come on then, if you're brave enough, try to beat your son to death!" As the men approached, Chen Mo signaled for the knife at Third Master's throat to be lowered. Third Master remained motionless, fully aware that any sudden movement might cause the men behind him to drive the knife into his back, ending his life in an instant.

Chen Mo moved aside cooperatively and addressed the group that had turned to look at him, "Well, if you're the ones cursing, have the guts to come over and try to take down your son!"

As several people approached, Chen Mo signaled for the knife at Third Master's throat to be put away. However, Third Master didn't dare make a single move, fully aware that any action on his part would result in the men behind him stabbing him in the back without hesitation. In such a case, a knife entering white and exiting red would be no different from certain death.

The thugs shuddered at the sight of Third Master concealed behind Zhao Shi. They immediately softened their aggressive stance, bowing and scraping in a sycophantic manner. "Oh, it's Third Master! What an honor to have you here. Please, come in."

With a snort, Third Master said nothing more. Under the threat of the men behind him, he followed Chen Mo to a dilapidated courtyard. Although his subordinates were confused, they didn't dare to make a peep in front of Third Master and silently watched them approach the distant yard.

Re-entering the courtyard through a side gate, Chen Mo casually found a chair to sit in. Seeing Han Feihu lying on the ground pretending to be dead, he called out, "Get up, stop playing dead. You're lucky to have encountered such fools. If they were even slightly smarter, you'd probably be chopped into mincemeat by now. But I must admit, these guys really do have patience. It seems, Third Master, that you gave them quite a generous amount of time to carry out your orders."

Upon reflection, Chen Mo realized that the current situation wasn't due to Han Feihu's acting skills, but rather a mistake in Third Master's orders. Not only had he allowed too much time, but he also failed to create a sense of urgency. After all, entertainment is scarce in this godforsaken place, and a group of bored individuals would naturally seek some fun to lighten their spirits. The cat-and-mouse game they were playing fed their vanity, which is why they were so enthusiastic about dragging out the time.

Chen Mo had originally designed his plan based on the empty fort strategy, but with some modifications of his own.

Chen Mo had a sense of satisfaction in delaying the inevitable for his own amusement, and now that he had succeeded, he wasn't inclined to dwell on it any further. So far, everything had gone smoothly, but the next step in Chen Mo's plan was crucial.

Although they appeared to have the upper hand, their situation was still perilous. A single misstep could lead to their downfall, possibly with no chance of recovery. Dealing with the Third Master was particularly tricky; he could neither be killed nor released, leaving Chen Mo with only one option.

Han Feihu picked himself up off the ground, dusting off the dirt, and upon seeing the captive Third Master, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Never thought I'd see the day," he said with a grin. "You've been making my life miserable lately, but now that you're in my hands, don't expect any mercy."

The Third Master scoffed with contempt. "Catching me was no feat of yours. What's there to be proud of? In my eyes, you're nothing but a destitute dog, easily crushed."

Han Feihu roared back, "You really think I wouldn't dare kill you? Don't flatter yourself, old man. Believe me, I could send you flying with just a slap."

"If you kill me, none of you will escape," retorted the Third Master.

Han Feihu was defiant. "Then we'll all go down together. I've got nothing to lose."

Chen Mo stood by, somewhat exasperated. His life was far more valuable than Han Feihu's, and he certainly didn't want to end it here. But he realized that voicing his thoughts would be pointless, so he chose to conserve his energy.

Peering outside, Chen Mo noticed that the group, previously slack, had snapped to attention with Han Feihu's awakening.

Fifth Brother called out loudly, "Han Feihu, done with the charade? Have you decided to give up at last?"

Han Feihu stuck his head out and yelled back nonchalantly, "To hell with that! When have I ever surrendered? Come at me if you dare. I'm ready for a fight to the finish."

Chen Mo remained silent, simply moving a stool over for the Third Master to sit on and pouring him a cup of water. He then took a gentle sip from his own cup. The young girl stayed close behind Chen Mo, silent and head bowed.

"Let's hear it, what's your endgame?" Third Master Han Feihu might not have been a concern, but Chen Mo took Third Master very seriously. He had an uneasy feeling, suspecting that the young man before him, sipping plain water with a benign smile, was playing a significant game.

Chen Mo chuckled softly and shook his head, choosing not to reveal anything. He was simply biding his time. The Third Master who had shown his face would likely be identified by the opposition soon, so patience was the order of the day.

As Chen Mo finished his glass of water, two of his subordinates, Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother, were approached by a hurried underling who whispered something to them.

Fourth Brother flew into a rage: "What have you done to Third Master? If anything happens to him, we'll fight to our last breath and tear you to shreds."

Chen Mo didn't respond, knowing that the moment he had been waiting for had arrived. He glanced at Third Master and remarked, "Third Master, your man here is fiercely loyal."

Unfortunately, Third Master didn't take pride in this, nor did he make any statement, his eyes fixed on his teacup, his expression dark and turbulent.

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