Urban Recharge System/C21 Disrupting Sowing Discord the Plot Is Going Astray Again!(1)
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Urban Recharge System/C21 Disrupting Sowing Discord the Plot Is Going Astray Again!(1)
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C21 Disrupting Sowing Discord the Plot Is Going Astray Again!(1)

Chen Mo's life philosophy can be succinctly expressed in a simple eight-word maxim: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He firmly believed in not imposing anything he disliked—whether it be objects, emotions, or thoughts—onto others. In essence, anything Chen Mo considered negative would not be passed on to someone else.

Despite the nobility of this principle, Chen Mo has not always adhered to it. His actions have occasionally contradicted his creed, whether in the cafeteria or in other forthcoming events. It's unfortunate because Chen Mo is capable of upholding his guiding principle when interacting with both strangers and friends. However, life is complex, and not every meeting is filled with goodwill; there are times when opposing interests or even hostile confrontations occur.

Adaptability is therefore essential. Kindness should not be a pretext for excusing malice. Echoing an ancient proverb, "Repaying evil with good is virtuous, but how should one repay a good deed?" To be merciful to an adversary is to neglect responsibility towards oneself and one's allies. As a result, Chen Mo does not blindly extend kindness to all; he has no desire to cause harm, yet he cannot afford to be without vigilance.

What does it have to do with me? This question reflects Chen Mo's current state of mind. He has no inclination to harm others, nor does he seek out such actions. There are times, such as when fighting for survival or protecting friends, when it's understandable to set aside certain principles.

To not retaliate when attacked, to remain silent when insulted, to turn the other cheek when struck—this is not kindness; it's a sign of weakness. Third Master's fury does not affect Chen Mo's composure. He holds no grudge against the Buddha-like figure before him; their differences are purely a matter of belief. Chen Mo is not one to hold onto hatred, even towards the enigmatic figure scheming against his life; curiosity prevails over any feelings of resentment.

Meanwhile, Fourth Brother continues his barrage of insults, threats, and eventually, entreaties for reconciliation outside. Chen Mo remains unhurried in his response. Only after leisurely finishing his fourth cup of tea does he stand up, breaking the prolonged silence.

With a gentle pat on the hand of the young girl clinging to his sleeve, he offers her a reassuring smile and gestures for her to take his seat. The girl loosens her hold on her garment and shifts her attention to Third Master, who sits still and silent.

Chen Mo's indifference to the Third Master's captors was palpable as he signaled for them to bring the man to his feet. Together, they approached the dilapidated courtyard gate, where Chen Mo took note of Fourth Brother's distant outbursts and Fifth Brother's silence.

"Is that the Third Master? Are you okay, Third Master?" Fourth Brother shouted.

The Third Master remained silent, his face a mask of calm, though his mind was actively seeking a way out. Surrender was not in his character.

Fourth Brother, realizing the futility of his direct approach, hurried forward with Fifth Brother and their underlings, halting about five meters from Chen Mo.

"Tell me, how can we secure the Third Master's release? Just so you know, if you harm even a hair on his head, I swear I'll chase you to the ends of the earth," Fourth Brother blustered.

Chen Mo seemed to dismiss the threat, his gaze drifting over the group before resting on Fifth Brother.

"Hehe, to the ends of the earth, you say?" Chen Mo chuckled, then continued, "What about you, the ever-silent boss? What are your thoughts?"

Caught off guard, Fifth Brother was about to speak when Fourth Brother, losing patience, interrupted, "What do you want? Just let the Third Master go, or you'll regret it."

Chen Mo sighed deeply, clearly exasperated, "I have no desire to waste words with someone like you. You demand his release as if we'd simply let him walk away after all the trouble of capturing him. Be realistic."

Fourth Brother's glare was fierce, his eyes burning with a dangerous intensity as he radiated a cold menace.

"Aren't you afraid of dying? If anything happens to the Third Master, it won't just be you who pays the price; your family and friends will suffer too. Making your life miserable wouldn't be difficult for us."

"Enough of your droning threats; I'm tired of them," Chen Mo snapped.

"You insolent kid!" Fourth Brother pointed at Chen Mo, his finger trembling with rage.

Chen Mo just smiled dismissively and cut in, "If you keep this up, I'll break one of his legs. Go on, and I'll break both..."

Fourth Brother glared at Chen Mo with a predatory intensity, his fierce and chilling presence felt from afar. "Are you not afraid of dying? Know this—if anything happens to Third Master, it's not just you who will suffer. Your family and friends will pay dearly, and making your life a living hell won't be hard for us."

He gestured towards Third Master as he issued the threat. Fourth Brother's face turned a deep shade of red, his anger boiling over, making him look all the more ferocious.

"Do you think you're the only one who can make threats?" Chen Mo shot Fourth Brother a look and turned his attention to Fifth Brother. "Now that we're free from interruptions, let's get back to our earlier discussion. Boss, what were you pondering just now?"

Fifth Brother, unexpectedly silent at first, seemed to mull over his response before finally speaking. "You've won this round. I agree to your terms. Release Third Master, and we won't pursue you further. We'll even give you ample time to flee to a place we'll never find. How does that sound?"

Chen Mo smiled and nodded in approval. "Now we're getting somewhere. It's much more productive than the usual threats of wiping out someone's entire family. How utterly dull that would be!"

Fifth Brother was succinct. Having said his piece, he stood quietly to the side. Chen Mo had long noticed something peculiar. Although Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother were both key lieutenaries under Third Master, there seemed to be no clear hierarchy between them.

Yet, their interactions were oddly mismatched. Fourth Brother was brash and reckless, while Fifth Brother remained consistently silent and unassuming.

Initially, these signs were subtle, and Chen Mo simply assumed Fifth Brother was not much of a talker and that Fourth Brother's volatile temper was to blame for the disparity.

But once they discovered Third Master was captive, an intriguing dynamic unfolded.

Fourth Brother spent a good deal of time cursing and blustering, while Fifth Brother stayed virtually mute, speaking only occasionally and even then, in a markedly subdued tone. It was as if he was consciously choosing silence, harboring a distinct wariness of Fourth Brother.

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