Urban Recharge System/C22 A Distraction a Provocation and the Atmosphere Was off Again(2)
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Urban Recharge System/C22 A Distraction a Provocation and the Atmosphere Was off Again(2)
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C22 A Distraction a Provocation and the Atmosphere Was off Again(2)

Chen Mo had subtly probed with his language, revealing that Fourth Brother was completely unconcerned with Fifth Brother's feelings. Fifth Brother, on the other hand, was ever deferential, only subtly betraying his dissatisfaction when his speech was interrupted, never daring to openly argue with Fourth Brother. His cautious behavior was reminiscent of a timid spouse fearful of their partner, eliciting a chuckle from onlookers while also resonating with Chen Mo.

Continuing with a smile, Chen Mo said, "The offer seems tempting, but unfortunately, it's not quite what we're looking for. Being fugitives sounds rather grim, doesn't it?"

With Fourth Brother effectively muzzled by threats, Fifth Brother hesitantly took up the conversation, "What exactly would it take to free Third Master? If you have any proposals, let's hear them and discuss."

Chen Mo's glance shifted, catching Fourth Brother's face turning a furious red, his contorted features resembling a terrifying demon from hell, as menacing as a volcano ready to erupt, barely restrained by his own rationality.

With clarity, Chen Mo added, "Actually, it's quite straightforward. Why not just disband and let Han Feihu step up as the new leader?"

At his wit's end, Fourth Brother exploded, "Damn you, you little punk! If you keep spouting nonsense, I'll teach you a lesson myself!"

Watching Fourth Brother's anger boil over, Third Master closed his eyes in resignation, while Chen Mo's smile widened with satisfaction.

"Ah, it seems someone is breaking the rules, intent on having Third Master crippled by any means necessary. Well then, since he doesn't care about his boss, we shouldn't either. Go ahead, cripple Third Master's leg."

The men holding Third Master hesitated, their expressions changing. Upon seeing the signal from Chen Mo's hand behind his back, they understood. One of them laughed, picked up a stool from the ground, and said cheerfully, "Forgive us, Third Master!"

"Wait!" Fifth Brother shouted, "Have mercy! Fourth Brother was just impulsive. He meant no disrespect. Apologize now, or we may not be able to save Third Master's leg."

Regrettably, those quick to anger seldom stop to think. Fourth Brother, in the heat of his rage, was beyond listening to anyone, least of all Fifth Brother, whom he had always looked down upon.

"Enough with the nonsense. I don't buy that he'd actually dare to make a move. If he tries to take out Third Master's leg, I'll break him limb from limb."

Chen Mo was unbothered, merely flashing a light smile as he extended two fingers. "Two legs down. Poor Third Master will have to rely on a wheelchair from now on. But you, boss, you're quite the mastermind—so shrewd, using us to eliminate your own leader. Seems like you're plotting to take his place!"

Fourth Brother snapped back angrily, "You're slandering me!"

Chen Mo spread his hands with a grin and countered, "Whether I'm slandering you or not, everyone here knows what's really going on. Your loud objections seem designed to get Third Master killed by us. Once Third Master is gone, his right-hand man—you—would be the obvious choice to take over as boss. I must say, your tactics are impressive; I truly admire them."

Chen Mo wore an expression of mock admiration, which caused a ripple of unrest among the onlookers. They had seen everything and, with Chen Mo's deliberate stirring, a significant number of the blindly loyal underlings began to find his words quite reasonable. They looked at Fourth Brother with a newfound disdain and caution.

In the underworld, treachery is the greatest taboo. Fourth Brother, who had betrayed his own leader, had now lost the hearts of his followers.

The whispering that rose behind him threw Fourth Brother into a state of agitated confusion. He whirled around and roared, "Shut up! Don't you know who I am? Are you trying to rebel?"

"Who knows?" Chen Mo said with a biting edge. "People's hearts are hidden behind their ribs, and for a position of power, what wouldn't someone do?"

Fourth Brother, teeth clenched in fury, turned his glare onto Fifth Brother and demanded, "Why the hell aren't you speaking up? Have you become mute or deaf?"

This accusation finally pushed Fifth Brother over the edge. He had been holding back for so long and was now realizing the gravity of the situation.

He glanced back at his followers; some were whispering and pointing, while others, like Fourth Brother, quietly slipped away. Fifth Brother seemed to have an epiphany and suddenly turned his gaze to Chen Mo.

But as he faced his brothers, whose eyes flickered with a hint of crimson, Fifth Brother felt trapped. If he sided with Fourth Brother, he risked being accused of collusion. Yet, if he did nothing, their hard-earned influence under Third Master could crumble as morale fell apart.

It was a vicious trap, a poisonous strategy.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fifth Brother made up his mind. He watched Fourth Brother close his eyes for a moment, and when they reopened, they were filled with ferocity.

"Fourth Brother, you've disregarded Third Master's safety and have been acting violently. Now, you're even trying to manipulate others to do your dirty work. I see you for who you really are," Fifth Brother accused.

"What are you talking about? How dare you speak to me like that? Are you asking for a death wish?" Fourth Brother snapped back.

"Your arrogance has put Third Master in danger, which is disloyal. We've been like brothers for years, and now you're after my life, which is treacherous. Our brothers have risked their lives for you, but you've repeatedly ordered the slaughter of entire families, showing no humanity. Someone as disloyal, treacherous, and inhumane as you, I'm ashamed to associate with!" Fifth Brother spoke with passion, feeling a sense of relief as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.

The other followers were stirred by his words, their blood boiling as they shouted in support, "That's right, Fifth Brother! We're with you. This heartless and treacherous person doesn't belong here. Get out!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

The shouts were like a tsunami, and Fourth Brother staggered back, his anger almost setting his clothes ablaze.

"Fine, so this is a premeditated plot to seize power. Who knows what kind of person I am? Let them come forward. Today, I will settle the score with these treacherous whelps!"

Fourth Brother had a formidable presence and a loyal entourage. Fifth Brother had always been cautious of him for this reason. However, Chen Mo had given him a golden opportunity to confront Fourth Brother on equal footing.

The crowd that had surrounded the courtyard divided into two opposing sides. Fourth Brother glared at Fifth Brother, his sense of justice and volatile temper sparking the first exchange in what would become a fierce rivalry. The two factions clashed, their battle cries reverberating through every corner of the courtyard.

Chen Mo observed the escalating conflict with a slight smirk, the epitome of indifference. He was like a puppet master pulling the strings.

Again and again, he manipulated the situation. Though he appeared to be the victim, he always emerged with the aura of a villain, reminiscent of the ultimate boss in a video game.

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