Urban Recharge System/C4 Monitor
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Urban Recharge System/C4 Monitor
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C4 Monitor

After the accident, many onlookers were left shaken, their legs turning to jelly from the shock.

Imagine a large bag of sand plummeting from above; it's no surprise that everyone was caught off guard and scrambled to safety, only settling down once they were at a safe distance.

After all, there was no telling if another bag might come crashing down.

Beyond the few dazed young girls, the others, after an initial panic and securing a safe spot, finally had the chance to catch their breath and start chatting about other matters.

"Is the kid alright? Getting hit by that bag of sand could easily break bones, or worse, he might be struggling to breathe..."

"This young man clearly got hurt trying to save that girl. With his quick reflexes, he would've been out of harm's way in no time."

"Poor guy..."

"Enough with the chatter; does anyone have a phone to call an ambulance?"

"Yes, yes, what's the ambulance number again?"

Amidst the pointing and emotional sighs, some reacted swiftly, whipping out their phones to dial for emergency services.

The cacophony around Chen Mo was relentless, every sound piercing his ears without mercy, leaving him with an unbearable buzzing in his head.

Contrary to what the bystanders thought, Chen Mo's injuries weren't as grave. The life force surging from deep within his heart had almost instantly healed the frightful fractures and internal damage. Yet, the mental fatigue was inescapable, the recent brush with death and subsequent pain taking a toll on his psyche, leaving him feeling disoriented.

Through the fog of confusion, he could faintly hear the siren of an ambulance drawing closer. His struggling consciousness finally gave in to the exhaustion, and darkness enveloped his vision.


Upon waking, it was high noon, and the sun was at its zenith.

The clarity of the outside world shone through the window, a beam of sunlight casting a stark line across the floor. The sterile white of the bed and ceiling, coupled with the subtle scent of disinfectant, left no doubt in Chen Mo's mind about his whereabouts.

He lay there, gazing at the ceiling, and let out a soft sigh.

Lately, I've just had the worst luck...

On my way home, I got stabbed, and then on my way to school, I nearly got hit by something falling from above.

My carefully crafted study plan was sidelined yet again, which left Chen Mo feeling a bit helpless and somewhat frustrated. His body healed quicker than he expected. Though he wasn't sure how much time had passed since his injury, he could at least sense that his internal wounds had fully mended.

The external injuries were practically non-existent.

Lying there was becoming uncomfortable. Almost instinctively, he turned his head and saw his backpack within reach. He thought it over and decided that lying around was not productive. Just as he was about to get up and grab his backpack to review some material, he noticed a delicate sensation between his palms and a weight on his arm.

It seemed that Chen Mo's movements had disturbed a peaceful dream. The girl lifted her head and looked at him intently. After a moment, she looked away, straightened her back, and her slightly furrowed brow seemed to convey her displeasure.

"Don't move, just lie down," she said with a cool tone. Realizing she might have sounded too stern, she explained, "The doctor checked you and found no serious injuries, but you should still rest. You'll need to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation, just to ensure there are no complications."

Chen Mo blinked, observing the girl's serious and meticulous nature.

Fortuitously, he knew her. They had been deskmates for a semester and, for reasons unknown, had continued this arrangement into the following term.

Though they hadn't spoken much, Chen Mo felt he knew her quite well.

Shu Menghan!

She was the class president of Class One at No.1 Senior High School and the focus of Chen Mo's secret admiration. She was a notable figure, consistently ranking in the top three of their class and even the entire grade.

Class One was the elite class, with students dominating the top ranks of the grade. Being in the top ten of the class meant you were also among the top fifteen in the grade.

The prestige of Class One at No.1 Senior High School was undeniable.

"Class president, what are you doing here?" Chen Mo asked impulsively, then remembered that the girl he had pushed away was indeed Shu Menghan. It made sense for her to be present.

"Oh, right, are you okay, class president? Things were so hectic, I might have been a bit rough..." Chen Mo trailed off as Shu Menghan shook her head, cutting him off mid-sentence. Her ponytail swayed, releasing a subtle, unique fragrance that reminded him of flowers, yet it was distinctly her own.

Chen Mo wasn't upset about being interrupted. He knew Shu Menghan well enough to understand that she never did anything without reason. She was efficient and resolute in her actions, and it seemed that hesitation or sentimentality were not traits you'd find in this earnest and serious young woman.

"Heh," Shu Menghan let out a soft laugh before recounting, "On my way to school, someone suddenly pushed me aside. Turning back, I saw that the very person who pushed me nearly became a pancake under a plummeting sandbag. Blood was everywhere; I was so shocked that I froze on the spot. It wasn't until I was in the hospital that I came to my senses. Thanks to you, I'm still alive, but there goes my perfect attendance for the year."

"Same here!" Chen Mo closed his eyes, reflecting with a touch of sentimentality. He was always a diligent student, his grades solidly average—not stellar, but not a hindrance either, much like himself.

"But are you sure you're okay, class president? In the heat of the moment, I think I might have used more force than necessary."

Shu Menghan brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead and shook her head. "I'm fine, just a bit shaken up. No external or internal injuries. But you should take care of yourself too. Even though you seem unscathed after being hit by that sandbag, it's always best to be cautious and get a thorough check-up!"

"Uh..." What could Chen Mo do at that moment but offer a wry smile?

He certainly couldn't admit that he was virtually unharmed because of some sort of advantage he had up his sleeve!

"I've already taken care of the medical expenses, and the school has been notified about your leave, so you can rest easy in the hospital for the next few days. Make sure the doctors give you a thorough check-up to prevent any lingering issues."

"Now that you're awake, I'll come to visit you again tomorrow..."

Decisive and efficient, truly befitting of our class monitor...

Chen Mo mused to himself, watching the door close before letting out a sigh of relief.

Whether he was considered dull or clueless, Chen Mo simply wasn't adept at interacting with girls, regardless of their looks or personality.

He felt out of his depth with women unless they were of an older generation, like aunts, uncles, or even grandparents.

Since you're awake, I'll come to see you again tomorrow," she said simply and decisively, her efficiency living up to her reputation as the class monitor. Chen Mo sighed inwardly as he watched the door close again, allowing himself a quiet breath of relief.

This was precisely why he maintained a distance from Yun Yiyi, hesitant to deepen their acquaintance—he simply didn't know how to engage with her. He wasn't one for sweet talk to win a girl's favor, nor was he skilled at playful banter to make them laugh. He couldn't even play the rogue...

Confronted with this aspect of himself, Chen Mo had no other choice but to limit his interactions, to avoid communication, and to simply act as if they didn't exist. After all, he wasn't in any rush to consider a future partner; he had plenty of time.

The smell of disinfectant in the room was slightly off-putting to Chen Mo, but what was even more unsettling was the exorbitant cost of the hospital stay. Even though Shu Menghan had offered to handle the medical bills, Chen Mo was acutely aware of his own condition and felt it disgraceful to squander money needlessly, even if it wasn't his own. It left him feeling indebted, a burden of gratitude he didn't want to owe.

Being in debt made him anxious, always thinking about how to repay the other person, which clashed with his principle of minimal contact and communication. That's why he was determined to leave the hospital immediately, without a moment's delay.

Chen Mo's bank account might have a comforting string of zeros for emergency savings, but that was a diminishing resource—spend a penny, and it's a penny less. With at least two more years of high school and four years of college ahead, money was going to be a constant necessity. Chen Mo was always meticulous with his budgeting. The inheritance from his parents might seem substantial, but he knew it wouldn't last forever.

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