Urban Recharge System/C9 The Plot Is Not Right!!
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Urban Recharge System/C9 The Plot Is Not Right!!
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C9 The Plot Is Not Right!!

"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

After being dragged out of the cafeteria by two people, Yi Zi'ang was finally released outside, where he turned to Faang Zheyou and Chen Mo, seething with anger. "Are we just going to let those jerks off that easily? Damn it..."

Chen Mo stayed silent. Considering his situation, it seemed he didn't have much to say.

Fortunately, Faang Zheyou had a clear head. Rubbing his temples, he managed a bitter smile and said, "We can't clear this up. Just a thin needle won't explain anything, and they can easily wash their hands of it. If we keep making a fuss, we'll be the ones who end up looking bad."

"It might not matter for you or me, but it's different for Chen Mo. If his student record gets tarnished, no college will want him, no matter how good his grades are. That's the crucial issue."

With Faang Zheyou's patient and detailed explanation, Yi Zi'ang gradually calmed down.

He might be impulsive, but that didn't mean he was thoughtless. And even if he were, Faang Zheyou's clear reasoning had highlighted the crux of the matter.

"Ah, sorry, I think I overreacted."

Yi Zi'ang apologized, rubbing the back of his head. Chen Mo chuckled and shook his head, "Don't worry about it. In fact, I should be thanking you for being so quick to stand up for me."

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"We can't just let this slide, can we?"

Yi Zi'ang was still visibly annoyed, his fists clenched as he stared down the cafeteria behind them.

Chen Mo laughed softly, "Everyone makes mistakes. Not everything is done on purpose. Since I'm okay, why should we go after someone else so harshly?"

If it was indeed an accident, then everyone could be happy with the outcome!

"Forget it, you handle it your way. That meal earlier was hardly satisfying. Come on, I'll treat you guys to a good dinner."

Faang Zheyou readily agreed with a smile, and Chen Mo, feeling somewhat obliged, didn't decline.

After the three enjoyed a meal together outside of school, they parted ways. Faang Zheyou and Yi Zi'ang, being classmates, could stick together, but Chen Mo had his own life to lead.

Knowing Chen Mo's nature, the other two didn't insist on anything more, letting him go on his way.

After wandering aimlessly through the streets for some time, they eventually lost track of Chen Mo.


Chen Mo returned to the cafeteria, his head bowed as he walked in. The dining area was nearly empty, with only a handful of students scattered about. The cafeteria staff were idly standing to the side, some lost in their phones, others chatting in small groups.

Taking advantage of the inattention, he slipped into the kitchen. In the dimly lit corner, he found a lone worker and politely asked, "Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me where the food service lady is? I need to speak with her."

Polite inquiries seldom meet with rudeness.

The man was no different, though a recent commotion had made him wary. "What do you need her for?" he asked cautiously.

Chen Mo replied with a smile, "You see, I forgot my money when I got my meal earlier and had to leave my student ID with her as security. I've come to pay her back and get my ID."

People are usually very sensitive to lies when their interests are at risk or when a situation is too important for a hasty decision. Conversely, when it comes to minor issues that seem negligible, few people take the time to ponder them deeply, especially when the liar is giving rather than taking. In such instances, the alertness to falsehoods is significantly reduced.

The beneficiary is often perceived as the mastermind behind a conspiracy, a concept deeply ingrained in our minds. Hence, Chen Mo concocted a harmless lie, knowing that few would question an act that seems harmless to themselves and others.

Just as one wouldn't suspect a pet of lying or deceit, people are inclined to show great goodwill towards those who pose no threat.

Therefore, the man pointed toward the back of the kitchen without much suspicion, saying, "She's back there cleaning dishes. Just follow the sound of running water, and you'll see her."

"Thank you, sir!"

"You're welcome!"

After a courteous goodbye, Chen Mo casually made his way toward the corner. His sharp ears quickly picked up the sound of splashing water. Following the noise, he soon spotted the sink in the corner and the familiar figure of the auntie by a row of faucets.

Chen Mo waited patiently on the sidelines until the auntie completed her work. Once she was done, he stepped forward with a friendly greeting.

"Good afternoon, auntie!"

The auntie, taken aback to see a student, responded almost reflexively, "Hello, is there something I can help you with?"

Chen Mo, without giving an explanation, pulled out a slender needle he had gotten from Yi Zi'ang.

"Could you tell me if you recognize this needle?"

The auntie looked puzzled and shook her head. "If you don't need anything else, I have work to finish. You could try asking someone else for help."

Despite her confusion, Chen Mo kept smiling, though his narrowed eyes betrayed a moment of realization. He glanced around the empty kitchen and the few scattered workers, his suspicions growing.

Tucking the needle away, Chen Mo said, "I won't keep you long. I'm just trying to find the uncle who was in charge here at noon. Do you know where he is now?"

The auntie, who had been composed, suddenly seemed anxious and subconsciously patted her apron over her pockets.

"What do you want? Who are you?" she asked loudly.

Her voice cut through the quiet of the kitchen, drawing the attention of many.

Chen Mo shook his head and calmly stated, "I just want to know where the uncle is or who he might be. It would be easier if you just told me, rather than questioning my motives."

"I don't know anything, and if you keep disrupting my work, I'll have to ask someone to escort you out," she threatened.

Chen Mo replied, "There's no need for such hostility, auntie. But you should know, even if you call for help, it doesn't seem like you'd be in the right here."

The auntie paused, her face showing a flicker of uncertainty.

Unfortunately for Chen Mo, he noticed someone approaching quickly. He sighed internally, realizing his plan was foiled. If the auntie had been alone, a little misdirection and psychological pressure, combined with his observations, would likely have broken through her defenses, leading to a confession.

But with the arrival of so many people, his carefully crafted approach was now irrelevant.

"What's going on here? Why all the noise?"

The middle-aged man who had confronted Yi Zi'ang earlier that morning hurried over, flanked by several staff members, both men and women, totaling about five or six people. They quickly encircled the corner.

Finding her pillar of support, the auntie wasted no time in recounting the events that had transpired.

The middle-aged man fixed his gaze on Chen Mo and pondered, "Young man, you look familiar. Weren't you one of the individuals involved in the earlier disturbance?"

Chen Mo chuckled and replied, "Uncle, calling it a disturbance is a bit much. My friend simply has a quick temper, but it seems you've turned the tables on him..."

The middle-aged man surveyed the surroundings before retorting, "Hmph, you know you lack evidence, yet you persist in making a scene. If this isn't troublemaking, then what is it? And you have the audacity to show up now. Do you truly believe we wouldn't dare to take this up with the school administration?"

Chen Mo tapped his foot on the floor and bowed his head as if to confirm something. Then, looking up, he confidently stated, "Yes, I believe you wouldn't dare."

The middle-aged man's glare intensified as he demanded, "What are you implying?"

Chen Mo idly scratched his head with his index finger, seemingly searching for the right words. He quickly continued, "My family's financial situation is quite strained, so I've been eating in the cafeteria since the start of the semester. Over time, I've come to recognize everyone here, particularly the auntie who serves the meals daily. But today, I was served by an unfamiliar uncle. Right after I got my meal and sat down, that uncle vanished, and that's when I discovered this thin needle in my rice."

"I was thinking, if this was just an accident, that would be one thing. But then I recalled an incident from a week ago. On my way to school, a bag of sand fell from a window of an unfinished building by the roadside. If I hadn't been quick on my feet, I might not have been here today."

Chen Mo blinked and suddenly smiled, continuing, "Uncle, what do you think? Is this just my bad luck, or is someone actually out to get me?"

The middle-aged man squinted, concealing the surprise in his gaze, and spread his hands, saying, "How would I know about such things? You're probably just unlucky. When people hit a streak of bad luck, they can even choke on cold water."

Chen Mo straightened up and fixed his gaze on the middle-aged man, saying, "Really? That seems odd to me. So, my apologies to you, uncles and aunties, if I've caused any inconvenience. I truly regret it. But our next meeting is likely to be in the school administrator's office. I hope you'll all be ready. Don't end up losing more than you bargained for!"

Chen Mo stood up straight, locking eyes with the middle-aged man. "Ah, is that so? I find that rather curious. My apologies to the uncles and aunties if I've caused any inconvenience. I truly regret it. However, the next time we meet will likely be in the school administration's office. I hope everyone is fully prepared. It wouldn't do to have your plans backfire!"

"Before that, though, let me ask you something in confidence. Was the money that person gave you enough to make up for the potential loss of your jobs?" The middle-aged man, clenching his teeth and noticing the crowd starting to disperse, attempted to regain control: "You have no proof. Why would the school leaders believe you? You might just be bringing this upon yourself."

Chen Mo responded swiftly to the middle-aged man's challenge, "It's unfortunate, but I've never complained about finding needles in my rice. What I'm talking about is the mysterious individual who showed up in the cafeteria, serving food to students and then vanishing without a trace. It's common knowledge that kitchens, even in private restaurants, are off-limits to outsiders. Yet our school cafeteria, serving the entire student body and faculty, is riddled with security gaps, allowing strangers to come and go as they please. If the school's leaders were to find something untoward in their meals one day, that would be a real problem."

"Even if not for the sake of the students, they should consider their own safety. Imagine the consequences once the school leaders catch wind of the shenanigans going on. There are plenty of capable chefs out there, but job openings are limited. If you don't seize the opportunity, rest assured, there are others in the world who will."

Chen Mo turned his head, smiling, "Uncle, don't you agree with what I'm saying?" He skillfully used language to manipulate, applying psychological and material pressure. Eventually, under the omnipresent strain, the tight-knit group centered around a certain individual completely disintegrated.

Observing the middle-aged man's face, twisted with indecision and a look of resentment he dared not voice, I noticed others around us seemed to have an epiphany, yet they continued to exchange glances, silently communicating.

Chen Mo stood there, an imposing figure that seemed to cast a shadow over the entire room. The cafeteria lady's hands trembled as she served the food, and the glances from those around him were filled with a mix of curiosity and fear, yet no one dared to meet his gaze directly. In that moment, Chen Mo was like the Great Devil King himself, surrounded by trembling lambs cowering in his presence.

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