Waking up, I Became a Girl/C7 Cold beauties being abused
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Waking up, I Became a Girl/C7 Cold beauties being abused
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C7 Cold beauties being abused

Li Zhiyuan did not show up even after school was out. He probably went to recuperate.

This time I gave him such a big lesson, I don't think he'll dare pester me anymore.

"Xiao Han!"

Someone was calling me, it was Chen Shimeng.

I turned my head to look at her, then turned my head back. This guy, I don't want to bother with her.

"Aiya, Xiao Han, I'm talking to you." Chen Shi said in annoyance when she saw that I didn't pay attention to her.

That "Xiao Han" really made me fall. Please, don't act like a spoiled child to me, I really can't take it anymore.

I can't forgive you, you liar.

"Xiao Han." Chen Shimeng cried out again. Her voice carried a hint of coquettishness, but also a bit of grievance.

I was a little worried that I would ignore her words again. She was really going to cry for me to see.

"Alright, alright, what's the matter?" I pretended to be impatient as I looked at her. This fellow is really too annoying!

Chen Shimeng burst out laughing. Women really were eel transformers. Just a second ago, they were on the verge of crying, but now they were laughing like flowers.

What can I do? I also feel despair. Of course, I can only choose … Forgive her!

It was already after school, so Chen Shimeng and I were on the way home.

She seemed to have forgotten what happened in the morning. She was still hugging my arm intimately, talking and laughing with me.

Seeing her so innocent and adorable, how could I bear to be angry with her?

However, there was something I hesitated for a long time and still felt I should tell her.

"Mengmeng." I called to her.

"Hmm? "What?!" Ever since I have forgiven her, she has been in a state of high spirits.

Seeing Chen Shimeng in such a state, I started to hesitate again. I couldn't bear to say it out loud, so I really didn't know if I should say it out loud.

If she said it, she wouldn't be happy. However, if she didn't say it out loud, she would definitely be seriously injured by that scoundrel Liao Weijie in the future.

A man like Liao Weijie, I can tell by looking at him that he is an irresponsible philanderer.

While Chen Shimeng wasn't as dependent on Liao Weijie now, I told her that it might be a good idea, so that she wouldn't cry herself to death later on.

After some consideration, I opened my mouth.

"That Mengmeng... Believe me, Liao Weijie is really not a good person. "

Chen Shimeng's smile immediately vanished. She probably did not expect me to say such words.

Lowering his head, he loosened his grip on my hand.

I knew it was going to happen, but I still wanted to say that even if she didn't want to talk to me, as long as my words were a reminder. Then, that was enough.

I know that Chen Shimeng is definitely not happy right now, after all, I said bad things about her boyfriend.

In fact, Chen Shimeng and I had only been friends for a day. She would definitely abandon me and throw herself into the embrace of her boyfriend.

That's all I can do to remind her. I can't possibly force her to leave her boyfriend. I also don't have that much face, so I'll make Chen Shimeng listen to me.

Seeing Chen Shimeng lower her head in silence, I sighed and walked on.

After a few steps, I heard a flurry of footsteps.

"Xiao Han, wait." It was Chen Shimeng who had caught up.

I was elated. I thought Chen Shimeng had listened to my words and chose to believe me.

Who knew that her next sentence would break all my guesses.

"Xiao Han, I know you don't like Little Jie, but don't say anything bad about him in the future, okay? No matter what, he's my boyfriend, so you're making it difficult for me." Chen Shimeng looked at me pitifully as she said that.

I sighed. Well, I knew I was imagining things.

How could Chen Shimeng listen to my side of the story … I guess Liao Weijie is her first love. Otherwise, how could Chen Shimeng trust and like her so much?

Chen Shimeng had clearly said that she saw Liao Weijie playing with other girls, but she was still very relaxed.

I don't know if I should call her simple or stupid.

"Well, I won't say that again." I said helplessly.

Since I am unable to get Chen Shimeng to leave Liao Weijie, I can only protect her. When she is really hurt, I will slowly enlighten her!

"En, Xiao Han, you're the best!" Chen Shimeng once again embraced my arm.

Damn, I already said don't call me Xiao Han.

However, I don't know why, but I still like this title. Hehe …


By the time he returned to his residence, it was already past five o'clock.

I took the ingredients out of the fridge and prepared to cook.

Even though I'm still a student, my family is still considered well-off. I'm an only child, so I have a lot of pocket money. Basically, every meal of meat and vegetables can be combined together in a reasonable way.

I'm so envious of the cold beauty. She has a perfect landlord like me!

I was so kind to her that I ate and hugged her, and she didn't even give me any welfare and entertainment.

For example, he could have just showered and put on a towel or walked around naked. What a stingy guy. He should have shared all the good stuff.

After the meal was ready, I went to call the cold beauty to eat. Just as I was about to knock on the door, I suddenly heard some sobbing sounds coming from inside.

What was going on, the cold beauty was crying?

I knocked on the door. "Hello, are you alright?"

It's not that I want to call her that impolitely, but I really don't know her last name.

This is embarrassing, but there shouldn't be many boys who have failed like me.

I don't know if it was because the beauty didn't hear my voice, but she didn't respond to me. She continued to sob softly, accompanied by the sound of her tapping on the keyboard.

As a landlord, he naturally had the obligation to guide others.

Hearing the cold beauty crying, how could I possibly eat?

I wanted to open the door and go in, but who knew it was locked?

However, it's useless. I have a spare key. I open the door and sneak in.

The cold beauty didn't notice my arrival. She was staring at the computer screen with rapt attention. She was still wearing her headphones, so she naturally couldn't hear me opening the door.

When I saw the cold beauty's clothes, I nearly spurted a nosebleed. What the heck? She was actually wearing the uniform of a policewoman.

He was dressed like a female police officer from the Pi Cheng police force in the cos' League of Heroes. He did not expect the cold beauty to have such a hobby.

However, it looked really good!

At this moment, the cold beauty was completely focused on playing League of Legends.

I can see that she's really serious. Her movements are as fierce as a tiger's. Looking at her battle record, she's really amazing. 0-14.

Oh my god, this kind of data, I can't even use the word pit to describe you.

Leng Meiniu used her hand to wipe her tears as her shoulder shook again. It was obvious that she had truly cried after being hit.

I noticed that the person on the other side, the blind man, was constantly targeting the cold beauty. As long as the cold beauty dared to show her face, she would be taken away by QER every minute.

When I saw this, I felt my heart ache. The other party was not a human at all.

The game ID of the cold beauty was Leng Yue. No matter how one looked at it, they would know that this was a girl's ID. To actually bully her like this, he deserved to be left alone.

The cold beauty played alone, and although she had been killed 14 times, the blade was still quite good.

Eh, 20 minutes 20 slashes, 1 slash per second is still possible.

The cold beauty had just logged on and wanted to go out to replenish her troops, but a blind person and a Timo appeared out of the grass. In less than two seconds, the screen went black.

I heard the sound of the cold beauty grinding her teeth as she hit the keyboard heavily twice.

I was also trembling in fear. If this goes on, even my home would be destroyed by her.

"Why don't you let me try?" I patted the cold beauty's shoulder and tried to test the waters.

The cold beauty's body trembled. She clearly did not know that there was someone behind her.

When I turned around and saw it was me, you glared at me. "How can you enter my room without my permission? Get out of here!"

The sound was so loud that it almost broke my eardrums.

"If I can help you win this game." I stood on the spot, looking at her seriously as I spoke.

Although the difference is a bit big, but I think that the operation of a cold beauty is probably just a Silver Grade.

The blind man had some skill in this. It should be a Platinum player who had come to abuse vegetables in this section.

However, for a hero like Monkey, who was a stealth god, coupled with the defensive gear that the cold beauty wore, it wouldn't be a problem for them to stabilize their development.

No matter what, I am still a big hand made of diamonds.

The cold beauty probably doesn't want to play anymore due to the mental breakdown. Hearing my words, she hesitates for a moment before obediently standing up to give up her seat.

Well, it's time for me to really show off my skills.

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