Wasteland Tycoon/C11 Call Your Boss
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Wasteland Tycoon/C11 Call Your Boss
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C11 Call Your Boss


The man had spoken in the heat of the moment and certainly hadn't intended to strip and run. But Wu Ge's deliberate reminder ignited a flash of anger, and he shot Wu Ge a furious glare.

"What's the problem? I merely echoed your own words. What's the issue? Or do you expect your words to be taken as nothing more than hot air?"

Wu Ge regarded the man with disdain, expecting him to honor his bold claim. The onlookers, always eager for drama, began to murmur among themselves upon sensing the man's reluctance to follow through.

"Can this guy even stand by his word? I thought he was the type to act on his promises. He was so brash before, and now it's all just empty talk."

"Exactly! The ragpicker earns his keep with honest labor. What's there to scorn? He looks down on others, but what has he done himself?"

Moreover, when the luxury goods appraiser confirmed the authenticity of the watch, their belief in his word only solidified.

Seeing the man dismiss the situation, the crowd's contempt for him grew. If he wasn't stealing or causing trouble, why constantly antagonize Wu Ge?

Wu Ge, arms folded, was acutely aware of the shift in the crowd's mood. He didn't engage further, but his gaze was heavy with censure as he bore down on the man before him.

"Do you really want to be seen as someone who doesn't keep his word in front of your girlfriend?"

The man's face flushed with embarrassment. The thought of actually following through was more unbearable than death to him.

Face was everything to him, and being publicly challenged like this was intolerable.

Overcome with rage, he glared at Wu Ge and then averted his gaze, clearly unwilling to engage in conversation.

"Where's the manager of this establishment? This man is disrupting my meal. Are you not going to remove him? Is this how you treat your customers?"

As Wu Ge persisted, the man, desperate to deflect the situation, snapped at a nearby waiter.

The waiter, who had been enjoying the spectacle, was caught off guard by the outburst and stood frozen, unsure of how to respond.

After a moment of hesitation, he finally spoke up,

"This gentleman hasn't done anything wrong..."

"Get your manager! You're not qualified to speak to me."

Realizing that the waiter wasn't playing by his rules, the man knew that continuing the conversation would likely yield no advantage.

So, he demanded the waiter summon the manager. Wu Ge crossed his arms and stared icily at the fellow before him.

The man was utterly shameless. Despite his assurances, he had failed to keep his word. Wu Ge couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief.

His look was one of disdain, as if he were regarding some kind of garbage. To put it bluntly, even the litter on the ground seemed more precious than the scene he had just witnessed.

Onlookers shot disapproving glares in the man's direction.

He was truly without shame, blatantly disregarding his own statements even in such a predicament.

Anyone else might have blushed with embarrassment under the scrutiny of so many, complying with the crowd's expectations. But this individual had a thick skin and remained unfazed.

The waiter hastily went to fetch the manager, fearing he was ill-equipped to handle the situation and anxious to avoid any chaos.

The luxury goods appraiser, witnessing the man's rudeness towards Wu Ge, felt a surge of irritation.

"Do you know how to speak properly?"

Wu Ge noticed the appraiser rolling up his sleeves, ready to intervene. A smirk played on his lips, indicating his indifference to the recent events.

"No worries. Didn't he ask for the manager to come and confront me?"

"Please, bring the manager here."

If the manager was reasonable, Wu Ge wouldn't take any action. But if the manager sided with the man and tried to throw him out, then he'd be ready to set them straight.

Wu Ge was mentally prepared, and within five minutes, the waiter had the manager on the scene. The restaurant's patrons watched with veiled interest, eager to see how the drama would unfold.

Liu Jin, just brought over by the waiter, was initially clueless about the situation, assuming it was merely a dispute between customers.

It wasn't until he fully grasped the situation that his expression turned grave.

Liu Jin gave the man an unapologetic look and denied his request.

"I'm sorry, sir, but this gentleman is simply enjoying his meal in our establishment without causing any disturbances to others, so we cannot ask him to leave."

Despite Wu Ge carrying a tattered sack on his back, Liu Jin seemed to overlook it entirely, focusing instead on conveying his thoughts to the man with earnestness.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief, apparently not expecting someone to so boldly contradict him.

"He looks like a beggar. Do you really think it's okay for him to dine here without it negatively impacting your restaurant's reputation?"

Initially, the luxury goods merchant maintained a composed demeanor, but upon digesting the words, he let out a derisive chuckle.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken. The Rolex on this gentleman's wrist is worth several times your net worth."

"How could he not afford to dine here? And as for his attire, that's his personal choice. Who are you to judge—do you think you're the Pacific Ocean's police?"

The onlookers sided with Wu Ge, clearly feeling the man was in the wrong. Wu Ge was reluctantly fulfilling a promise due to the man's confrontational attitude; otherwise, he wouldn't have engaged with him at all.

Even the man's girlfriend, dressed in a striking outfit, intervened at that moment, tugging at his arm and expressing her displeasure,

"You're the one at fault here. He was quietly eating, and you demanded that he leave. You're not the restaurant owner; you can't just order someone to leave on a whim."

The woman gave her boyfriend a scornful look. She had once thought he was decent.

However, today's incident with Wu Ge made her realize that perhaps he wasn't the right match for her. She was now reconsidering the status of their relationship.

The man exhaled sharply, taken aback that even his girlfriend wasn't supporting him but was defending someone else.

He pointed at her,

"Are you seriously taking an outsider's side? Don't forget all the money I've spent on you!"

Her face flushed with embarrassment as he aired their private matters in front of everyone, and she shot him an angry glare in response.

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