Wasteland Tycoon/C12 Promise Fulfilled
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Wasteland Tycoon/C12 Promise Fulfilled
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C12 Promise Fulfilled

"Even if you spend a lot of money on me, that's your own voluntary choice. What does it have to do with me?"

It was downright humiliating. It was merely a watch, yet he flaunted it as if it were a treasure. Now, Wu Ge's Rolex had outshone his by a thousandfold.

Thinking about his boyfriend's actions in front of Wu Ge earlier, he couldn't suppress his embarrassment.

The man, realizing no one was siding with him, left in a huff.

But as he was about to exit, Wu Ge's hand landed firmly on his shoulder, and he inquired earnestly,

"You don't actually believe that after a spat with your girlfriend, I'd just let you walk away, do you? What about our wager? You were the one who insisted on betting with me."

Did this guy really think he could just shift the conversation in a fit of anger, walk away, and not have any further trouble?

As if things were that easy.

The man's complexion turned from pale to flushed with anger. Eventually, amidst the crowd's reproach, he furiously stripped off his clothes and tossed them aside.

"Don't get smug! I better not run into you again."

Wu Ge simply shrugged, unfazed.

Judging by this young man's worth, his assets were mediocre at best.

He was only slightly better off than Wu Ge had been before. Now, the young man wasn't even fit to carry Wu Ge's shoes.

Once the man had departed, everyone in the restaurant breathed a sigh of relief.

"That guy is finally gone. What's he so proud of? Just a pretty face with a decent job? He really thought he was something special."

How could anyone consider Wu Ge the bad guy after such an ordeal?

Truth be told, they were all seething during the confrontation but too intimidated to speak up. Now that he had left on his own accord, they quietly approached to bolster Wu Ge's spirits.

"Don't take his words to heart. Do whatever you please. He's just riding on his family's coattails."

After all, his wealth was nothing compared to Wu Ge's.

Wu Ge glanced at the restaurant owner with a hint of surprise. He hadn't expected Liu Jin to defend him at that moment. After exchanging pleasantries with those nearby, he settled back into his seat to await his meal.

A charming figure approached with a hesitant gait, occasionally glancing up at Wu Ge. Upon catching his eye, she offered him a bashful smile.

"I'm really sorry about this. My boyfriend, he's just like that."

"Please, don't worry about it."

The young woman wrestled with her thoughts for quite some time before finally speaking to Wu Ge. There was a time when Wu Ge might have been eager to engage in conversation with an attractive woman approaching him.

But recalling the man's occasional blush and intense stare, Wu Ge found himself utterly disinterested in continuing any dialogue.

"It's fine. I was about to head back anyway. Your boyfriend is probably feeling awkward. If you're concerned, I think you should be more concerned about him."

Wu Ge had no intention of prolonging the conversation. Noticing the girl lingering in front of him, he involuntarily furrowed his brow. After a moment, he lifted his gaze to her and asked slowly,

"Aren't you going to go after him?"

"What did you say?"

The girl stood transfixed on the other side, her thoughts elsewhere. She barely registered Wu Ge's question, giving him a puzzled look as she glanced down.

Wu Ge pointed behind her decisively, his voice laced with impatience.

"I mean, if there's nothing else, you should get going. I need to have my meal."

He had spent the entire day sorting through trash and assessing the value of items with the system. After such a long ordeal, he hadn't even had a chance to eat, and his hunger was making itself known.

Yet, the girl seemed oblivious, blocking his path while attempting to converse.

The waiter arrived with the dishes, hesitating upon seeing their exchange, unsure whether to interrupt or wait a bit longer.

The girl's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at Wu Ge's words. She quickly stepped aside, offering a sheepish smile, but Wu Ge paid her no mind.

He dove into his meal, effectively tuning out the woman beside him.

She appeared stunned, likely unaccustomed to such disregard.

Wu Ge slurped his meal contentedly and noticed that the person hadn't moved an inch. He frowned and looked up inquisitively.

"What are you still doing standing there? Is there a problem?"

Her boyfriend had stormed off, and instead of following her, he had come here to watch Wu Ge eat. Talk about being unfazed.

The girl felt utterly embarrassed. Realizing Wu Ge had no intention of speaking to her, she sighed inwardly and walked away.

He had intended to introduce himself to Wu Ge, but judging by Wu Ge's demeanor, it seemed he wasn't interested in conversing either.

As he stepped outside, the man caught the girl's eye. Noticing his indecision, he couldn't resist a snicker.

"Why don't you want to be with me? You went out of your way to kiss up to her, only to be kicked out?"

She stopped in her tracks, then spun around to face him, her frustration boiling over.

"Can't you grow up? I can't believe you're acting like this. I don't want to talk to you anymore. We're done!"

Wu Ge had inadvertently caused a couple to break up over him. Oblivious to the drama, he polished off his meal and patted his belly with satisfaction.


Initially, he had thought the restaurant was overpriced, but once the food arrived, that thought vanished.

Even though the issue had been settled, the restaurant's owner lingered nearby, watching Wu Ge's every move. Wu Ge caught his gaze and looked back, puzzled.

His expression turned odd. Did this guy think he couldn't pay the bill?

Liu Jin looked on with mild curiosity. When Wu Ge met his gaze, he smiled warmly and inquired,

"Sir, you seem to be quite well-off, aren't you?"

Wu Ge confirmed without a second's delay.

"You're quite perceptive. I am indeed not short on cash."

In the past, he wouldn't have been able to boast so confidently, but now his Rolex spoke volumes. The onlookers seemed to regard him with a hint of envy.

The owner hesitated, as if wanting to speak, but held back. Wu Ge raised an eyebrow and gave him a stern look.

Could it be that this guy didn't believe his own words and felt he was just bragging?

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