Wasteland Tycoon/C16 The Landlord Is Here
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Wasteland Tycoon/C16 The Landlord Is Here
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C16 The Landlord Is Here

Wu Ge was initially unresponsive, not answering the persistent knocks at his door. Yet, the person outside seemed convinced he was there.

"You think you're clever, hiding in there in silence? Let's see if you're brave enough to open the door! How long has it been since you've paid the rent?"

The landlord's voice pierced through the door, thick with anger. He berated Wu Ge for his misdeeds while expressing his gratitude to Zhou Xin.

"Auntie Zhou, I owe you one. If you hadn't tipped me off, who knows when this kid would have shown up!"

Zhou Xin dismissed the thanks with a casual wave of her hand, her eyes betraying a hint of coldness.

"What's the big deal? Make sure he coughs up the rent. He's been up to no good, loafing around. I even caught him picking through trash yesterday!"

Picking trash? He scoffed internally at the thought. Anger simmered within him at Wu Ge's interference the previous night. They were on the verge of resolving the issue.

But Wu Ge had to meddle, causing his son's girlfriend to discover their treatment of her sister-in-law, leading to an uproar at home before she stormed out, ignoring their attempts at explanation.

They were accused of disrespecting the sister-in-law, raising fears of similar treatment in the future.

Yet, Zhou Xin believed she had done nothing wrong to her daughter-in-law.

She had reclaimed the dowry money, but after all, it had originated from their own family. Why shouldn't she claim it?

If Wu Ge hadn't rashly intervened, they wouldn't be in this mess. Now, her son wouldn't stop blaming her.

With these thoughts, Zhou Xin's gaze hardened as she looked ahead, her irritation mounting.

Without hesitation, she addressed the landlord, "Just keep him in line, will you? Stop letting him be a nuisance elsewhere."

"This guy caused a scene last night and then just went off to sleep like nothing happened."

Zhou Xin continued to rail against Wu Ge's faults, but the landlord was too preoccupied to care.

He simply nodded, acknowledging her point, and then resumed his forceful knocking, his face etched with frustration.

After Wu Ge lost his job, he became acutely aware of his situation.

For several days, he would linger outside Wu Ge's door, urging him to quickly find new employment instead of staying idle at home.

Yet, Wu Ge seemed utterly indifferent to the urgency, often having a retort ready for each of his visits. All he wanted was the rent—was that so wrong?

Lately, Wu Ge was scarcely at home, his presence becoming a rarity.

Previously, the landlord might have overlooked such behavior.

But now, fretting over the unpaid rent, she clenched her teeth in frustration. She was determined to collect what was owed. If Wu Ge refused, she was prepared to take drastic measures, even if it meant leaving him homeless.

"Wu Ge, are you going to open the door or not? Don't blame me for being impolite if you don't come out!"

As Zhou Xin watched with schadenfreude, the door cracked open, revealing Wu Ge, who sleepily and blankly met the landlord's gaze.

"What's the issue? What's happened?"

"I'm here for the rent. Still in bed? Clearly, you're unemployed."

His voice carried a tinge of annoyance as he looked down on Wu Ge, his disdain rendering Wu Ge at a loss for words.

"If I'm not mistaken, I paid the rent just two weeks ago, didn't I? It's not yet time for the next payment."

Having recently lost his job, Wu Ge was subjected to the landlord's scorn and incessant jibes.

If not for Wu Ge's patience and the fact that the landlord was a middle-aged man, he might have already resorted to violence.

The landlord's voice caught in his throat as he glared at Wu Ge, his face turning red as he pointed accusingly. He was about to speak when Wu Ge folded his arms and gave him a piercing, expressionless stare.

"Have you forgotten already? That won't do at all."

"If you keep pestering me for rent due to your poor memory, then I'm the one who benefits."

Wu Ge spoke without mincing words, leaving the landlord speechless, unsure of how to proceed.

In truth, the landlord remembered Wu Ge paying the rent, but now, with Wu Ge jobless, he couldn't help but worry.

He feared being shortchanged.

So, he faced Wu Ge without courtesy and began to speak slowly.

"That was back when you had a stable job. I didn't mind not charging you then, but now that you've lost your job, I have to look out for myself, don't I?"

His rhetoric was so compelling that Wu Ge nearly felt compelled to applaud in encouragement.

"You make a good point. I was almost convinced. But isn't it a bit much to ask for rent half a month early?"

"How am I supposed to know if you're going to use the rent as an excuse to kick me out? If that happens, all my efforts would have been for nothing."

Wu Ge actually had money, so he didn't need to concern himself with the opinions of the person in front of him. Yet, the man's gaze was infuriating, and Wu Ge had no thoughts of yielding, simply staring back with an impassive face.

The landlord recoiled a step, then, realizing his reaction, his face flushed with anger as he glared menacingly.

"I don't care about that. You need to pay the next three months' rent now if you want to continue living here."

"Or else, pack up and leave!"

He uttered these words without a trace of hesitation. Wu Ge just narrowed his eyes and watched him silently for a long while.

Zhou Xin stood by, taking pleasure in Wu Ge's predicament.

"Just as I said, his character is flawed. Now he can't even afford the rent. What's the point in talking to someone like that?"

She seemed eager to witness Wu Ge being put in his place.

Watching Wu Ge look up and stare silently, hands on his hips, he took on the posture of a tyrant.

"What are you staring at? Did you really think you could just walk away after turning our place upside down yesterday?"

He was itching to throw Wu Ge out of the neighborhood altogether.

But his words fell on deaf ears; others simply chose to overlook the situation as if it were invisible.

Wu Ge, unable to tolerate his relentless badgering, let out a cold laugh,

"In the end, this is a matter between the landlord and me. What business is it of yours?"

"Since you're so keen on me paying next month's rent, I'll just move out starting today."

The landlord was taken aback by Wu Ge's response, staring at him with wide eyes. In truth, it wasn't easy to find tenants for his property.

Wu Ge had chosen this house for its proximity to his workplace, not wanting to inconvenience himself further.

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