Wasteland Tycoon/C17 Sorry I Can't Take It Anymore
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Wasteland Tycoon/C17 Sorry I Can't Take It Anymore
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C17 Sorry I Can't Take It Anymore

Having lost his job, Wu Ge saw no reason to hold on to the house any longer, especially since he had ample funds at his disposal. Why endure hardship when he didn't have to?

"What did you say? You're not staying?" The landlord was taken aback, having never anticipated that a simple visit to collect rent could lead to such an outcome.

At first, he couldn't believe it, then he glared at Wu Ge menacingly, as if issuing a threat. "Are you serious about this? You don't want to rent anymore?"

"If you leave my property today, you'll likely be homeless by tomorrow!" the landlord warned.

"How could I possibly become homeless? I could easily check into a hotel," Wu Ge retorted, unfazed by the landlord's words. He dismissively responded and moved to close the door, signaling for the landlord and Zhou Xin to leave.

Wu Ge had always had a strained relationship with the landlord, and this was an opportune moment to rid himself of the hassle.

Just as he was about to shut the door, something occurred to him. "Hold on, you owe me a refund for the deposit I paid in advance. I notified you about leaving half a month ago."

He figured that giving the landlord a two-week notice to find a new tenant was more than fair.

The landlord, however, stood there dumbfounded, likely not having expected his demand for rent to backfire in such a way.

Once he grasped the implication of Wu Ge's words, he couldn't resist objecting. "Wishful thinking! You chose to leave the house; I'm not refunding a dime of your deposit!"

Wu Ge froze, staring at the landlord in disbelief, astonished by his audacity. "I've already given you half a month's notice!"

Money wasn't an issue for Wu Ge at the moment, but he'd rather give it away than let the landlord keep it.

The landlord, seeing Wu Ge's resistance, snorted dismissively. "Your objections are pointless. If it bothers you that much, go ahead and sue me. File a lawsuit if you must. We'll see who comes out on top."

The landlord was smug, convinced that Wu Ge wouldn't bother with a lawsuit that would be more trouble than it was worth, especially given Wu Ge's precarious situation. With that thought, he gave Wu Ge a self-satisfied look.

Before he could even open his mouth, Wu Ge couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Uncle, I thought that since we know each other, we could work things out. A good parting is all that's needed."

"But if that's your mindset, then don't blame me for not being nice."

He was determined to get his deposit back. It wasn't about the money per se; after all, happiness can't be bought.

Without hesitation, Wu Ge dialed the local law firm's number. The landlord stood by, dumbfounded. The reason was simple.

The law firm's fees were exorbitant, costing ten times Wu Ge's deposit!

"Money is not an issue. Just help me get my deposit back."

Wu Ge gave the landlord a sidelong glance, his eyes devoid of any mirth as he spoke.

The lawyer, though surprised, had strong professional skills and accepted the case without hesitation.

Zhou Xin was taken aback by Wu Ge's boldness, and it took her a while to compose herself.

"Old Qian, don't let him deceive you. He's just a garbage collector. How could he afford a lawyer? Does he even have the means?"

The lawyer on the other end likely overheard Zhou Xin's indiscreet remarks. Frowning and remembering that Wu Ge was his client, he interjected,

"Sir, please hand them the phone so I can speak with them."

Since Wu Ge had called him and assured him that the fee was not a problem, he didn't bother to ask further questions. Instead, he was eager to demonstrate his competence.

Delighted, Wu Ge passed the phone to the landlord, urging him to listen carefully.

Leaning against the doorframe, Wu Ge watched the landlord and Zhou Xin's faces change.

After a long while, the landlord clenched his teeth, accepting that Wu Ge was serious. He looked up at Wu Ge, seemingly wrestling with how to persuade Wu Ge to abandon his previous intentions.

"There might have been some misunderstanding between us. I didn't mean what I said earlier, and I didn't intend to criticize your approach."

The landlord had barely started speaking when Wu Ge raised an eyebrow and shot him a look.

"So it wasn't you who's been hounding me for rent all this time? I've grown tired of that kind of pressure. I'm not interested in playing these games anymore."

Just two days ago, if he had been penniless, the landlord's actions would have been nothing short of aggravating. After all, it wasn't like he had never paid his rent.

He had tried to reason with the landlord, who simply refused to listen.

Under such circumstances, why should he continue to put up with their behavior?

After the lawyer had a word with the landlord, Wu Ge snatched back his phone and, without a moment's hesitation, declared, "Give me half a day. I'll move out today."

He had no desire to remain there any longer. Tonight, he would find a new place—a comfortable one. He certainly didn't want to see that neighbor again.

Wu Ge paused mid-action and, with a sly smile, turned to Zhou Xin and inquired, "Oh, something just occurred to me."

Zhou Xin, unsettled by Wu Ge's grin, began to retreat step by step.

"Your daughter-in-law probably doesn't want to marry into your family again, does she?"

"So, does that mean I might have a chance to have a word with him?"

Wu Ge was incredibly busy and clearly had no real intention of pursuing the matter.

But the sight of Zhou Xin's discomfort brought him joy, and he leisurely approached her.

"How about you give me your younger son's girlfriend's contact information?"

"In your dreams! Old Qian, this man is outrageous. I must leave."

Realizing that Wu Ge was relentless in causing her distress, Zhou Xin quickly turned and made her exit.

Once home, she wiped the sweat from her brow and breathed a sigh of relief.

She had managed to escape. If she had stayed, there was no telling if Wu Ge would actually seek out her son's girlfriend.

The landlord seemed keen to negotiate further, but Wu Ge had lost all interest in further discussions.

After locking the landlord out, he packed a single suitcase, deciding to leave the rest behind.

Before stepping out, he paused and surveyed the heaps of garbage inside the house, contemplating.

"Anyway, I should be able to take care of my own trash, right?"

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