Wasteland Tycoon/C18 University Books
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Wasteland Tycoon/C18 University Books
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C18 University Books

The house was cluttered with bottles and jars of various sizes. With nothing else pressing at the moment, Wu Ge knew that his focus should be on continuing to earn money.

Recalling the landlord's angry demeanor earlier, Wu Ge was determined to amass wealth quickly. At the very least, he needed to buy a house in this area. Yet, the property he had his eye on was quite pricey, and it would take some more hard work before he could afford it.

Wu Ge had initially been fixated on the Rolex he had exchanged the previous night. But then he remembered the luxury goods merchant mentioning that this particular watch was the latest and most prestigious Rolex model, one that would certainly enhance his status. With that in mind, he resisted the temptation to trade it away.

After all, it wasn't a big deal. He had made a substantial amount of money in just one day, and he was confident that his financial success would continue.

The system remained silent, offering no objections, so Wu Ge proceeded to pack up everything in the house, useful or not, into a sack. Given his strained relationship with the landlord, he had no intention of leaving anything behind.

Now that he had the system, he could easily get rid of these items. Wu Ge got to work, packing up everything from unused tables to various pieces of cutlery. It took him nearly three hours to tidy up.

Once the house was back to the state it was in when he first arrived, Wu Ge nodded in satisfaction, slung a small backpack over his shoulder, and walked out the door. He was sure that when the landlord inspected the place, no fault could be found.

With a sense of self-assurance, Wu Ge stepped outside, mentally tallying the extra funds in his account. As he descended the stairs, he encountered a strikingly attractive woman with a poised figure.

She seemed taken aback upon seeing him and then shyly cast her eyes to the ground. After a prolonged silence, she finally mustered the courage to speak.

"Have you heard that you're moving out soon?"

Hearing her voice, Wu Ge was momentarily puzzled but gave her a once-over and nodded, still not quite understanding. He vaguely recognized her as Zhou Xin's daughter-in-law, a woman known for her exceptionally good nature, which explained her patience with them up until now.

Despite being walked all over, he showed no signs of anger.

Wu Ge pitied the woman for her misfortune and was frustrated by her lack of fight, yet he had no desire to intervene.

After all, she had no connection to him. Why should he meddle?

Unaware of Wu Ge's thoughts, the woman kept her gaze fixed on the ground.

Eventually, she spoke up hesitantly,

"I know you stood up for me yesterday. Thank you for that, but could you please stop speaking ill of them?"

He looked down, intending to add more, but Wu Ge found the conversation dull and unhesitatingly moved past him.

A few steps later, Wu Ge turned back to face the person and said bluntly,

"I think there's been a misunderstanding. I wasn't trying to defend you. I just got into an argument with Zhou Xin yesterday and wanted to take it out on someone."

With that, Wu Ge turned on his heel and walked away, showing no interest in further dialogue.

The woman stood there, dumbfounded, unable to process his departing figure.

Walking down the street, Wu Ge reflected on the recent events and shook his head disinterestedly.

How dull it was. Even when someone was trampling on him, he seemed unfazed.

Wu Ge typically kept such people at arm's length, staying as far away as possible.

He hastened his pace and noticed a young man struggling with a box that appeared to be full of trash. Wu Ge's interest was piqued.

"Is this stuff you don't want? Hand it all over to me."

Initially, the young man clutched the box breathlessly, but soon he was out of strength. Upon hearing Wu Ge's request, he eagerly passed the box over.

"Please, take this off my hands. I can't bear it any longer. I nearly lost my life hauling it down from the top floor."

Once the box was in Wu Ge's possession, the young man dashed off as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Wu Ge watched him go and shook his head. It was only when he took the box that he realized how heavy it was, curious about its contents.

Upon opening it, he discovered a treasure trove of university textbooks.

No wonder the guy I saw earlier was drenched in sweat while carrying this downstairs.

Curiosity got the better of Wu Ge; he tossed the books into the sack, eager to see what the system would exchange them for.

He dumped a whole box of university textbooks into the sack. Initially, there was no response from the system. Just as Wu Ge began to wonder if it was malfunctioning, a voice echoed in his mind.

"Ding! Host has collected university textbooks. Reward: University Knowledge Points."

University Knowledge Points? What are those?

Wu Ge was puzzled, but before he could ponder further, it felt as though something had been added to his brain.

Suddenly, his head throbbed painfully. He instinctively pressed his hand against his eyes, his confusion mingling with the sensation of being struck in the head.

An influx of unfamiliar knowledge flooded his mind: various management strategies, explanations of university-level calculus, and even a bit of insight into university athletics!

This was impressive, and Wu Ge couldn't contain his delight.

Nowadays, there are plenty of university students, but few truly grasp the knowledge within the textbooks, let alone apply it. Despite having been in the workforce for years, the lessons from school had long since faded from memory.

Now, with the ability to reintegrate this knowledge into his mind, wouldn't he be even better at showing off in the future?

Wu Ge grinned as he straightened out the sack, more convinced than ever that the system he'd acquired was a gem. Yet, he couldn't shake off a nagging question.

If he wanted more knowledge, could he simply grab any book from a bookstore and gain the associated skills?

As he pondered this, the system, seemingly attuned to his thoughts, chimed in.

"The rewards for knowledge and technical skills are not fixed; they are awarded at random. The host was quite fortunate this time, but it may not always be the case."

Even though the system's message was cryptic, Wu Ge grasped the gist of it.

In other words, replicating this experience wouldn't be easy.

He sighed softly. Well, such opportunities were hit or miss. Who knows, maybe the next reward would be even better.

After this encounter, Wu Ge paid closer attention to his surroundings, mindful of the potential treasures they might hold.

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