Wasteland Tycoon/C19 Suspected
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Wasteland Tycoon/C19 Suspected
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C19 Suspected

After a bit of walking, Wu Ge furrowed his brow as he contemplated where he would stay tonight.

Surely, he couldn't spend the night on the streets or aimlessly roam around, could he?

Now that he had money, finding a place to stay should be a piece of cake.

Or maybe he should just check into a hotel? If he stayed alone in a room, it wouldn't take long for it to become a complete mess.

At least in a hotel, he wouldn't have to worry about cleaning. He could have someone else do it for him.

Browsing through hotel listings on his phone, Wu Ge, who would have hesitated in the past, now carelessly picked a hotel and dialed their number.

The receptionist on the other end was taken aback when Wu Ge requested to book a room for an extended period and triple-checked the reservation.

"Are you sure you want to book for an entire month? Just a heads-up, if you book for that long and later decide to cancel, our hotel won't process a refund."

"No refund, no problem. Do you think I can't afford it?"

Wu Ge replied with swagger, instructing them to get the room ready. Soon after, he arrived at the hotel by car.

The receptionist, upon seeing his attire, hesitated. The sight of the burlap sack Wu Ge carried caused her eyelids to twitch involuntarily.

A look of disdain crept onto her face as she quickly extended her hand to block his path.

"Sir, I'm terribly sorry, but our hotel is fully booked."

Her words were apologetic, but her eyes betrayed her annoyance.

Anyone could tell from her expression exactly what she meant.

Wu Ge stopped in his tracks, looked up at the receptionist, and after a brief pause, he inquired slowly,

"What are you implying? Do you think I can't pay for the room?"

It was obvious what Wu Ge was getting at. The receptionist scanned him from head to toe, unable to find any branded accessories.

Her tone grew even less courteous in light of the sack he carried.

"Please don't come here to make trouble. It would be best if you just left on your own, or else we may have to be less than polite."

After he finished his sentence, his face took on a chilling expression. Initially, Wu Ge managed to keep his composure, but eventually, he couldn't resist raising his eyes to meet the other man's gaze.

"Why should I leave? I'm here to stay. Isn't your hotel supposed to accommodate guests?"

The receptionist's voice must have been quite loud, as people nearby cast discreet glances in their direction.

Wu Ge's expression was icy as he regarded the person before him, clearly not in the best of moods.

Why did it seem like everyone was against him today? Leaving aside his landlord and Zhou Xin, what was the hotel receptionist's problem?

Irritation flickered in Wu Ge's eyes, yet the receptionist stood her ground, dismissively snorting at Wu Ge's statements.

"Do you even know how much money you have? We're very busy here; this isn't a place for you to just come and cause a disturbance."

The receptionist hit the call bell, signaling the hotel security to escort Wu Ge out.

Onlookers whispered and pointed at the unfolding drama.

"Isn't he just here to cause trouble? What can't you do with all that time?"

Wu Ge glanced around and noticed everyone's eyes fixed on him, clearly intrigued by the situation.

"I'm here to stay. Are you really trying to kick me out of this hotel?"

The receptionist's tone was unyielding. "I've told you, we're fully booked. You can't stay here. You'd better leave now."

He gave Wu Ge a disdainful eye roll, and the crowd continued to murmur and gesture towards Wu Ge.

Ignoring the bystanders, Wu Ge stretched out his hand and slammed his phone down on the counter.

"You don't have the authority to deny me a room, do you?"

The receptionist seemed unconcerned, doubting Wu Ge had the financial means to back up his claim.

But Wu Ge was relentless and showed no signs of wanting to leave, which only increased the receptionist's irritation.

Just then, several security guards burst into the lobby, scanning the area before fixing their gaze on Wu Ge. They approached him unapologetically, looking down at him with a stern glare.

"Are you the one causing trouble in our hotel? Don't you realize where you are?"

Wu Ge turned his head innocently and looked at them.

"I'm here to stay."

The security team leader hesitated, while the nearby receptionist couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"You claim you're here to stay. Can you even afford it?"

He was about to add another taunt when suddenly, the system completed a transaction, transferring money for the items Wu Ge had recently sold.

"Dear user, your bank account ending in xxxx has received a deposit of 50,000 yuan."

That was for an old piece of clothing Wu Ge had picked up.

"Your bank account ending in xxxx has received a deposit of 2,000 yuan."

That was the reward he got for putting a set of kitchenware into the system.

Within five minutes, his bank account kept receiving deposits.

The onlookers heard the announcements clearly and were utterly dumbfounded.

In such a short time, Wu Ge had amassed a significant sum of money, which seemed out of place with his modest attire.

The receptionist who had just ridiculed Wu Ge was now speechless, standing to the side, unsure whether to continue or to apologize directly to Wu Ge.

Wu Ge turned off the voice broadcast on his phone, aware that many people were looking his way.

He needed to quickly divert their attention from himself.

Perhaps realizing the hotel lobby was too crowded, Wu Ge decided to leave without a second thought.

He had been adamant about staying at the front desk moments ago, but now he was leaving without looking back.

The front desk staff remained frozen in place. By the time they came to their senses, they could only catch a glimpse of Wu Ge's retreating figure. The hotel manager, in a rush, approached Wu Ge, remembering that he had mentioned booking a room for a month—a significant contribution to the hotel's business.

The manager was eager to address the matter promptly, but by the time he reached the entrance, Wu Ge was already on his way out, not looking back.

He quickly stepped forward, blocking Wu Ge's path, looked up at him with a smile, and eagerly rubbed his hands together.

"Sir, where are you off to? Weren't you interested in booking a room? We can take care of that for you right now."

With a sly grin plastered on his face, he turned to Wu Ge. Wu Ge, however, remained silent upon hearing his words. He let out a short laugh before fixing a serious gaze on the person before him.

"Never mind about arranging accommodation for me. It seems your staff isn't exactly thrilled to have me around. Given the circumstances, I think it's best if I just take my leave."

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