Wasteland Tycoon/C4 My Territory
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Wasteland Tycoon/C4 My Territory
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C4 My Territory

Honestly, Wu Ge wasn't wrong. Even without the system, the sack was a clear advantage.

It wasn't just for holding his belongings.

Wu Ge had other ideas too.

Take smuggling, for instance! Hidden in the sack, it would be undetectable to anyone but him.

He could become the best in the business.

Or, if he wanted to stay on the right side of the law, he could get into cargo transport.

Just imagine filling the sack with goods and simply hopping on a train or plane to the destination. Think of the savings!

Then, he'd just unload the cargo.

No need for a truck, and he'd rake in a hefty profit.

The sack's capabilities were truly incredible.

That's why Wu Ge was so thrilled.

But amidst his excitement, Wu Ge came to a realization.

The sack wasn't all that important, really. It was merely a reward from the system.

Who knows what else the system might grant him in the future?

The sack simply made picking up trash a bit more convenient.

Wu Ge slung the sack over his shoulder.

With the sack on his shoulder, he felt an immediate boost in presence.

Now, Wu Ge looked even more like... a trash collector!

Although that's what he was already doing.

This realization made Wu Ge somewhat self-conscious.

"I've put up with picking up trash, but to dress like a trash collector too? Sigh, the sack is great, but carrying it around will utterly ruin my image..."

Wu Ge began to daydream about his future life.

Flush with cash, driving a sports car, living in a mansion, surrounded by beautiful women.

Stepping out of the sports car in designer clothes, with women on each arm.

The young beauties around him would be screaming his name.

Then, he'd pull out a sack and dash to a nearby trash heap to start collecting...

It was a ludicrous thought.

Wu Ge was at a loss for words.

"Who cares, though? These days, as long as you've got money, that's all that matters. Who cares how you make it? If it's picking up trash, so be it!"

He took a deep breath to steady his thoughts.

Turning to look at the sack on his back, he noticed it seemed quite full, as if it held a considerable amount of stuff.

Upon opening it, he discovered it was stuffed with trash, which was why it appeared so full.

But in truth, these items didn't exist.

It only seemed to contain some trash; the sack itself was weightless.

It was simply to avoid looking odd.

That's why no one found it strange along the way.

Moreover, once the sack was set down, it was just a sack—unable to be stowed away if filled.

The trash inside would then become real trash.

A broken sack brimming with garbage wouldn't pique anyone's interest.

Wu Ge, however, found such an item quite fascinating.

Upon reflection, he knew it was time to take action.

"I shouldn't be analyzing this sack here. I need to collect more trash! That's all money and rewards!"

Wu Ge prowled the streets with a voracious appetite, seizing any trash he spotted.

But after a lengthy search, he came up empty-handed.

"Looks like I need to hit the trash bins!"

The streets were spotless, with the trash bins being the only source of substantial finds for Wu Ge.

The trash bin, a place scorned by all, was Wu Ge's gold mine!

As Wu Ge rummaged through the bins, a youthful and energetic beauty approached from across the street.

Her gaze landed on Wu Ge's sack, brimming with boundless curiosity.

Wu Ge felt his cheeks warm.

Despite his resolve, being caught picking trash was mortifying, especially by a young and attractive woman. For a young man like Wu Ge, it was utterly embarrassing.

But still...

"Someday, I'll grow a thick skin!"

That was the only consolation he could muster.

After the young woman passed by, Wu Ge's eyes locked onto a trash bin across the street.

He paused as if he'd struck gold and strode confidently across the road to the bin.

Crossing the street, he noticed the uncle who sold him cigarettes.

The cigarette vendor caught sight of Wu Ge and burst into laughter.

"So you're a trash picker, huh? Haha, why would a young guy like you choose to pick up trash? You're such a waste. You'll never find a wife doing that!"

The uncle was muttering under his breath, yet Wu Ge could hear every word crystal clear.

Those words cut deep.

They were downright malicious.

Feeling the sting of insult, Wu Ge turned and made a beeline for the liquor and tobacco shop.

He fixed the uncle with a steady gaze.

"Boss, I'll take a pack of the Twin Emerald Sprig, only the finest!"

The uncle scoffed.

"Putting on airs again, are we?"

As the uncle spoke, Wu Ge's phone chimed.

Then the uncle's phone followed suit: "Payment received, three hundred yuan..."


The uncle's eyes widened in disbelief, thinking he was seeing things.

But once he confirmed the three hundred yuan had indeed arrived on his phone, he was at a loss for words and reluctantly handed over a pack of Twin Emerald Sprig.

Wu Ge took it with a practiced hand, deftly opened the pack, and lit one up.

After a deep inhale, he immediately tossed the cigarette to the ground and crushed it underfoot.

Wu Ge's voice was icy as he spoke.

"Pah, what garbage! If I'd known the taste was this bad, I wouldn't have bothered!"

He ground the cigarette into the pavement with force.

The uncle's face twisted with discomfort.

But Wu Ge wasn't finished; he tossed the entire pack of Twin Emerald Sprig into a nearby trash bag, clearly unimpressed.

The uncle grumbled under his breath.

"What's all this pretense? What about your family?"

Wu Ge let out a cold laugh.

"My family's got dozens of properties from the demolition. Sigh, I don't need to lift a finger for the rest of my life. But I'm bored, wanted to do something meaningful! Tried to get a job as a sanitation worker, but they said I was too young, didn't want me."

"So, picking up trash it is."

With those words, Wu Ge feigned a world-weary sigh.

"Sigh, nothing to do with my life but pick up trash. What a bore!"

As he walked away, his silhouette seemed tinged with melancholy. The uncle stood there, slack-jawed, suddenly questioning his own life choices.

Wu Ge walked away feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders.

The uncle's words had been a harsh blow.

Now, he had given the uncle a taste of his own medicine.

But the story about the demolition? That was pure fiction.

He had less than 2,000 yuan to his name at the moment.

Yet, Wu Ge was well aware that his future earnings would dwarf the compensation from the demolition of several buildings.

"Just consider, one house is worth a million yuan. With fifty houses, picking up a bottle nets him 200 yuan, and that's not even counting the rest. Making that kind of money will be a breeze."

Besides, who could predict what surprise the system might spring on him next?

Crossing the street, Wu Ge's eyes sparkled with anticipation. He spotted an opportunity.

A guy in front of him had just gulped down his drink and was about to toss the bottle into the bin.

Wu Ge's eyes gleamed as he scurried over, intent on retrieving the bottle from the trash.

The guy didn't look back, oblivious to the fact that his discarded bottle was swiftly claimed by another.

As Wu Ge was about to stretch his hand into the bin to retrieve the bottle, a thunderous voice boomed.

"Young man, halt!"

Instinctively, Wu Ge turned to see who it was.

An old man was glaring at him furiously.

The man appeared quite nondescript, save for the sack he carried on his back—identical to Wu Ge's!

As Wu Ge was caught in the act of scavenging, the old man strode toward him.

"What do you think you're doing? Didn't you realize you're on my turf?"

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