Wasteland Tycoon/C6 Unbelievable Operation
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Wasteland Tycoon/C6 Unbelievable Operation
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C6 Unbelievable Operation

The system's rewards were simply irresistible. How could Wu Ge resist being greedy?

Merely picking up trash could net him at most a few tens of thousands of yuan a day, which was far from satisfying for Wu Ge.

But if he could make hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions a day...

He certainly wouldn't turn it down.

Greed is a natural human instinct; no one would pass up the chance to make more money.

Wu Ge was no saint; there was no way he'd pass up such an excellent opportunity.

The old man had inadvertently given Wu Ge a fantastic tip, and Wu Ge felt like giving him a big hug in gratitude.

"Here, take these cigarettes to enjoy!"

Wu Ge handed over a whole pack of his Shuangye cigarettes to the old man. "You really hit the nail on the head with your advice. Thanks for the heads-up!"

Even though they were just three-yuan cigarettes, the old man wasn't picky.

He accepted them with a smile.

"Young man, you're still young and haven't thought everything through."

He thought he had successfully deceived Wu Ge, but Wu Ge wasn't on the same page at all.

"Alright, Sir, you go ahead with your day; I've got to get going."

Eager to test out his idea, Wu Ge quickly said goodbye to the old man.

As Wu Ge was about to leave, the old man said his goodbyes too.

Such a naive fool with money was just too easy to swindle.

Even after Wu Ge had left, the old man was still waving goodbye.

"Young man, don't forget to tell me where you set up your recycling station. I'm always on this street, and it's easy to find me. Make sure you let me know."

It was unclear whether Wu Ge heard the old man's words or not.

Wu Ge promptly hailed a cab.

As soon as he got in, he instructed the driver to head to the nearest recycling station.

"Please take me to the closest recycling station."

"No problem," the driver responded courteously, then expertly accelerated the car.

The driver eyed Wu Ge curiously throughout the ride.

They quickly arrived at the recycling station, prompting the driver to voice his curiosity.

"Buddy, are you planning to pick up trash with that sack? Taking a cab to sell trash! Will the contents of your bag even cover the cab fare?"

The driver didn't look down on Wu Ge; he was merely intrigued by his unusual attire. Wu Ge, sporting a mischievous grin, confidently stated, "No problem. How much could the fare possibly be? You have no idea that I can sell a single bottle for two hundred yuan. Just casually picking up trash can net me tens of thousands in a day."

The driver was so shocked that his cigarette fell from his mouth.

"What the hell?"

He was at a loss for words after uttering just those three words. It wasn't until Wu Ge had left the car that the driver muttered to himself, "Does he think I'm a toddler? Selling trash and making that kind of money? I wouldn't be driving a cab if that were the case."

What the driver failed to grasp was that Wu Ge was telling the absolute truth. He really could make two hundred yuan from a piece of trash, and tens of thousands in a day was no exaggeration. However, only Wu Ge had access to the system that made this possible. To anyone else, he would just seem delusional.

Wu Ge chuckled to himself as he walked, "What's wrong with picking up trash? I'm making money that others would envy."

His contentment was short-lived, though. Upon arriving at a recycling center with a sign out front, Wu Ge eagerly made his way inside. The place was expansive, with a large gate that allowed a view of the towering piles of refuse. Previously, Wu Ge wouldn't have given this garbage a second glance. Now, he was practically salivating at the sight of the trash heaps, especially the mountains of bottles and cans. "My goodness, if I managed to collect all of this, how much money would the system award me?"

He didn't even consider the possibility of extra rewards; the cash alone would be a staggering sum. But for the moment, these treasures didn't belong to Wu Ge.

Soon enough, Wu Ge caught the attention of someone inside the center. The person gave Wu Ge a cursory glance and inquired, "Got anything to sell?" Assuming Wu Ge was just another person offloading junk, given the sack he was carrying.

But Wu Ge's next words left the recycling center's owner utterly astonished. "Boss, how much do you sell your drink bottles for?"

"Oh, these bottles typically sell for one dollar per pound."

"Got it. Then I'll take a hundred pounds, please!"


The owner of the recycling center was taken aback. He was referring to the price he paid for collecting waste.

He had assumed Wu Ge was there to sell scrap, but surprisingly, Wu Ge wanted to buy it.

Quite amusing, isn't it?

If Wu Ge hadn't looked so earnest, the owner might have suspected he was there to make trouble.

It was absurd. Who comes to a recycling center to buy waste?

"Buddy, you're not kidding, are you? I've been collecting trash for years, always from others. You're the first to come to me wanting to buy. Are you with a waste management company?"

"Nope, boss. Just let me know if you're willing to sell."

"Of course, I'll sell," the owner responded to Wu Ge.

"But the price I mentioned earlier was for collecting waste. The selling price isn't the same."

"How much are you asking?"

"Two dollars."

"It's a deal!"

Wu Ge didn't want to haggle. Even if it was a hundred dollars per pound, with several bottles in a pound of trash, he was bound to profit.

To the owner, however, it seemed rather foolish.

Wu Ge was eager to buy up all the trash there; doing so would make him an instant millionaire.

The system was incredibly powerful.

If he could earn enough rewards, Wu Ge wouldn't hesitate to negotiate with the owner to acquire the recycling center.

He was burning with impatience.

Wu Ge was so eager, but the owner, faced with this unexpected windfall, acted even more swiftly, quickly packing up the trash and selling it to Wu Ge.

He had just made double the earnings.

"Here you go, buddy. Exactly one hundred pounds of trash, and I'll throw in an extra bottle for you!"

"Thanks, boss."

All the trash was neatly bagged. The owner had thought Wu Ge would carry it off.

But to his surprise, Wu Ge opened the bag and started transferring the trash into his own sack.

The owner couldn't help but wonder if Wu Ge was out of his mind.

Was this just a bizarre way to pass the time after a full meal?

He was unaware that as soon as the trash landed in Wu Ge's burlap sack, Wu Ge was eagerly anticipating the system's reward. But after tossing several pieces of trash in, there was no response from the system at all.

"What's going on?"

Wu Ge suddenly realized that the system hadn't registered any of the trash he'd thrown into the sack. It was as though he had thrown them into a vast void within the sack, making them seem like his own personal belongings.

"What's happening? Why isn't the system responding?"

Wu Ge, initially thrilled, felt like he had plunged into a cold cellar, his excitement quickly turning to utter disappointment. He repeatedly questioned the system in his mind. Finally, after much difficulty, he heard the system's reply.

"Ding! The system can discern that the host should not attempt to cheat or use shortcuts to deceive the system. The system is quite intelligent."


Wu Ge was flabbergasted.

"So you're saying I have to keep picking up trash?"

"Correct. The host must honestly collect trash to exchange for the system's rewards!"

"Damn it..."

Wu Ge was overwhelmed with frustration, his face etched with dismay. He stood there dazed for a moment before snapping back to reality.

The trash station owner was watching Wu Ge with a bemused grin, as if observing a fool, wondering why Wu Ge had stopped collecting trash. Then he saw Wu Ge force a wry smile and ask,

"Boss, how much do you pay per pound for trash?"

The boss replied, "What the heck?"

Internally, the owner grumbled, "Is this guy off his rocker? Didn't we just go over this?"

But he answered anyway.

"Two bucks."

"Fine, I'll sell you this hundred pounds of trash!"

Upon hearing Wu Ge's words, the boss was momentarily taken aback, as if he had just stepped in something unpleasant. After scrutinizing Wu Ge a bit longer, he finally exhaled slowly and said,

"Buddy, your move is utterly baffling. If you hadn't actually handed over the cash, I'd have thought you were messing with me."

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