Wasteland Tycoon/C8 Show Me What You Got
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Wasteland Tycoon/C8 Show Me What You Got
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C8 Show Me What You Got

The system rewarded him with a beverage that promised immediate effects – it was like a miracle elixir.

Wu Ge couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Muttering to himself, he affirmed, "It's really reliable."

Picking up trash could be exhausting, and the thought of having such a drink to reinvigorate himself after a long day was incredibly appealing.

Wu Ge adored the can of beverage he held.

Who knew what other kinds of drinks the future might hold? Maybe there would be a potion that could turn him into a superhero.

The randomness was frustrating, though; it all came down to luck.

Still, with plenty left, he decided to save it.

Wu Ge placed the leftover beverage into his sack, where it was whisked away into its vast interior.

He planned to save his next sip for when he was utterly spent – this drink was a treasure.

"I just wonder if this beverage has an expiration date," he pondered. After a brief hesitation, he chose to assume it wouldn't expire. After all, even regular drinks lasted a couple of days.

Next, Wu Ge retrieved a pack of cigarettes from the spacious sack.

The sack's storage capacity was incredibly handy – he could put anything in it without worry of losing it.

The cigarettes were the Twin Emerald Sprig brand.

He lit one with his lighter and inhaled deeply, satisfied.

Night had fallen, and the street and neon lights cast a glow that filled Wu Ge with a touch of melancholy. He was eager to find more trash, convinced he hadn't earned enough and was determined to make more money.

Energized, he believed he could keep going, picking trash nonstop for another full day and night.

"Enough for today," he told himself. "I've collected a haul worth 70,000 yuan. Time to reward myself."

The drink might have banished fatigue, but it did nothing for hunger.

His stomach growled in protest after a long day of scavenging without a bite to eat. Before the system, he had only 3.5 yuan to his name, enough for a pack of cigarettes and not much else – certainly not a meal.

Wu Ge decided to take his burlap sack and head to a restaurant that seemed quite nice. In the past, he wouldn't have even considered dining in such a place. He simply didn't have the funds—back when he was a warehouse manager, there were times he couldn't afford a Twin Emerald Sprig, let alone a meal here.

Moreover, Wu Ge was always by himself. There was no point in putting on airs just to dine alone. He would either order takeout or grab a quick bite at a street stall. Now, however, things were different. Not spending money when you have it is no way to live.

"Even if I come to a restaurant, how much can one person really spend on a meal?" Wu Ge pondered as he approached the entrance.

The hostess eyed him with suspicion from head to toe as he arrived. "Welcome, may I..." She started to ask how many were in his party but stopped short upon noticing the sack on Wu Ge's back, a look of surprise crossing her face. "Is there something on my face?" Wu Ge inquired.

In the past, he would have been mortified, perhaps even ashamed, because he looked like someone who scavenged for a living. But now, with money in his pocket, he had nothing to fear. Wealth brings confidence.

"I pick up trash, and I make more money doing that than you can imagine!" Wu Ge thought to himself, his newfound self-assurance shining through.

If only they knew about Wu Ge's system, they'd probably be begging him to teach them how to make a fortune from trash. And the sack he carried was no ordinary bag—it was a treasure, invaluable.

Gone were the days of Wu Ge's self-doubt. He was wealthy now! With 70,000 yuan, he could order the most expensive items on the menu, and even at a more upscale establishment, he'd manage just fine.

And if he ever ran out of money, he'd simply go back to picking up trash for a day.

"No... no problem at all," the hostess finally said, regaining her composure. Despite the sack, Wu Ge looked clean and not entirely out of place. She maintained her professionalism and politely ushered him inside.

"Table for how many?"

"Just one."

"Just one, okay? Please follow me."

Wu Ge had a feeling he was the only person in the restaurant who had walked in with a sack on his back.

As a result, he immediately became the center of attention.

The other patrons began whispering among themselves, all intrigued by Wu Ge's sack. Some women couldn't help but giggle behind their hands at the sight of him, which was quite embarrassing.

Wu Ge decided to simply ignore these people.

It was unusual to see a young man like himself collecting trash.

If it were an elderly person, no one would find it odd.

Besides, Wu Ge was neat and presentable, just a regular young man. If it weren't for the sack on his back, no one would suspect he was a trash picker.

This incongruity drew people's gaze.

But then again, if it were an elderly person, they probably wouldn't dine at this restaurant, and certainly wouldn't walk in carrying a sack.

The restaurant wouldn't just let someone who picks up trash come in to eat.

In no time, the waiter had found Wu Ge a seat.

Wu Ge finally settled down comfortably and placed his sack aside.

Even seated, many eyes were still on him.

A young couple sat not far from him.

The girl kept glancing at Wu Ge, whispering to her boyfriend.

Their conversation turned into an argument, though it was unclear why.

Suddenly, the man raised his voice.

"It's just a trash picker."

Wu Ge felt a surge of anger upon hearing that.

"What would you like to order, sir?"

The waiter approached with the menu.

Wu Ge ignored the man's earlier comment and began to order.

"Let me take a look." He perused the menu, selecting premium dishes.

"Don't make a scene. He hasn't bothered you, what's the problem?"

"He's just a..."

Before he knew it, the man who had been talking about him approached.

"Ge Meng, did you bring that sack to collect trash while you eat? How much trash have you picked up? Just plastic bottles, right?"

It seemed he had come over to Wu Ge just to prove his point.

Wu Ge regarded the man with an indifferent gaze and responded, "I'm a garbage collector. Is there a problem with that?"

Hearing this, the man snickered, "So young and already scavenging for scraps. Can't find any real work? Do you honestly think a month of collecting trash will cover a meal in this place?"

Without glancing up from the menu he held, Wu Ge coolly retorted, "That doesn't seem to concern you, does it?"

The man before him sneered, "My girlfriend mentioned you were quite handsome. I told her you're just a garbage collector. What good is good looks in that line of work..."

It became clear that this was how the couple's argument had started, with the man coming over specifically to flaunt his superiority in front of Wu Ge in an attempt to salvage his own pride.

Wu Ge nearly burst into laughter.

Before Wu Ge could utter a word, the man made his move. He took off his watch and tossed it onto the table, declaring arrogantly, "I don't want this trashy watch anymore. It cost me a few thousand yuan, but now, I'm giving it to you. It's worth far more than any garbage you pick up!"

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