Wasteland Tycoon/C9 A Broken Watch Worth Eight Million Yuan
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Wasteland Tycoon/C9 A Broken Watch Worth Eight Million Yuan
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C9 A Broken Watch Worth Eight Million Yuan

A friend shouldn't try to act so tough.

Wu Ge suppressed the impulse to kick the man.

But then, Wu Ge suddenly burst into laughter.

He asked, "Do you really not want it anymore?"

The guy replied with confidence, "Of course I don't! It's just a broken watch, a piece of junk. It's ugly and useless to me, but for a scrap collector like you, I bet you've never come across anything so valuable!"

Wu Ge chuckled. "I really haven't... Are you sure you're giving it to me?"

"Once you pick it up, it's yours," he said mockingly to Wu Ge.

Wu Ge just smiled and casually picked up the watch.

The man burst into hysterical laughter. "See, I told you, he's nothing but a scrap collector. So what if he's handsome? What good does that do when you're picking up trash?"

He turned to his girlfriend, boasting, "Why are you treating him like that? Is it really necessary?"

Wu Ge, however, paid no attention and confidently tossed the watch into his sack.

He wasn't kidding around.

Having collected trash for so long, he had never come across a watch, nor had he found anything more valuable than a watch.

So, Wu Ge decided to give it a try.

"What kind of reward will the system give for this item?" he wondered.

A car's steel rim could fetch 5,000 yuan.

Surely the watch was worth more.

To avoid any accusations of gaming the system, Wu Ge confirmed with the man one more time if he was truly giving the watch away.

The man's response reassured Wu Ge that there was no issue.

This wasn't cheating; the man had genuinely discarded the watch.

Whatever his reasons, the watch was now considered trash, so taking it wasn't cheating.

That's why Wu Ge remained so composed, his focus entirely on the system.

As expected, the watch he'd thrown into the sack was promptly classified as trash and collected by the system.

Full of anticipation, Wu Ge awaited a reward from the system when suddenly the notification chime rang out.

"Ding! You have picked up a mechanical metal watch. Reward: one Rolex watch!"

Hearing this, Wu Ge's heart raced.

His reward this time wasn't money. Could this be his lucky break?

Money, after all, is just a material possession. The real prize was a Rolex watch—yes, a Rolex watch!

My goodness.

Wu Ge himself never wore a watch, mainly because he couldn't afford a decent one. But even though he didn't wear watches, he was certainly familiar with the Rolex brand.

Rolex watches were a frequent mention in films and novels.

While Wu Ge wasn't an expert on Rolex watches, he had certainly heard of them.

"A Rolex watch must be worth at least eight million yuan!"

For an ordinary guy like him, such a watch was untouchable.

Wu Ge did his utmost to contain his excitement.

The reward nearly gave him a heart attack.

Seeing Wu Ge's strained attempt to hold back a smile, the man thought his watch must be so valuable that it was the reason for Wu Ge's joy.

He completely ignored his girlfriend.

Instead, he scornfully taunted Wu Ge.

"Are you really that thrilled over a crappy watch?"

Wu Ge glanced at the man, preferring to remain silent.

The man before him was practically a godsend. A watch valued at over eight million yuan—if Wu Ge had to collect trash, how long would he have to scavenge to come across something like that?

Before even deciding to accept the reward, Wu Ge grinned at the man and said,

"Do you have anything else you don't want? Just throw it my way. I don't usually come across items like these."

The man was taken aback by Wu Ge's brazen request and sneered in response.

"I got a new phone today, so you can have my old one. Here, catch!"

He fished out a phone that looked brand new from his pocket and tossed it onto the ground, smashing the screen.

Wu Ge recognized it as a latest model and couldn't fathom why the man would discard it.

Moreover, this model wasn't cheap.

It was pristine when he pulled it out, only to be deliberately damaged.

Wu Ge's eyes sparkled as he eagerly scooped up the phone.

It was a significant upgrade from his own battered phone, which he promptly stuffed into his bag.

The system alert chimed, "Ding! You have picked up a phone. Reward: 700,000 yuan!"

At the sound of the alert, Wu Ge's mind was abuzz.

He then fixed his intense gaze on the man once more.

"Hey buddy, help me out. If you've got anything you don't want, just toss it my way."

The man's sneering face froze once again.

But he had nothing left to throw.

Resolute, the man pulled out a stack of yuan and tossed it onto the table.

"Look, I've got money, cash! These are all fresh bills, worth at least a few thousand. I don't need them anymore. They're yours if you pick them up."

For the average person collecting scraps, cash was far more valuable than any discarded item.

In this instance, the man was trying to show off big time!

At that moment, everyone in the restaurant had their eyes fixed on Wu Ge and the man. The man had assumed Wu Ge would eagerly collect all the money on the table, giving him another chance to mock him.

But who would have guessed that Wu Ge would look at the stack of money and feel nothing but disappointment?

"Money? That's all you have? I'd even take a thrown wine bottle over this."

Wu Ge's face showed his letdown as he casually flipped through the money, treating it with utter disregard. To him, the money wasn't trash, and tossing it didn't make it so.

Without being considered trash, the system wouldn't offer a reward. What good was it to him?

Even if it was quicker than collecting cans, picking up a watch would be worth far more than this cash.

Still, it was something that had been given to him.

Wu Ge acted as if he had just found the least valuable piece of garbage.

The man was infuriated by Wu Ge's reaction.

"You don't want the cash? Do you know how long you'd have to collect trash to equal this amount?"

Wu Ge simply smiled and responded calmly.

"To me, these bills are less valuable than scrap!"

He was telling the absolute truth.

But even scrap needs to be sorted.

For items like plastic bottles or cans, it would take dozens to match the value of these bills.

The man lashed out in anger.

"Are you out of your mind? You refuse money? Waiter! How can you let a garbage collector in here? What kind of establishment are you running?"

Wu Ge replied coolly.

"Why shouldn't someone who collects trash be allowed to dine here?"

"Ugh, you're nothing but a filthy scavenger, and you dare to dine here? Waiter, his presence is ruining my appetite. Please remove him!"

"So, you're implying that only the wealthy can eat here, is that it?" the man sneered.

"Ugh, are you trying to claim you have money? Besides the few thousand I gave you, what else do you have, you scavenger?"

Wu Ge let out a cold laugh and reached into his sack.

A Rolex watch materialized in his hand as if by magic.

If having capital was the question...

Wu Ge figured this man had enough capital to carelessly toss around a few thousand bills.

But even considering all of his assets, they probably didn't amount to the value of this Rolex watch.

Wu Ge slipped the Rolex onto his wrist and gave it a little shake.

"Hey, buddy, take a look—I've got a watch too. It's not lacking compared to your measly few thousand!"

The man retorted with a scornful laugh.

"Pfft, isn't that just the lousy watch I discarded earlier?"

No sooner had he spoken than someone nearby chimed in.

"The watch he's wearing isn't the one you threw away. Take a good look!"

The crowd around them focused their attention, and upon closer inspection, they realized that Wu Ge's watch was indeed not the discarded one.

The man felt as if he'd been slapped in the face, his voice filled with resentment.

"A lousy watch can't be better than mine!"

Right after he spoke, someone approached Wu Ge and requested,

"May I have a closer look at your watch?"

"Be my guest," Wu Ge replied with an easy smile.

The man scrutinized the watch, and his face transformed with astonishment. "My goodness, this is a Rolex with diamonds and gold!"

Wu Ge was mildly taken aback; the man clearly had an eye for value.

"So what if it's a Rolex... Wait... What did you say?"

As whispers of 'Rolex' circulated among the bystanders, the man doubted his ears and questioned again.

The watch admirer then taunted the man.

"Do you realize how much this watch is worth?"

The man's complexion soured.

"This Rolex is easily worth upwards of eight million. Your trashy watch doesn't even compare!"

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